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"Let's go to dinner." Peter said. "You guys go ahead, I need to talk to Sirius." I said. They nodded. I stood with Sirius. "Your brother saved me. Twice." I said. "I know." he mumbled. "I know you think he's gone off the ledge and sided with your family. And maybe he has but deep down he's still good. Otherwise he would have let them do it. You have to know that." I said. "I know. I'm happy he was put in Slytherin. You have no idea how relieved I was." he said. "Really?" I said in surprise. "Yes. He isn't an outcast. He doesn't get howlers and his face wasn't burned off the family tree. He isn't alone. He still has a family." Sirius said. I hugged him. "You aren't alone either, We're your family." I said. He nodded. "You don't have to tell anyone yet, but you know when you do choose to come out to us, they won't think any different of you." I said. He paused. His eyes watered and he nodded. I smiled. "It's ok Padfoot." I whispered. I hugged him. "Now I need you to tell me something. I know you are probably going to want to lie to protect me. But if what if what I think is true, then I deserve to know." I said. My eyes watered.

"What is it?" he asked. "You love Moony don't you?" I asked. He froze. "I'm so sorry Mallory. I- I am, I didn't mean- I'm sorry." he choked out. I forced a smile even though my heart was breaking. I pulled him into my arms. "It's ok. It's alright. I love you still." I said. A tear fell down my cheek and I wiped it away. "Why aren't you mad?" he asked. "We can't choose who we love." I said. "How did you find out?" he asked. "Because you look at each other the way Remus used to look at me." I said. He looked sad. "I'm sorry Mallory. You deserve better than this." he said. "It's not your fault. And it isn't Moony's. It's nobody's fault. It's just the way the stars aligned." I said. He nodded. "I just have one request.'' I said. "Anything." he said. "Let me talk to Moony. I won't tell him how you feel but I need to do this the right way." I said. He nodded. I wiped the tears from his cheeks. "Let's go," I said. He nodded. We walked in and sat down at the great hall. Remus kissed me on the cheek. The entire dinner, I tried not to notice them stealing glances at each other. It's true. They really do love each other.


It's been one month since everything happened. I have gotten better. I still flinch when people touch me. I have horrible nightmares when I wake up screaming and Lily has to hold me for an hour to calm me down. I talk to her a lot. I don't know who else to talk to. I thanked Regulus. He made me swear not to tell anyone it was him who helped me. I understand.

After a month though, I decided that it's time to end things with Remus. After everything I went through, I wanted to stay with him. I clung to him because he was safe and familiar. But it's not fair. To him, to Sirius, to me. It's time to let him go. I'm doing it tonight. He deserves to be happy. And that's with Sirius not me. Not anymore. I wiped my tears and got dressed. Then I headed down to the quidditch pitch where I asked him to meet. He sat on the bleachers. I sat next to him. "I got your owl. What's wrong?" he asked. I forced a smile. Time to let go.

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