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"Get off her Moony!" James pulled him away and he hit the floor. I was shaking. It was like a switch flipped in him. He shook his head and his eyes softened. "Oh shit Mal, I'm so sorry." he said. He stepped forward. Sirius and Peter stood in front of me. "No Mate, you need to go. Go to Madame Pomfrey." James said as he pushed Remus out. "Just let me just talk to her." he said. "She knows you didn't mean to, but right now you scared her. Just go alright. We'll take care of her." he said. Remus just nodded and left. I sat down on my bed and a tear fell. "I've never seen him that bad." I said. "What happened?" James asked. "We were talking about the Slytherins. I didn't want to tell him what Lestrange said to me. I knew it would upset him. But not telling him pissed him off too. He just lost control." I said. "Did he hurt you?" Peter asked. I shook my head. "No. I know that no matter how out of control he gets he would never hurt me unless he's actually transformed. I know that's why he won't let me be there." I said. "Plus you're not an animagus" Peter said. "I could be." I mumbled. "He made us promise never to let you do that. Sorry Mal." he said. I nodded. I heard and knocked then Lily walked in. "Hey, I heard you and Remus got in a fight. He said he lost control, are you alright?" she asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said. "Good." she said. "The full moon isn't until tomorrow though, why is it affecting him now?" I asked. "Because of the supermoon." Lily said. "The what?" Sirius asked. "The supermoon." she said, as if we are supposed to know what she means. "Wow, you are all friends with a werewolf, you'd think you'd be a bit more educated on the matter." she said. "I like to focus on other things." James said, smirking at her. She rolled her eyes and I smacked him upside the head. "Right sorry, the supermoon. Enlighten us." he said. "The supermoon is a full moon that nearly coincides with perigee—the closest that the Moon comes to the Earth in its elliptical orbit." she said. "So it's like an extra strong full moon." I said. She nodded. "That explains why he's been so on edge. His pulse has been racing all day. It only slowed a bit when-" I started. "When what?" Lily asked. "Nevermind." I said. "If you know how to calm him down, you should teach us." Peter said. I smirked. "Ok, you wanna learn?" I asked. He nodded hesitantly. "To slow his pulse and calm him down, first you straddle him, then you shag him. Got it?" I asked. Peter went bright red. "Well then." James said chuckling to himself. I looked at Sirius who gave me a smile. I stood up and pulled on a jumper. "Where are you going?" Lily asked. "Guess." I said as I walked out. They ran after me. "No, you can't go see him yet. The supermoon obviously has the wolf in him on edge. Better to give him some space." James said. "Nope. I'm going." I said. I walked down the halls and followed , trying to convince me not to. We arrived outside Madam Pomfrey's hospital wing. "Fine, but we are staying." James said. "Whatever you say boys." I said as I walked in. Madame Pomfrey immediately walked up to us. "We know about the supermoon ma'am. I know he didn't mean to. Please he needs us and I trust him." I said. She just nodded. We walked over and I pulled back the curtain. Remus sat on his bed and fiddled with a string on his jacket. He looked up at me and his eyes widened. "Mal? What are you doing here? It's not safe. I'm not-" he started. I walked over and sat next to him. "It's alright. Did she tell you about the supermoon?" I asked. He nodded. "I knew it wasn't you. You just lost control." I said. I scooted closer to him and laid my head on his chest. The rest of the boys sat in the chairs. "I trust you." I whispered as he held me. "They don't." he mumbled, nodding at the boys. "Yes they do. They are here because of the Slytherins, not you." I lied. He just nodded. Eventually, everyone dozed off. I could hear Remus's heart beat in sync with mine. I laid there awake. I kept hearing Rabastens voice. Something about the way he said it, it felt like a threat more than anything. "Mal?" I looked up and James was awake. "Ya?" I asked. "I'm sorry about earlier. With Lily. I just really like her." he said. "If it's meant to be, it will happen." I said. He nodded. "Can you tell me what the Slytherins said that has you so scared?" he asked. "It's nothing." I said. "Mallory, just tell me. I won't tell anyone else." he said. I sighed. "He said that he would never fuck a half-blood but the looks on all your faces would be worth it. I said over my dead body and he said that's another option. I know we always argue with them and half the stuff we say is forgotten within a second. But something about this feels too... real. I don't know." I said. "You're right. Whether he meant it or not, we'll stick to the plan. Nobody goes off on their own, we stick together. Nobody is alone, especially in the halls. We can tell the rest of them tomorrow. We'll just leave out why." he said. I nodded. "Thanks James." I said. "Yeah, we won't let anything happen to you. I promise." he said. I nodded. "Plus Remus wouldn't even need to transform to kill anyone who did hurt you, you know that." he said. I chuckled. "Yeah." I said. "Good, now get some sleep. We have lessons tomorrow." he said. Eventually I fell asleep, listening to the steady pulse of Remus. I guess I really did calm him down.

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