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"Oh shit" I turned around right as Mallory slapped Sirius across the face. James, Peter and I ran over. "What the hell Mal?" James exclaimed. "Why don't you ask him? According to Sirius, I'm a slut." Mallory said. "Sirius, what the fuck?" I yelled. "I'm sick of her bullshit. She's not even a Marauder." he spat. Everyone froze. I knew how often Mallory felt like an outcast. Even with us, sometimes she felt like she didn't belong. I told the guys. They all said that just because she's not on the map doesn't make her any less of a Marauder. Mallory's eyes watered and I could tell she was fighting back tears. I glared at Sirius. This wasn't the guy I- Nevermind.  "I didn't mean it, she just-" he started. "Nevermind." she said as she handed Peter her drink. "Enjoy the party. I'm done." she said then she stormed off. "Not cool Sirius" I said then I chased after her.  "You can't go by yourself. Just wait a bit longer, we'll all leave soon." I said, trying to convince her. She pulled away. I could see the hurt on her face. "No, it's like he said, I'm not even a marauder. Enjoy yourselves." she said and she disappeared into the crowd. I walked back over to my friends. "Sirius, what the fuck?" I said. "I didn't mean to say it." he said. "You know how she feels about us. I would have thought you of all people would understand how it feels to be an outcast." I said. He looked just as hurt as Mallory. "I think we should all stop before we say something we can't take back." James said. "He already did." I said. "I'm sorry." Sirius said. "You shouldn't be apologizing to me. Apologize to Mal." I said. "I will." he said. I nodded. "She'll forgive you. Not because she should but because that's the kind of person she is. You're lucky." I said. "I think we can all agree Mal is great, now you two shake hands." he said. I rolled my eyes and Sirius scoffed. "You two know the rules. A fight ends in a handshake. Always" Peter said. We shook hands and I felt that spark I always feel. I quickly pulled my hand away and we all sat down. Eventually the party died down and we started to leave. We were walking towards the door when I heard a voice. "Sirius!" We turned around and Regulus was running towards us. "What do you want Regulus? Shouldn't you be with Snivellus?" Sirius said. "I tried to tell them not to. I told them to leave her alone. I swear. They wouldn't. They said that she deserves what she is getting. I'm sorry." he said frantically. "Wait, what? Slow down. You aren't making any sense." Sirius said. "Lucius, Rabastan and Rodolphus. They followed Mallory. I think they are going to do something." he said out of breath. My heart stopped. "What?" I asked. He didn't say anything.

"Where is she?" James asked. "I don't know." he said. Anger surged through my veins. I grabbed his collar and slammed him against the wall. "So you know all that but you don't know where she is?" I said. "I swear I don't." Regulus said. "Bullshit. Tell us now or I swear-" I started to yell. Then I felt James' hand on my shoulder. "If he knew where she was, he would tell us. Otherwise why warn us." he said. I slammed again. "If I find out you lied and something happens to her, so help me I will rip your throat out with my teeth." I said. His eyes widened in fear. He ran away the second I let go. "The map!" Peter said. "What?" I said. "The map, it will tell us where she is." Peter said. We ran faster than ever to Gryffindor. I pulled out the map and my wand. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." I said and the ink appeared. We looked everywhere. "There," James said. He pointed to the library. I felt sick when I saw the 3 other names in there too. "We have to go, Now!" I yelled. We ran down to the library. I bumped into someone walking. "Watch it!" I looked up and saw Lily. "What are you guys doing? Better not be another prank." she said. "No, come with us. Stay behind James." I said. "What's going on?" she asked. "Mallory's in danger." is all I could say. She nodded and followed us. "Alohomora" Sirius whispered and the lock clicked. We burst through the doors and I'll never forget what I saw. Mallory, tied up, practically naked, screaming and crying. I didn't need a full moon or to fransform. The werewolf was fully in control at that moment. "I'm gonna kill you!" I screamed. James and Sirius fought off Rabastan and Lucius. I ripped Rodolphus off Mal. I just remember my fists, and bones crunching and blood. All the blood. "Moony enough!" "He's had enough" "You're gonna kill him" Sirius said as he pulled me off him. "You're going to Azkaban and you're going to die there" I yelled. They just ran out. Then I turned around. "Mal-" I said. She looked at me. She opened her mouth to speak but before she could she collapsed. I barely caught her before she hit the floor. "You can get them later, we need to take her to Madame Pomfrey," Lily said. I nodded and we ran. "Don't worry Mal, I won't let them hurt you ever again." I said.

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