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"No" I cried out. "Incarcerous" Lucius said. Black ropes shot out from his wand and tied my wrists together. I pulled and I felt it digging into my flesh. He used a sticking charm to keep my arms above my head. I couldn't fight it. I kicked my legs. "Let me go! Just let me go." I said. They just laughed. "Little Gryffindor... not so brave now." Rabastan said. "We thought you'd be used to sharing. We all know those pathetic Marauders must pass you around for a good time." Rodolphus said. "No- I-" started. "Why else would they keep her around?" Rabastan asked. I shook my head. "You won't get away with this." I said. I tried to keep my composure. I couldn't stop the tears from falling. "Who's going to stop us?" Lucius said. "Remus! Sirius! James! Peter! Please!" I screamed. They just rolled their eyes. Lucius took off his tie and tied it in my mouth. My screams were now muffled. "She looks good in green don't you think boys?" he asked. They nodded. "Nobody is going to stop us and if you tell anyone, you and the rest of the Marauders die" he said. No. No, no, no. "Understand?" he asked. I just nodded in fear. He stepped closer and trailed his hands up my body. I squirmed and fought under his touch but he didn't stop. "Please don't" I said but it came out as just noise. He ripped my blouse open and I shut my eyes and shook my head. I pulled and pulled but the ropes just got tighter. He stared at my chest. Only a white bra covering my breasts. His finger trailed under the strap and he snapped it. "Damn, who knew the Gryffindor Princess had such great tits." Rabastan said. Another tear fell down my cheek. "You see, she's crying but I'll bet she likes this." Rodolphus said. He pushed Lucius to the side and stood in front of me. He grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. "Don't you?" he asked. I shook my head and pulled away. His hands went down to my jean skirt. I thrashed under his grip and tried to pull away. Then I felt the contact. His fist connected with my face. I felt my cheek swell and more tears fell. Then he unbuttoned my skirt and yanked it off. I was left in my undergarments. I felt disgusted. So many eyes on me. I wanted to puke. His hand slipped down and his fingers rubbed my heat. I squirmed and tried to kick him. He just forced his leg in between mine. After rubbing my clit, my body betrayed me and I grew wet. "See I knew she liked it." he said as he slipped his fingers inside me. I squeezed my eyes shut at the foreign intrusion. He stroked himself as he fingered me. I opened my eyes only for a second and saw Lucius and Rabastan stroking themselves too. I choked back sobs. I bit down on the tie between my teeth to keep from screaming. "Now who gets to fuck her first?" Lucius asked. "Let's ask the Gryffindor Princess if she wants to pick." Rodolphus says as he pulls the tie from my mouth. My mouth is dry and my lips are cracked. "Go ahead, pick," Rabastan said. "Fuck you." I said. He delivered a crushing blow to my ribs and I gasped for air. I coughed and he grabbed the roots of my hair yanking my head up. "That wasn't very nice. Now be a good girl and pick." Rodolphus said. "Or we'll hurt you very very bad." Lucius said. "Do it. I'd rather die." I said. "Gryffindors. Always confusing bravery with stupidity." Lucius said. "Self- Preservation is a Slytherin trait but something you could use dear Mallory." Rodolphus said. "Let's teach her." Rabastan said. "Beg. Beg us to let you go." Lucius said. I was silent. He dug his wand into my neck. "Beg!" he yelled. "Please, please let me go. I won't tell anyone I swear." I said. "Not even your fuck buddies, the Marauders?" Lucius taunted. "I never- Remus, I'm dating Remus. I never-" I stopped. Lucius started laughing. "Wait, wait wait, you're saying the Gryffindor princess is a virgin?" he asked. I froze. "Wait, this is too good." Rodolphus said. "Is this for real? Are you really a little virgin?" Rabstan asked. I didn't say anything. "Tell us." Lucius said. I broke and answered their question. "No, I'm not." I said. "So Loony Lupin did pop your cherry?" he asked. "Don't call him that!" I yelled. "Did he?" Rabastan asked. My silence was their answer. They started laughing. Tears fell down my cheeks. That night was special. It was supposed to belong to me and Remus. Now it's ruined because of them. "I bet he didn't even make her cum." Lucius said. "Don't worry sweetheart. We will." he said. I shook my head. "You are nothing but a coward and a rapist." I said. "Merlin's Sake, can you shut her up?" Lucius groaned. He shoved the tie back in my mouth and tied it again. "I'll go first, she seems to like me the best." Rodolphus said. "What? I think she likes me." Rabastan said with a smirk. "Did you finger her? Didn't think so." he said. He pulled out his dick and stroked it again. I pressed my back against the wall and shut my eyes. He pulled my underwear to the side and I fought harder than ever. Then he slammed himself inside me and I screamed. It hurt so bad as he split me open. "Please stop, it hurts. It hurts just stop." I begged but my pleas were nothing but noise. Then the doors burst open.

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