CRABGRASS [Jallyboy]

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A/N: here you horny imps. This is my first time writing poly smut (with these requests I'm writing a LOT of smut bro)
Also thanks emiliossimp for writing most of this ahahah

Johnny, Dallas, and Ponyboy were all at Buck's bar. They each had a drink and were all standing off to the side. Pony and Johnny were talking quietly to each other while Dallas looked around for Tim.

"Hey kids, I'm gonna go ask Buck if Tim's 'ere or not. Savvy?" Dallas looked at his younger boyfriends and they nodded back. Dallas walked up to the bar and sat on a barstool.

"Ay, Buck!" Dallas shouted over the loud music playing

"Yeah? oh, Dally, what's up?" Buck replied setting down a glass and throwing his towel over his shoulder. 

 "You seen Tim?" Dallas set his beer down and pulled out a cigarette. 

 "Nah, haven't seen him 'round 'ere in a while. Why? Pony and Johnny not doing enough for you?" Buck smirked and picked Dallas's beer up and refilled it. Dallas scowled at Buck, 

"No stupid, he owes me money.." Dallas picked his newly filled beer back up and took a sip. 

 "Ah.. yeah, yeah sure." 

 "you son of a bi-" Dallas was cut off by a tug on his shirt and a soft voice speaking at him. 

 "Dally?" it was Johnny, with Ponyboy a little farther behind him. "Can we go upstairs, Dally? It's gettin' real loud and Pony and I are gettin tired.." 

Dallas sighed, "Yeah sure. Go on up, I'll be up in a second.." 

 "Okay," Johnny smiled at his older boyfriend and grabbed Pony's hand, pulling him upstairs. Dallas chugged the rest of his beer and then turned back to Buck. He gave him a sour look and then placed his glass down, 

"You send someone up if he comes in. Yeah?" Buck rolled his eyes but agreed nonetheless, 

"Sure Dal.." 

 "Thanks," Dallas then walked up the stairs and pushed the door to his room open. Dallas was greeted with the sight of his two boyfriends cuddled up on his bed, giving each other a kiss every few seconds. 

Dallas stood in the door for a minute or two before walking over and sitting down beside them. He slipped his shirt and shoes off before rubbing his hands down his face and letting out a tired sigh. 

 "You okay Dally?" Pony asked, sitting up with Johnny.

"Yeah, just Buck makin a dumb joke, it's fine," Dally let his hands drop, though he was pissed about the "joke".

"What'd he say?" Johnny asked, scooching over to sit next to Dallas.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it," Dally said reassuringly, gently bringing his hand to the nape of Johnny's neck and playing with the hair there.

"Was it" Pony asked, the cogs in his brain turning, trying to think of why Dally would avoid telling them.

"What? What makes you say that?" Dally turned around slightly to look at Pony, who moved up so he was in line with the other two.

"Well, you wouldn't avoid telling us something unless you thought it would hurt us," Pony explained, heading light to his thought process. "And the only thing that would hurt us would be something about us.

"God Pony, you are too smart for your own good," Dally said, making a blush rise to Pony's cheek. Dally put a hand on his thigh, slowly moving upwards, making his blush deepen.

"Dally, you didn't answer the question," Pony said, his breathing starting to grow heavy as Dally made his way to the tent that was slowly growing in his jeans. 

Dallas sighed again, not wanting the mood to be ruined. But with how stubborn Pony was, he didn't expect to leave before answering.

"It was, but not anything too bad, just him implyin that you guys weren't doin enough for me. It's whatever," Dally said quickly, hoping they could get back to the action.

"Oh, okay..." Pony said, internalizing the words and overthinking them.

"Hey, let's forget about him," Dallas, slipped his hand under Pony's chin, tilting up and kissing him.

It only lasted a few seconds before Dally pulled away, looking over to Johnny. He shyly looked away, only for Dally to gently guide his chin to face him and kissed him.

In the process, he maneuvered Johnny so that he was sitting on his lap, hands clutching at his waist. Dally let one hand go over Johnny's waist and placed it back on Pony's thigh, sliding it up faster and plaming Pony through his jeans. 

"Fuck, I gotta get these pants off," Dally grunted and Johnny slides off him with ease, sliding down to his knees in front of him. 

Johnny undid his pants as started to kiss his dick through his underwear. Dally grabbed his hair as Johnny slipped a finger under his underwear and wrapped his lips around Dally's dick. 

Johnny's work sucking him had Dally falling apart, moaning and all. Pony, not one apt for waiting, shut him up with his own lips, sliding his tongue in and fighting for dominance in Dally's mouth.

Dally pulled Johnny off of him by the hair as he felt himself about to cum, Pony sliding down next to him and kissing lustfully, unzipping his pants and stroking him gently.

"Y'all need to get up here," Dally growled, looking down at the two with lust-filled eyes.

They both crawled onto the bed, Johnny continuing to make out with Pony. Dally started to stroke Pony, his moans coming out loudly even though Johnny's mouth was on his.

Dally pulled down Johnny's jeans and underwear in one swift movment. He grabbed the lube of his bedside and lathered his fingers in it.

He circled Johnny's hole before sticking a finger in. He moaned loudly into Johnny's mouth and Dally could see him tightly grip the blanket.

Once he'd gotten three fingers in Johnny, he took out the real thing. He stroked it slowly, making him go from a semi to fully hard.

"You ready babyboy?" He whispered in Johnny's ear, before nibbling on in, making Johnny squel. He nodded his head fiercely as Dally moved away to line himself up.

He pushed him self in, living for the noises that Johnny made when he entered him.

Johnny's lips found Pony and they started to make out as Dally was fucking him. The site in front of him was almost too much to handle. 

His face was a look of lust, his eyebrows twisted upwards in pleasure. His fingers tightened on Dally's bicep as he thrust into him, pounding into him at incredible speed.

Johnny let go of one of his arms and stroked Pony's hard on, elicited some of the hottest sounds that Dally's ever head.

Even though they'd been dating for almost a year and had sex countless times, every time always amazed Dally.

After a few more thrusts, he came, riding out his high and not even noticing the other two come. He shakily pulled out of Pony, tying the condom and tossing it in the trash.

He laid down, the other two coming over and snuggling up to him. They hadn't had a lot of time together, with Pony figuring ouy college and all that, making it better.

"God that was great you two," Dally looked at the boys cuddled next to him, only to realize that their breaths were even and they'd fallen fast asleep. He smiled to himself, just happy to be with them.


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