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"You look amazing!" Lily said. I wore a white button up blouse with lace on the front and a jean skirt. It was rather plain but I liked it. Lily wore a brown corduroy dress with a cream turtleneck underneath. We were putting the finishing touches on our looks before the party. "Did you talk to Sirius yet?" she asked. "No." I said. "You should do it tonight. Can't put it off forever." she said. "I know." I said. "I know you're scared of what he'll say. But also remember if Remus really is gay or bi or whatever he is, you both deserve happiness. And though a break up will hurt, it is the best thing." she said. "I know. You give the best advice Lily." I said giving her a hug. She smiled. Then we headed for the room of requirement.

We walked in and the party was great. People were dancing and there was music. "I'm going to.." she trailed off. "Hopefully casually bump into James" I said, raising an eyebrow. "No," she exclaimed. "Mmmhmm" I said and she giggled. Then she walked off. I walked over and Sirius was standing talking to some girl I didn't know. "Hey Sirius, I need to talk to you." I said. He looked puzzled but nodded. I pulled him to the back of the room into a corner. "What are you doing Mal?" he asked. "I need to ask you something and I need you to be honest with me. Can you do that?" I asked. He looked nervous. "Mal what is-" he started. "Sirius, you are a marauder and we stick together. That means I will always love you no matter what. So please just promise me you'll tell me the truth ok?" I asked. "Ok. I promise." he said. "Are you gay?" I asked. His face fell. "What- I- No- why- no" he stammered. "Marauders don't break promises. Tell me the truth." I said. "No. I'm not. And you better not tell anyone I am. It's a lie." he snapped. "Ok, ok I'm sorry. I just-" I started. "Thought what? That because I don't get caught shagging someone in a carriage like a slut, you just assumed that I'm gay instead." he spat. I slapped him. "What the hell Mal?" James said. Peter, James and him had run over. "Why don't you ask him? According to Sirius, I'm a slut." I said clenching my fists. "Sirius, what the fuck?" Remus yelled. "I'm sick of her. She's not even a Marauder." he spat. My face fell. That was the one thing that hurt me. "I didn't mean it, she just-" he started. "Nevermind." I said. I handed Peter my drink. "Enjoy the party. I'm done." I said. I walked towards the door but Remus grabbed my arm. "You can't go by yourself. Just wait a bit longer, we'll all leave soon." he said. I scoffed and pulled my arm from his. "No, it's like he said, I'm not even a marauder. Enjoy yourselves." I said and I stormed out. I didn't want to go back to Gryffindor. I couldn't deal with people. I looked at the clock and it was 12. Madam Pince was gone. The library would be empty. I walked down the halls and got to the door. It was locked. "Please don't get caught." I thought to myself as I pulled my wand. "Alohomora" I whispered. The doors clicked open and I went inside. I grabbed Hogwarts: A History. This book was always checked out so I've never actually read it. I went to the back of the library and sat down in a chair. I kicked off my flats and cozied up. "Lumos" I whispered. I used the light from my wand and I began to read. I only finished one page when I heard it. Whispers and footsteps. "She went in here." the voice said. "Are you sure?" another said. "Nox" I whispered and the light went out. I closed the book and stood up. I hid in the back aisle and held my breath. Then I felt the cold tile on my feet. My shoes. It was too late, whoever it was, they were too close. I pressed my back into the corner and prayed that I was hidden by the darkness. "Look what we have here. Cinderella lost her glass slipper." The moonlight shone in and I could see the blonde hair. Lucius Malfoy. I couldn't run. They would see me. Would I be fast enough? My heart was racing. "Come on Cinderella, come get your prince" Rabastan Lestrange. That can only mean... "Come out, come out," the last voice said. Rodolphus said. "Don't make us hurt you." Lucius said. I had to run. I had to get back to the ROR. I didn't care about anything Remus, or Sirius, or James or Peter said or did. I just needed to get back to them. To anyone. "Come on Stevenson. Don't make this hard on yourself." Lucius said. I could feel them getting closer. I peered my head around the corner. Almost a straight shot to the doors. I tucked my wand in my waistband and took a breath. Then I made a run for it. I charged straight for the door. "Guys she's running!" Lucius yelled. They laughed. "We got a runner." they taunted. I was close. I could feel them gaining on me. I grabbed my wand. "Stupefy" I looked back as I threw the curse at them. He blocked it. I got to the door and almost got it open. I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist and pull me back. I screamed. "Let me go!" I screamed. Rabastand grabbed my wand from my waistband. Lucius dragged me to the back of the library while I was kicking and screaming. "Shut up stupid bitch" Rodolphus said. "Remus!" I screamed. We got to the back of the library and I was still fighting.

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