Perfect Party¿

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"Good morning dad!" I say to my father as we walks into the kitchen.
" AWW Ashley, you didn't have to!" He responds in shock as he looks at all the breakfast I made for him on the table. He picks up a fork and digs into my organic strawberry pancakes.
" I thought it was something nice to do for my dad since I haven't seen him in so long!" I say as he gives me a kiss on the cheek as I sit down.
He pours syrup on the pancakes and sips his coffee.
" How do you think your friend is doing? I heard he got out of the hospital. " Dad tells me as Jenna jumps onto his lap.
"I don't know, I haven't talked to him in the weeks. I thought I'd give him some space after his injury." I tell my dad as I cut my pancake with my fork.
"Your phone buzzed last night. You might want to go check it." Dad tells me as he points to my phone on the island bar in the kitchen. I instantly run to get it.
To: Ashley
Hey. I'm having my birthday party Saturday. Starts at 7. Please make it! Skyler is invited
From: Sam
I text her back;
Can't wait, of course I'll make it!
Then I text my mom;
SAM's Party this Saturday. Can I go?
She answers;
Sure, remember to get her a present. Love you.
I put my phone back down on the counter and continue eating breakfast.
"Hey." Skyler answers the door to his house with a smile.
"Though I'd come by for a visit, if it's okay with you." I say as he holds the door open to let me in.
"How are you?" I ask him as we walk into the living room.
"I'm okay. My injuries are almost healed." He tells me as he points to his wrist and shows me his rib.
"It looks like it's getting better." I smile.
"Anyways are you going to Sams party tonight?" He asks me as he goes into the fridge and tosses me a Pepsi.
"Yeah, you should come!" I tell Skyler as I crack it open.
"I probably will. Did your mom and dad have their anniversary or something because I saw the pictures of your nice breakfast on Instagram.
"No. My parents are divorced since I was 10." I tell Skyler as we sit down in the living room.
"Oh. I'm sorry, I didn't know." He says as he reaches for my hand.
"It's okay, it's been so long I'm used to it." I tell him as we turn on the tv.
There's something about Skyler which makes him such a good friend. He's kind and sweet, also caring. He's one of my best friends.
"What show?" He asks as he picks up the remote. We turn on Modern Family and watch it the rest of the afternoon.
At 5:00, I start to head home.
"Bye! Thanks for having me!" I say to Skyler as I walk out of the house.
When I get in the car, dad knows about the party so he drops me off home leaving my sisters at his house.
"Bye dad. Thanks, love you!" I say as I jump out of the car with my bag and close the door. The car pulls away as I walk into my house.
My mom opens the door up and I take off my jacket.
"Hi sweetie. How was dad's?" My mom asks me as she strokes my long brow hair.
I smile. It's good how nice my parent's handle their divorce. They talk on the phone and stay friends. The only reason their marriage didn't work was because they didn't feel that way about each other, but they're more than happy now.
" Great. I have to get ready for Sam's party which is at the restaurant. Madi is coming over to help." I tell mom as I head to my room.
"Okay honey. I'll make you two some lunch, alright?" Mom tells me with a smile.
"Okay thanks!" I say as head into my room.
I start to do my makeup and then the door bell rang.  My mom answers it and someone walks in my room.
  "Hey Ash." Madi says as she walks into my room giving me a bare hug.
"Hey Madi." I hug her back.
   She picks up the curling iron and starts to curl my hair with the wand. Madi has a good experience with doing hair because she always does her little sisters hair.
  "So Skyler is coming?" Madi asks as a piece of curled hair goes in front of my face, feeling like a penny dropping on the ground.
   I smile. " Yeah'" I say in response.
     " Is this why you wanted me to make you all pretty?" Madi asks as stops curling for a second and looks in the mirror to spray it with hair spray.
  "No, I just want to look nice for Sam's  party. Skyler is just a friend Madi." I tell her in the most serious way possiable.
  "Whatever you say.." Madi tells me in a mysterious tone. 
Later on
Madi left after she curled my hair and did my makeup to head home and get dressed. I decide to ask mom for help on what to wear.
  "Mom?" I ask her as I knock on the door to her bedroom.
"Yes, sweetie? " Mom asks as she puts the magazine down on her bed.
Mom has a really big bedroom compared to me and my sisters. It's the master bedroom with a bathroom and shower in it. My room just has a bathroom!
   " Can you help me with something?" I ask her as we walk out of her room and into mine.
"Sure." Mom tells me.
At 6:30
" Okay honey, now you go have fun. Remember the money for the taxi is in your bag, I won't be home to pick you up."
Mom says as she hugs me goodbye.
    " Okay." I tell her as I approach the door to leave.
" Tell Madi's  mom thanks!" My mom says as she waves to Madi's mom in the car.
When me and Madi pull up to the party in the restaurant, we instantly sit down and order dinner. There was a decent amount of people from the party, mostly family and friends from our grade in school.
   "Happy birthday Sam!" I say as I hug her and give her the present.
"AWW thanks! Love you! " Sam says as she hugs me back and puts her present on the table.
When the party gets started, me and Madi and the birthday girl sit down and talk.
"Yeah, so I was thinking-" Madi cuts me off.
"Is that Skyler with a girl?" Madi asks as she puts her glasses on to approve what she said.
I immediately turn around and look, there was Skyler walking in the restaurant with another girl. They were both holding hands!
"What!" I say as I look at them heading to our table.
"Sam! You were the one who invited him here, did he say he was bringing a girl?" I ask her as she backs up because I notice my hand motions are out of control.
  " Yeah. I said that's fine because I thought it was you!" She yells back.
"Maybe it's his sister!" Madi chimes into the conversation.
Skyler begins kissing this girl at this point.
"Unless lip locking is a SIBLING game!" I say as the girls laugh.
" Why are you making such a big deal out of him being here with a girl?" Sam asks and she picks up her tea.
  "You said you didn't like him anyways!" Madi tells me as she sips her coffee giving me that "duh" face.
I look down, turning red.
   "Hey guys,this is my girlfriend Stella. Stella meet Sam,Madi, and Ashley!" Skyler says as he smiles at me and comes to our table.
He was dressed in a nice suit and she was dressed with a pretty purple dress.
  "Sky, can we talk? I say as I pull him to the site leaving Madi and Sam with Stella, in an akward way.
         Me and Skyler talk in the back of the party room where no one could see us.
"What's up? By the way you look gorgeous!" He says as she smiles and I blush.
" Stop flirting with me. You brought a girl her? To her party?" I ask Skyler being serious in a tone I never was with him.
      "Yeah why?" He asks as if everything's okay.
       I look down.
"Are you paying games with me? You flirt with me all the time and then hide that fact that you are dating someone else!" I say what I think is low but what turns out to be more than a whisper.
"What's your problem? We aren't dating! I could date whoever I want. I thought you'd be cool about it Ashley. But instead your going off ruining one of your close friends party yelling at me because I'm taken! Your not who I thought you were Ashley." Skyler tells me with a sad face and walks away as tears build up inside my eye and come out like a waterfall.
   I storm out of Sam's party and call a cab which takes me home.
Mom isn't home and neither is  Victoria and Jenna, so I run up to my room and cry in my pillow.
How could I be so stupid!
I remind myself the whole time.

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