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Hogwarts. My home. My real home. The hills were a gorgeous green and I could smell the freshly baked treats of the trolley as it was pushed through the train. I sat in the cabin, alone. I twirled my wand in my fingers and thought about life after Hogwarts.

"There she is!" I looked up and saw James standing in front of me. I smiled. "Here I am." I said sarcastically. "Bloody Hell Mal, we've been looking for you since the train left." James said.

He sat down next to me and Sirius and Peter filed in after him sitting down too. "Hello boys, miss me?" I asked. Sirius chuckled. "It was a dreadful summer without you," he said. "Peter?" I said. "Yeah, yeah, you were missed." he mumbled. I smirked. "Of course I was. You all love me." I said. "Speaking of, where's Moony? Lover boy probably needs a bit of special attention after a whole summer apart." James said winking at me. I rolled my eyes. "You're vile. And I thought he was with you guys." I said. "We thought he was with you." Sirius said in a worried voice. That's when I felt the pit in my stomach. Ever since 6 year, things have been darker in the wizarding world. And Hogwarts is no different. The Slytherins especially. They have changed. It used to be just pranks and rude arguments. But their families are involved in dark magic and some certain Slytherins have been known to take it too far. Ever since then, we decided it was best to stick together. Nobody wanders off on their own and we look out for each other. The Marauders and me. They are the best friends I've ever had. Then there's Remus Lupin. He's more. I love him and he loves me. So when I heard them say they don't know where he is, and that pit in my stomach appeared, I took action. I stood up and grabbed my wand. "Let's go." I said sharply. "Huh?" Peter asked. "Remember what we said last year? Nobody goes off alone. Well as of right now, Remus might be alone and I don't trust those Slytherins." I said. They nodded and followed me out. We walked through the train looking for Remus. My heart started to pound. "Come on Moony, where are you?" I whispered to myself. I walked past the closet and the door shook just a bit. We stood in front of it and drew our wands. "Bloody Hell" James mumbled. I pulled the door open and I was instantly relieved. Remus stood in front of me. I pulled him into my arms. "Bloody hell, don't scare us like that." I said. "Yeah not cool Moony" Peter grumbled. Then I noticed he wasn't speaking. He opened his mouth but nothing came out. I pointed my wand at him. "Finite" I said and the spell ceased. "I'm going to kill those bloody Slytherins." he yelled. "What happened?" Sirius asked. Remus looked at him. "Um- I- I was walking to the bathroom and they shoved me in here and silenced me and the room. I guess they hoped I'd get stuck and end up back in London." he said. "Are you alright?" I asked. He looked at me and blushed. I smiled. "Yeah- Yeah, I'm fine." he said. "Good. We'll get them back, right boys?" I said. They nodded. Then we walked back to our cabin. "Who was it? The Slytherins." I asked. "Malfoy and the Lestrange brothers." he said. I nodded. We all talked about our summers and stuff. I held Remus's hand. Finally, we arrived back at Hogwarts. We hopped off the train and I saw that flash of red hair. "Lily!" I called out. She turned around and rushed over. We hugged tightly. "Oh my goodness! I missed you so much!" she said. "Me too! I couldn't wait to come back, how was your summer?" I asked. "Brilliant, I read this new book, it's called Beloved. You have to read it. How was your summer?" she said. "Good, I read Pride and Prejudice again." I said. She laughed. "I'll loan you my copy of Beloved. You really need to read something new." she said. I laughed and nodded. "I know." I said. Then the boys walked over. "Evans, aren't you excited to see me?" James said. I rolled my eyes and stepped back to stand next to Remus. "Here we go" I mumbled. "Not particularly," she said. He clutched his heart. "But I missed you, love. Why don't I take you out for a butterbeer?" he said. She rolled her eyes. "Piss off Potter" she snapped. Then she stormed off. I chuckled and Sirius slowly clapped. "Another one bites the dust." I said. "She'll say yes eventually." he said as we climbed into a carriage. "Will she now?" I questioned. "Yes, if I show her the right mix of dedication, and overall sex appeal, she'll cave." he said. I rolled my eyes. "James, I've said this before. When a girl says no, she means no. Asking her a hundred times is not going to change that. So please have some dignity and respect for not only Lily but yourself." I said. He scoffed. "I know she likes me." he mumbled. "Even if she does, maybe she's just not ready for a relationship yet." I said. "Yeah, just find another girl to shag." Sirius said. I rolled my eyes. "Or be patient. Show her you're respectfully willing to wait." I said. "Or just shag another girl" Sirius said again. I slapped him. "Are you serious?" I snapped. "Yes, literally that's my name." he said. I slapped him again. "Ok sorry" he said. "Just because you and Remus get it on every second, doesn't mean the rest of us do." James said. Remus looked furious and I narrowed my eyes. "At least I have a girlfriend and I can fuck her. At least I don't have to obsess over someone who has turned me down about 100 times!" Remus yelled. My eyes widened. James and Peters faces dropped. "Okay, let's all just stop talking." Sirius said. I squeezed Remus's hand. His pulse was racing. He looked at me. "It's ok, just look at me." I whispered. He nodded. Finally, the carriage rolled to a stop, James, Sirius and Peter hopped out. "Hey, I'm gonna stay with him for a sec." I whispered. Sirius nodded. "It's the full moon. It's early this year." he said. I nodded. "I know, it's in a day. He just needs a sec, we'll be right in." I said. He nodded and they walked inside. I shut the carriage door and sat back next to Remus. "I'm sorry." he mumbled. "It's alright. It's just the full moon." I said. He looked at me. I ran my finger gently over his neck and felt his pulse. It was slowing down. "There you go, just like that." I said. He smiled. "You always did know my weak spot." he said. I smirked. I grabbed his tie and pulled him closer to me. "Yes, I did." I whispered. I pressed my lips onto his and he pulled me closer to him. I felt his hands roam my body and I straddled his hips. His breath increased to pants as I grinded on his hips. I could feel him getting hard. "Fuck Mal, just like that." he said. His hands cupped my breasts and I moaned softly. His hands ran up my thighs softly and under my skirt. Suddenly the door opened. "Oh bloody hell, really?" Peter said. I jumped off Remus and adjusted myself. He covered his erection with his robes. "They said Peter go find Remus and Mal, they are going to miss the food" he mocked. "Sorry Peter." I said. "Mhmm, let's just go," he said. Remus and I laughed as I helped me out of the carriage. This year is off to a good start.

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