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The beep of an alarm clock was never more welcomed . I was already dressed and ready. I scribbled a note to Lily and ran down to the hospital. But when I got there. I wished I hadn't.

The boys all stood around him. Madame Pomfrey was cleaning blood and pouring potions down his throat. I froze in my tracks. There were deep, dark, bloody claw marks deep in his chest. He had bruises and cuts. My eyes filled with tears. I stood in front of his bed. His eyes were closed. "Is he?" I choked out. "No, Merlin no. He's just unconscious." Sirius said. Sirius stared at Remus. I swore I saw a tear in his eye. There was a lump in my throat. "Hey Mal, it's ok. Madame Pomfrey said he'll be fine." James said. A tear fell from my cheek and I wiped it away. I sat down on his cot and held his hand. It was shredded and bruised from when the claws came out. I kissed his forehead. "Oh Moony." I whispered. "I know you all want to stay but you have lessons. I can't let you miss them." Madame Pomfrey said. I shook my head. "I'm not leaving him." I said. "Mal-" James started. I pulled them to the side where she couldn't hear us. "You guys get to be there when it happens. You take care of him then. I am going to be here now." I said. They just nodded. I went back and sat down. "Mallory dear-" she started. "I'm not leaving." I said. "Fine. Mallory, you can stay. Boys please go to your lessons. You can come back after." she said. They groaned. "Do you know when he'll wake up?" I asked. "The supermoon took a lot out of him. It was bad. He's under pain potion and sleeping draught." she said. I nodded. I sat with Remus all day. I just watched him. I watched his chest rise and fall. There were bandages covering it. "S-Si-" he groaned quietly. His eyes barely opened. "It's Mallory." I said smiling. He was waking up. My heart fluttered. "Siri- Sirius?" he said. "What?" I said. "Sirius-" he said again. "Sirius isn't here." I said. He fell back asleep. My eyes watered. Why did he want Sirius? I mean I know they're friends. Why him? Why not James, or Peter or me? As I watched him sleep, my mind kept thinking about it. And the more I thought, the more I wish I hadn't.

Finally Remus opened his eyes again. "Mallory." he said. I smiled. I had decided not to ask about earlier. He probably didn't remember and to be honest I wasn't sure I wanted to know. "I'm here." I said holding his hands. He smiled and I kissed him. "How do you feel?" I asked. "Like I got attacked by a werewolf." he said. I chuckled. "Gee, I wonder why." I said. He laughed and started to cough. I laid his head on my lap and ran my fingers through his hair. The second classes ended, the marauders ran in with their hands full of snacks. "Aw isn't this cute." James teased. "Oh sod off James" Remus said. "Ooo our boy has his sass back." he said. I noticed Remus and Sirius glance at each other as they all sat down. It seemed I noticed more and more as I paid attention. We all ate the snacks and talked. "So the party on Saturday." Sirius said. "Where is it?" Peter asked. "Room of Requirement." James said. "Brilliant. Those ones are always great." I said. "Who's going?" Remus asked. "Lily," James said excitedly. He rolled his eyes. "Anyone else or just her. " he said. "She's the only one I care about," he said. "Aww how sweet. I knew there was a soft side underneath all that male bravado." Lily said. James whipped around and he was bright red. "Why didn't you tell me she was standing behind me?" he mumbled. "And all the houses are invited but it's only year sevens." she said. "Should be fun." I said. "Yeah. Well I just wanted to come check on Remus? How are you?" she asked. "Fine, thanks Lily." he said. "No problem." she said. "I'll see you back in our dorm Mal. Bye Potter." she said and she walked off. "She said bye to me." he said. "Yes, she probably wants to marry you." I said. "Really!" he exclaimed. "No, I was being sarcastic." I said. "O" he grumbled. After a while, Madame Pomfrey kicked us all out and I went back to my dorm. I sat and read but I couldn't focus on the words. "What's wrong?" Lily asked. "What?" I said. "You haven't turned the page in like ten minutes." she said. I chuckled. "Talk to me." she said. "How do you know if two people like each other?" I asked. Her brow furrowed. "What do you mean?" she asked. "Like two guys, just hypothetically." I said. "You mean like more than friends?" she asked. I nodded. "Who?" she gasped. "I said it was hypothetical." I lied. "Oh bollocks. We both know this isn't hypothetical. Who is it?" she asked. "I don't even know if it's anything." I said. "You have my word that this won't leave this room." she said. I sighed and nodded. It's not like I can ask James or Peter. "It's Sirius." I said. "Sirius! He's gay!?" she exclaimed. "I don't know. I just see him and-" I stopped. "Who?" she asked. I shook my head. "Oh Merlin. You think Sirius and Remus..." she trailed off. I nodded. "If they are gay, then I fully support them. But it doesn't help the fact that I love Remus." I said. "Yeah." she said. "But if I really love him, then I should want him to be happy right?" I asked. "I guess, but what about you?" she said. "If he loves Sirius, it's not about me. He shouldn't stay in a relationship purely for my benefit." I said. She shrugged. "I don't want that for him." I said. She nodded. "Your good Mallory, too good for some. I don't know if some people would do the same." she said. "I don't know though. I could be misreading it. I'm going to talk to Sirius. Then if he is gay, I'll talk to Remus." I said. She nodded. "Good plan." she said. I nodded. He deserves to be happy. I'll be okay. I'm always okay.

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