Drop from Our Windows [DARLY]

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I know that Darry would be waiting for me. I strolled through the neighborhood to his house, but when I saw the golden glow of his lamp shining out of his window, I got anxious.

What was he doing up this late? I thought, picking at the skin around my nails. He's probably doing something, you should leave, the voice in my head said.

I ignored it and walked over anyway, tapping on the glass. I saw Darry on the bed, sitting on the edge with his back to the window.

When he heard my tap, he turned and jumped to the window. He opened it and practically pulled me in with a bear hug. He sat me down on his bed and looked at me, concerned.

"Dally, where have you been?" He asked, shutting the window quickly before returning to hug me. He pulled away from me and examined my face. which I knew would look wrecked from my dad's punches. "What happened?"

"It's nothing, just my old man," I shrugged, though the motion hurt.

"O-kay, well are you alright?" He slowly caressed his arms, making me feel more relaxed, though the bruises on my arms were sore under his hands.

"Yeah, yeah I just want to go to bed," I said tiredly, gazing at Darry's bed longingly.

"Alright, c'mere," He flipped off the light and laid down in the bed, arms open for me. I slipped into his arms, comforted by the weight on him.

His grip on me was tight, tight enough to press the bruises littering my side. The pain made me wince and it elicited a small whimper.

"Dal, are you alright?" Panic evident in his voice. I knew he'd never want to hurt me, so it made sense why he'd be so concerned.

He let go of my waist, which felt better, but the fear of him finding out the extent of the beatings for my dad overruled that relief.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just beat from working out," I said, lying through my teeth. I never like to lie to Darry but it was for his own good. He would freak if he knew.

He wrapped his arms around me, but still, the cuts and the bruises stung when he touched me. I winced again, and an involuntary grunt left my lips. He sat up and started to lift up my shirt, but my hands shot down to stop him.

"Dally, let me see what's wrong," He said. I could see from the moonlight shining through the window that his eyebrows were knotted in concern and his lips a taunt line.

I sat up too, scooted against the headboard, and curled up with my knees against my chest. I didn't want Darry to see any part of me. He looked at me, his piercing blue eyes burrowing deep into my soul.

I felt the bed creek as crawled over to me, sitting down right in front of me.

"Please Dal, I need to know if you're hurt," He said, the tone shocking me. He only used that when Ponyboy was hurt.

I looked up at him, his dark brown eyes looking like endless pools of worry. Fuck it, I thought and lowered my legs raking off my shirt slowly. When he saw my wound-ridden chest, he gasped.

"Jesus Dally," He said quietly, almost to himself. I looked away, embarrassed. "What happened?"

I grabbed the sheets, the emotions becoming too intense for me. A few tears slipped from my eyes as I remembered what happened earlier.

My breath increased, starting to hyperventilate. I slowly started to bring my legs back up to my chest, only stopping when Darry put a hand on my knee.

"Baby, I need you to breathe, just breathe." He squeezed my hand lightly, bring my all my focus to on him.

My breath started to return to normal and I relaxed my grip on the sheet.

"It was just my dad," I said shakily, my arms coming to cover my chest.

"Oh God Dally," He softly caressed my cheek and I could see the gears in his brain working away. "You're not going back."

"What?" I asked him, wondering if he really meant it. "What'd you mean?"

"We're going there tomorrow, we'll take all your stuff, and bring in here," He said matter-of-factly.

"Darry, it's fine, if I do anything it'll only get worse. I don't want you to worry." I said regretfully. I wanted to move in with him, but every time I fought back against my father, it always blew up in my face.

"Honey, I'm already worried. It's only going to get worse if you stay there and the last thing I want is for you to get hurt more," He said sincerely, his hands stopping at my shoulders.

"You don't get it Darry, I'll just be dead weight around here," I rested my head on his broad shoulder as I muttered my rebuttal.

"Baby, look at me," I lifted my head back and saw his face set with seriousness. "I don't know what your dad told you all your life, but you're not dead weight. You matter. Especially to me."

"You know what? Fuck it." I tried to shake off all the guilt and anxiety that the thought of moving in with Darry.

"Okay, let's fix you up then," He left the room, coming back shortly with a first-aid kit.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Darry asked as he cleaned my stomach cuts.

"I just like you," I responded, bringing my head down to kiss him softly. He gently caressed my face and when we pulled away, a soft smile around his lips.

"Alright baby, I'm almost done," He went back to cleaning the wounds. He was being as gentle as he could, though it still hurt.

Once he was done, we were finally able to cuddle like I'd originally wanted. My stomach was still sore, but the light grip that Darry had on my waist was pleasant, comforting even.

Maybe everything would be alright.


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