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"God, that two-timing slut!" Dally was almost shouting at this point. He was pacing the length of my room, motioning precariously with his cig and ranting about Silvia's latest endeavors.

"Man, I don't know why you keep going back to her," I took a drag of my cig. I'd had a crush on Dally for about two years now, but Silvia has always been in the way. And the fact that he was probably straight. Well, course he was straight. Hell, I woulda thought I was straight if I didn't know otherwise.

"Man I just...need someone that'll fuckin stay," Dally ran a hand through his hair as he sat down on my bed, leaning against the wall. "Haha sorry man, I probably sound like a fucking pussy,"

"Nah man it's okay" I scooted back, leaning against the wall as well. 

I put my arm around his shoulder, rubbing it slightly. That's when I noticed the tears sliding down his cheeks, the lines they left behind shining in the golden light. I unconsciously wiped a  tear from his face. 

He flinches away from my touch, quickly wiping away the rest of his tears with a sniff. He looked at me, trying to read me, I assume. Then he turned and took a puff of his cig.

"Sorry man..I should leave," He said, not looking at me. He slides off my bed and starts walking to the door.

"Wait," I say as he walks to the door. He turns to me but quickly looks down at the ground. "You don't have to go."

Dally hesitantly walked back to my bed and awkwardly sat down next to me. He picked at his nails, looking down at my messy floor. I take his hand in mine, to stop him from hurting himself.  He looks up at me, confused, but doesn't pull his hand away.

I lean my head against the wall and started. "Dally, I've always know Silvia wasn't good enough for you.  All the times I've seen you blacked out in the gutter, crying over her. It made my blood boil. " I looked at him, mentally preparing myself to say what I wanted to.

"Dallas, you deserve so much better, and even though, I might not be exactly what you do deserve, but will you go on a date with me?" I slightly looked at him, preparing for a punch in the face any second now. But there wasn't any.

Dally looked dumbfounded. There was a slight blush that tinted his cheeks, but his expression quickly changed into a scowl.

"God, Tim that's not funny!" He said, pulling his hand away and crossing his arms. 

"I'm not joking," I say, turning my head to fully look at him. 

"Prove it," He says nonchalantly but with a challenge in your voice. 

"Okay," I say confidently. 

I take his hand and put it on my chest, over my heart so he can see what just being near him does to me. I hear him gasp lightly and remove my hand, giving him the option to put down his hand.

He doesn't. He looks at his hand, probably amazed at how fast my heart was beating. Suddenly, he grabs my shirt and pulls me into a kiss. It was a heated, passionate kiss. Almost two years of crushing on him going into it. 

Once we pulled away, I looked at his frazzled expression. Even though he initiated it, I guess he didn't expect me to be so...receptive? I think that's the word for it. I smirk, remembering he still hasn't answered my question.

"So is that a yes?" I ask teasingly.

"What the hell, sure" He asked, pulling me into another kiss.

Outsiders Oneshots {mostly angst]Where stories live. Discover now