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Remus, Peter and I sat down at the feast and the food looked amazing. "Finally, what took you all so long?" James asked. "Seems these two were hungry for something else." Peter grumbled. Our cheeks turned red. "Told you." James said. "Yeah alright, here you go." Sirius said handing James one sickle. "Please tell me you two don't have a bet on our sex life." I said. Peter chuckled. "Oh great, just great. Don't you have shagging of your own to do Mr. I'm Sirius Black, ladies man" Remus said. "Yes, as a matter of fact I do. But that's beside the point." he said. " I said that you two would do it on the first night, Sirius said you would wait until the weekend." James said. "You are so childish." I said. "Oh Mallory, sweet sweet Mallory, I told you Remus would need some special treatment after a summer apart." James teased. I threw a roll at him. "Shut up or I'll shut you up." I snapped. He smirked. Then the feast ended and we began to walk to our dorms. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Loony Lupin, and his band of idiots." We all turned around and saw Lucius Malfoy, Rabastan Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange and... "Regulus?" Sirius said. He never really hangs out with these guys. He just looked away. "He's with us now. Smart, unlike you." Lucius said. "More like Pathetic" I snapped. "Ah the girl, how's the boyfriend? I'm surprised to see you Loony Lupin." Rodophus said. "Yeah, I'm sure. Turns out you aren't as smart as you thought." he said. "If you ever pull a stunt like that again, I'll lock you in a closet and throw you in the Black Lake." I spat. Rabastan walked up to me and he towered over me. "You know normally I would never fuck a Half-Blood, but you really filled out over the summer and the look on your boy bands faces right now would be worth it." he whispered to me. A chill went down my spine, and my skin crawled. "Over my dead body." I said. He smirked. "That's another option." he said casually. "Get away from her." Remus said pushing him back. I felt Peter grab my arm and pull me behind them. "Don't worry Loony, we can share right guys?" Lucius said. "If you even look at her, I will rip you to shreds." Remus said. "Oh really? I'd love to see you-" he started. Then Remus launched at him. He tackled Rabastan to the ground and punched him across the face. "Moony stop!" James yelled. He and Sirius tried to pull him off but Lucius pointed his wand. Petrificus Totalus" he said. Sirius and James went stiff. Remus was now pinned down by the boy but he was fighting like hell. Lucius kicked him in the ribs and he coughed. "Let him go!" I screamed. Peter's arms were wrapped around my waist holding me back. "Let him go!" I yelled again. I broke free and pulled my wand and pointed it at them. "Let him go, or I'll hex you into next week." I said digging my wand and dug it into the back of Lucius's neck. His hands raised and he let go. Then the rest of them followed. Remus stood up quickly and grabbed his wand. "Finite," he said. Sirius and James stood up too. "Next time, I use this wand. Stay away from us, all of us." I said. "This isn't over!" Lucius called out as we walked away. Then we slipped into the Gryffindor room. My hands were shaking and I sat on the chair. I could hear the boys laughing and cheering. They jumped around, high fiving each other. I couldn't get Rabastan's voice out of my head. "Fuck a Half-Blood," "Filled out over the summer" "Look on your boy bands faces right now would be worth it." It created this pit of dread in my stomach that wouldn't go away. The next thing I knew Remus was knelt in front of me. He lifted my chin to face him. "What's wrong?" he asked. I shook my head. "Nothing, it's just- nothing." I said. He took my hand and led me up the stairs. "Moony? Where are you guys going?" Sirius said. James punched his arm. "They're obviously going to shag you. Have fun love birds" he said. Remus just scoffed and I rolled my eyes. We walked to my dorm and I opened the door. Lily sat on the bed. "Hey Mal! I put the book on your nightstand." she said. "Thanks Lily," I said, giving her a small smile. "Are you ok? You seem a bit off" she said. "Yeah, hey if you don't mind Lily, I need to talk to her for a second. Could we have the room? It won't be long." Remus said. She nodded. "Of course, I'll be in the common room." she said. "James is there." I called after her. She groaned. "I'll be in the library then." she said. She shut the door and Remus and I sat on my bed. "Talk to me Mal." he said. "I'm fine." I lied. He looked at me. "Remember last year, when I asked you to be my girlfriend?" he asked. I nodded. "Do you remember when you found out about my condition?" he asked. I nodded. "Do you remember what you did?" he asked. "Yes." I said. "You showed me your scars." he said. I nodded. "That's how I knew. That I loved you. That's how I was sure." he said. I smiled. "I trust you more than anyone. And you trust me. So tell me what's bothering you." he said. "The Slytherins." I said. "Oh" he said quietly. "Rabastan said something, something I can't shake." I said. "What was it?" he asked. "It's probably nothing. I'll be fine." I said. "Just tell me." he said. "I can't remember." I lied. "Really? Is that it? Or is it you think I'll lose control because it's so close to the full moon?" he snapped. "No Remus it's not-" I started. He stood up. "I don't need you to take care of me. I can handle myself." he said. His voice was raised. I could see his face was flushed and red. He was angry. "Please just calm down Remus. It's the full moon, this is why-" I started. "I'm losing control? Is that it? Are you scared Mallory? Do you think I would hurt you?" he screamed. I was scared. I knew this wasn't Remus but the full moon. He couldn't control himself. "Please Remus stop-" I said quietly. "Are you scared? Scared of the big bad werewolf?" he yelled. I was backed up against the wall as he screamed. "No- I'm not scared. I know this isn't you. Let's just go to Madame Pomfrey please-" I said. "Why? Am I loony Lupin? Is that it? Maybe you should be scared? Maybe I am losing control?" he screamed. "Remus, stop, you are- you're scaring me." I said. He's never gotten this bad. Never. I was actually scared. "Are you scared of me? Are you scared I'm going to rip your throat out or tear you to pieces with my claws?" he screamed. He towered over me. "Remus, look at me. This isn't you. Please just- Stop this" I said, my voice quivering. "What the fuck do you know? You are scared, I can tell. I can hear your heartbeat. I can smell your blood." he said. His body was inches from mine. I was trapped between his arms. "Look at me." he said darkly. I shut my eyes. "Not until you calm down." I said. He punched the wall and I flinched. "Look at me!" he screamed. And suddenly he was ripped away from me. I exhaled a shaky breath. I didn't know I had. That wasn't Remus. It wasn't him. It was the wolf inside him. Not Remus, I told myself.

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