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"Are we clear?" James asked. Everyone nodded in agreement. "I'm serious guys. Mallory especially." James said. Remus looked up quickly and I kicked James. "Ow" he said. "Why you especially?" Remus asked. "He didn't mean it like that." I said. "What did those Slytherins say to you?" he asked. "Remus, not today. Please." I said. His fists clenched and his knuckles turned white. "Why not? You can tell James but not me?" he said gritting his teeth. "Moony, the supermoon is getting closer. She'll tell you after, when you are back to yourself." James said. I unclenched his fists and interlaced our hands. "I will. I just want you to focus on staying in control right now." I said. He nodded and went back to eating. Then we went to lessons. Luckily, I had all my classes with Remus. So did the rest of the Marudaders. I think Dumbledore did that on purpose. He knows about Remus and probably thinks it's a good idea to have us there with him. Finally classes ended. "Are you all going to come watch quidditch practice?" James asked. We groaned. "Come on, you know you love it." he said. We reluctantly all went down to the pitch and sat in the bleachers. Lily came over and watched too. "Hey Mal" she said. "Hey Lily, I started reading Beloved and you were right it's so good." I said. She squealed. "I knew you'd like it." she said. I nodded. We watched James fly around with the quidditch team for what felt like forever. Then practice ended. James flew over on his broom and hovered in front of Lily. "Hey Evans, fancy being my date to the party this weekend?" he asked. She rolled her eyes. "I guess I'll just be seeing you there." she said. "Guess so," he said, flying off. I pulled her to the side. "What was that?" I asked. "What? Nothing? I said no like always." she said. "No, you said you'll see him there. That's not a yes but it's not a no." I said. She blushed. "Lily Evans are you falling for James Potter?" I asked. "No- I- I mean I don't know. He certainly isn't horrible to look at. If he wasn't so cocky... I don't know. Don't say anything." she said. "I won't but just know despite how annoying he is, he actually really likes you." I said. She nodded and hurried off. I walked back over to the Marauders. "Was she talking about me? What did she say?" James asked. "Calm down you self obsessed little boy, we were talking about books." I said. I looked up at Remus and he was looking over at the bleachers. I followed his eyeline and saw Sirius. Sirius sat there talking to Marlene. "Remus" I said. His head snapped over to mine. "What? What's wrong?" he asked. "We should head over to Madam Pomfreys." I said. The look in his eyes broke my heart everytime. I knew he was scared. Scared of the wolf, scared of himself, scared of the pain. I just wish I could stop it. But I can't and I hate that feeling of helplessness. It drives me mad. I took Remus's hand and we began to walk to Madam Pomfrey's. "Ah look at what we have here. Loony Lupin and his little girlfriend." I turned around. The Lestrange Brothers and Lucius. This is not good. It's too close to the full moon. If they piss him off now, he might just kill them. I pulled on him. "Let's go Moony, this isn't a good idea." I whispered. "Aw look boys, we scared them." Lucius said. "How Pathetic" Rodolphus said. Remus stopped. I tried to tug his arm. "Remus, the supermoon. Please let's just go." I whispered. He turned around. "What did you say to Mallory?" he asked. I froze. I pulled him as hard as I could but he didn't budge. "I'm serious, let's go. Right now." I said. "What did we say? Hmmm let me think?" Rabastan taunted. "Tell me." Remus said. "Ah yes, I simply told her that since it's obvious she spreads her legs for just about anyone, I wanted a turn." Rabastan said. Remus's pulse sped up faster than ever before."I mean seriously, loony lupin, the Black family outcast, mousy little Pettigrew, and that desperate Potter boy." Rodolphus said. His nails were dug so deep into his palms blood dripped down his hands. "Just shut up!" I yelled. "Ooooo, I love it when she's got a little fire in her. Don't worry I'll fuck that right out of you." Lucius taunted. "I'm sorry Remus." I whispered. "Stupefy" I said. He collapsed and fell to the floor. "What the?" Lucius said. "I don't have time for your bullshit." I spat. I levitated Remus down the hall and to Madame Pomfrey. "What is the meaning of this?" she asked. I laid him down on the bed. "We had a little run in with some Slytherins. If I didn't do this, he might have lost control. I'm sorry" I said. I freed Remus and he shot up. "Next time, I'm going to kill them. I'm going to fucking kill them!" he yelled. "Remus, don't make me stun you again." I said. He laid back. "I've got him dear." she said. "Can't I stay?" I asked. She gave a small smile. "It's getting too late. I'm taking him to Shrieking Shack now." she said. I nodded. I walked over to him and sat down. I hugged him tightly and tried to hold back my tears. "You'll be ok right?" I said, my voice cracked. "I'll be fine." he said. I nodded. He stroked my hair. I pressed our foreheads together and looked into his eyes. "The guys will be there and you'll see me tomorrow." he whispered. I nodded and a tear fell. He wiped it. "Don't cry love, I'll be fine." he said. I tried to nod. "I wish I could stop it. I wish I could take your pain." I said. He smiled. "You do." he said. I kissed him and ran my fingers through his hair. "I love you." I whispered. "I love you too. Now go, it's getting too late." he said. I nodded. And went back to Gryffindor. Madame Pomfrey always arrived with Remus at 7 am. I set an alarm and then I laid on my bed and let the tears pour. I didn't sleep that night. I could hear his screams. Lily laid in my bed with me and held me. "Just don't listen. Ok?" she said. Everybody thought the Shrieking Shack was haunted but it wasn't. Every month it was the boy I love. His body went through a horrible transformation and the pain was overwhelming. I buried my head in her arms and tried to block it out. Eventually, Lily fell asleep. I laid there and waited and waited.

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