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Dally's POV

I stroll over to the Curtis house, coming back from The Dingo with the smell of alcohol clinging to my jacket. I open up the screen door and look around the place, cigarettes and magazines littering the place.

I look for Darry since he is supposed to get off work at about this time. I check around the house, going in every room to make sure he wasn't cleaning up in some random part of the house.

I finally check outside, jogging down the stairs and heading out the screen door in the back. That's when I see him.

Holy fuck

He was shirtless and sweat dripped off his sculptured muscles. From my spot behind the screen, I could see his biceps flex as he lifted up weights. He looked so focused on his exercise, he didn't even notice me.

I started to open the door and the creaking caused Darry's head to shoot up. He looked me up and down, causing heat to spread throughout my body.

"Heya Dal, whatcha doing here?" He said with a lazy smile, putting his weights down. "Woah getting a little excited there?" His smile changing to one more mischievous. He looked down at my pants and what was underneath.

Before I could respond, he laid back on the table that he'd fashioned into a bench press machine. He'd used a free table he found on the side of the road and scrap metal from the DTX to make a shelf for the weight.

"Do you need a spotter?" I asked slyly. I came up behind him, my hard-one directly by his right cheek. He looked to the side, seeing my situation and a crimson tint spread throughout his cheeks.

"What do you think you're doing Dally?" He said, putting the weight back. Then he started to stroke me, "You want something, babe?"

I whimpered at the slightest touch, nodding my head quickly. I let out a small whine as he suddenly pulled his hand away. 

"Well, you're gonna have to wait till tomorrow. I have to finish my workout, then I got to shower, then go see Soda and Steve at the DX, and then I have to make dinner for everyone." He listed the tremendous amount of things we had to do before we'd be able to have a good time.

I looked at him, disappointment and annoyance bubbling up inside of me. I needed to fix this, but I had no clue how to convince Darry of dropping his responsibilities.

Then, an idea wormed its way into my head.

3rd person's POV

Dally wasn't someone who always needed attention. But when he wanted it, he knew just the way to get it.

"Fine, I'll work out with you," Dally said


He took off his shirt and grabbing a water bottle, "accidentally" spilling it down his chest. He heard Darry huff and he turned around, winking at him.

"Aren't you supposed to be focusing?" He said mischievously, looking at Darry's own tightening pants.

Darry looked at him, annoyed at the games that Dally was playing. Having said that, he was quite hard now. All because of Dally. 

He kept his cool until Dally started doing squats right in front of him, almost shoving his ass in his face.

Darry gets up and pins Dally to the house, using one hand to keep Dally's hands above his head. "Dal, if you keep this up, you're gonna get it."

Darry hoped it would keep Dal from doing anything else, but when he turns his back, Dal starts to moan. Darry quickly turns his head and sees Dally's hand in his pants.

He walked up to Dal, putting a hand around his neck. Dallas smirked, his plan coming together. "You're not gonna stop, are you? Okay, we'll see who's gonna be laughing in the end."

He pressed his lips against Dal's, grabbing his ass. Dally's hands were stroking Darry's exposed chest, feeling his muscles. Darry swiped his tongue against Dal's bottom lip, causing him to open his mouth.

"Jump" Darry whispered in his ear, chills racing down Dally's spine. He jumped up at wrapped around his waist. He resumed their making out, battling with Darry's tongue.

Darry carried them all the way to his room, throwing him on the bed and getting him out of his pants. He got on the bed with him, then got on his knees, the bulge in his pants right in dally's face.

"Come on babe, you know what to do," He said smoothly, running a finger down Dal's jaw, which made him look up into Darry's grayish-blue eyes.

 Dal swirled his tongue around the tip and lightly sucked on it, before taking it all in. He gagged a few times, but only because of how big Darry was.

"Dal, get on all fours," Darry said, pushing him off slightly. Dally did as told, stripping himself off his underwear while doing it. 

Damn, his ass is so good, Darry thought, squeezing his ass. He grabbed the lube off his desk and put some on his fingers. He slipped two up Dally's ass. 

He was basically pounding 3 fingers and he looked up at Dally. His hair was a mess and he was clenching the sheets. "Darry, please, please, just put it in."

He stuck it in, thrusting in slowly. He heard Dally moan, low and needily. Darry loved how he took his cock, the tightness, and the warmth.

But no matter how angry or horny or frustrated Darry was, he always made sure that his boy was okay.

"Are you okay baby? Is it too much? Can I move?"

And always he'd get the same answer.

"Please fucking move. God, Dar please I need you," 

He started pounding into him, doggy style, making Dally moan with every thrust. Every few thrusts Darry smacked his ass, making it red as a tomato.

After about two minutes, Darry flipped him over. He loved how he made Dally unravel. Darry started leaving hickys on his skin, moans flowing out of Dally's mouth.

Darry started fucking him again and hard. Which made him a moaning mess. He pinned him to the bed and pounded into him, the sound of their skin slapping against each other and their moans filled the room.

"I'm-i'm gonna cum," Dally moaned.

"Oh just from my cock, baby boy?"

Dally screams as he comes and buries his head into the pillows. He looked back at Darry as he came after a few thrusts. They fell back on the bed, sweaty and tired.

"Whew, I needed that," Darry said, wrapping his arms around Dally. 

"Hah, I told you," Dally said, giving him a small kiss and cuddling up to him.

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