Close Face [Stevepop]

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A/N: Okay so all my stories (unless specified otherwise) are in an AU where Johnny and Dally never died. Anyhow, hope you like the story!
Cw: Major Canon divergence :>

"Hey buddy, it's all right, she's only one girl," Steve rubbed his hand in circles on Soda's back. Sandy had just sent back his letter and he'd been in pieces ever since. 

Soda had gone outside for a "smoke break" but when that break started to stretch, Steve knew he had to check on him. He knew he'd be upset, but not this bad. He was clutching on the letter like it was a life raft.

"But she was my girl," Soda's voice broke as he lamented. It was the only auditory clue that Soda was breaking down, his tears streaking down his face silently. 

Steve had been through a lot of Soda's break-ups, comforting him after having his heartbroken yet again. Steve was always there for Soda and always will be. But that was just as a friend.

"Soda," Steve grabbed Soda's shoulders, effectively turning him. Steve cupped his hands around Soda's cheeks, wiping away the onslaught of tears coming out of his eyes. 

"You deserve much better than this stuck-up broad who couldn't give even you a damn response. You're too good for her, man." Steve let go of his face and took a drag of his cigarette. "Plus, there are plenty of good-looking numbers around here."

"Yeah but they're not her," He sobbed and I sighed, realizing how much this affected him.

Any of the other guys could just move on to a new girl every week. But not Soda. He was hit on a lot, but Soda was truly in love with Sandy and it hurt seeing him so broken up about it.

"Hey, buddy, it's gonna be okay," Steve said softly, putting a hand on his back and formulating a plan to make him feel a little bit better.

"How about you come over to my place after work? We could rent a movie or something, eat some junk," Steve said, looking at his watch quickly before looking back at his teary eyes.

"Sure, sure, I just gotta check with Dar," Soda stood up abruptly, wiping off the imaginary dirt on his pants. "Let's get back to work,"

Soda sticks out a hand, helping Steve up. They walked back into the shop that was fortunately empty.

The rest of the day was slow, but Soda was still distracted from the customers that did wander in. The pain of Sandy breaking up with him, or well not even giving him the mercy of a proper response could break him in two.

Soda looked back at the clock for what seemed like the 100th time of the day and it finally showed what he wanted. There was slight excitement in his depressed state, getting to hang out with his best friend.

He arrived at 8:00 pm sharp, since they didn't have work tomorrow, they could stay up as long as they wanted. Soda clomped up the stairs, glad Steve's parents weren't her to hear and see how bad his mood and attitude were.

Steve watched his best friend, his dark mood lightening at the jokes, both from the movie and the comments Steve made. It was perfect, except for Soda's undescribable, need to put his hand on Soda thigh. So he did.

Steve felt the brush of Soda's denim pants as he coyly placed his hand on the younger man's thigh.

"Is this...okay?" Steve said, noticing how flush that was spreading across Soda's face.

"Uh yeah yeah," He clears his throat, shifting uncomfortably. Soda was always terrible at lying, especially since his body language constantly gave him away.

Steve slowly moved his hand, like an addict from a drug. He mentally threw in the towel on his fight for Soda to like him until he felt a hand on his.

"No, it." Soda sheepishly responded, putting Steve's hand back on his thigh. "I,"

Steve's mind came to a complete stop but it didn't take long before the dout set in. Soda couldn't possibly like that. He loved women, he never stopped talking about em! So how could he settle for someone like Steve?

"No you dont," Steve finally said, his mind coming to the conclusion that was most reasonable to him.

"What do you mean?" Soda's heart crumbled aa he stared at Steve, wondering what could possibly make him think he was lying...or even worse, joking.

"You like women, Soda, your only saying you like me because Sandy broke up with you." Steve explained, feeling tears prick his eyes as he watched Soda's face crumble.

"No!" Steve almost shouted, jumping up and turning to look at Steve. "No, Steve you don't understand...I like girls and guys, especially you!" He spoke that quieter, but still practically shouting.

It was a sudden movement, Steve practically leaping of the bed, grabbing Soda's neck as their lips collided. It was messy, since Steve wasn't all that experience, at least not as much as Soda was, but they loved it nonetheless.

Steve leaned back slightly, his vision blurred as he and Soda were still connected at the forehead. He could see Soda's devilish grin at the bottom of his vision, Soda's eyes merging as he stared at him.

"I think I like you too Sodapop Curtis,"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2022 ⏰

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