Chapter 7

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" Good morning class. I would like to do a scientific experiment for this period. Pick your lab partner and lets get to it!" Mrs.Rollani says as the class moves around the room to get with their chosen lab partner. I hear Skyler and his friends talking as he motions his hand telling me to come over there.
"So you guys really aren't dating?" Matt Manly asks him.
"NO, I'm dating that hot chick Stella!" Skyler tells the boys as Stella walks toward Sky.
They end up making out, so I eventually stop staring. I decide to be partners with myself since it seems pretty clear that Skyler has a lab partner already.
" Daniella, since your lab partner is not here today and Ashley doesn't have a partner please sit next to Ashley." Mrs. Rolanni says as I turn around.
The most popular girl in school is going to be my partner! She walks over taking her $450 Michael Cors bag as her hair waves back and forth. All I know about this girl is that she is mean and rude. Wish me luck..
" Hey ." I say to Daniella as she looks at her makeup mirror putting her hands on her long blonde hair.
" Listen. Don't talk to me, Let's just get this stupid project ova with." Daniella says in a sassy tone.
"Fine. Pass me the lab materials please." I tell Daniella making a rude face, as she puts her mirror down responding with an "Ugh" and passes me the chemicals, goggles, and tubes.
"SO Ashley. I hear you like the new boy. Saw you two at the sushi place yesterday." Daniella says as she chews her gum loudly and pours a chemical into its tube.
"NO, I don't. And listen, stay out of my business. What are you a freaking stalker?" I say in the nastiest way possible as I continue copying the lab notes. The whole class was noisy, so no one heard me and Daniella talking.
"Whatever! Talk to me like that again and you'll regret it GRIMES." She tells me as she walks away leaving me to do all the work with the project.
"And by the way, I have the hots for Skyler. So back off and don't be his friend. Later loser." Daniela walks back over and then walks away flipping her hair in her face to her back.
I just give her a nasty look. Stop being friends with Skyler? Huh, not possible. If she thinks that I'm going listen to her she is clueless. She may be pretty, but at least I'm smart.
The bell goes off minutes later as I just finish the lab work of two people, ALONE!
Madi and Sam walk towards me, and we walk to our lockers outside of class.
"How was Daniella today?" Madi asks me as I put my books in my locker and close the locker door.
"Fabulous." I say as I roll my eyes and say in a sarcastic tone.
"I could imagine." Sam tells me as we laugh together.
"She saw me at the sushi restaurant with Skyler, and now thinks we like each other. So she told me not to be friends with him because she has the hots for him. Not happening that crazy nasy-" I get cut off.
"Woahh, slow down. She likes Skyler?" Sam jumps in as she stops short in the hallway and pulls me and Madi off to the side.
"Yep! And knowing that spoiled brat she'll get everything she wants including him." I give Madi a slanted smile as I pick my bag off thats falling off my shoulder, and continue walking in the hallway.
"She is gorgeous, if she pretends to be nice he'll totally go out with her. Do you have a problem with that Ash?" Madi asks me as she looks at the one and only, Daniella walking by with her whole crew of friends.
"Um, Yess! I don't care who he dates but as long as it isn't Daniella Maret." I tell Madi and Sam as they nod in a agreement.
"He is dating Stella though!" Sam says to me with a curious look on her face.
"Any guy would dump their girlfriend to date that nasty monster." I tell the girls as we approach our math classroom door.
"True." the girls say in unison as we walk to our seats in math.
After school
"Hello?" I say as I pick up my cell phone and drop my half eaten granola bar on the island bar I'm sitting at in the kitchen.
"Hey. Listen you will not believe what just happened!" Skyler says on the other line sounding excited.
"I'm sure it's exciting Sky, but I need to-" I almost finish saying as I pick the phone up thats falling off my hair, and continue writing my lab report for science.
"Daniella just asked me out. The funny thing is Stella broke up with me 20 minutes before because she thinks I did something. I was going say I didn't until Daniella asked me out!" Skyler says on the other line sounding excited.
I put the phone down for a second, and pick up the nail polish in the draw and put my binder in my bag.
"Say what? You sure you know what your getting yourself into with this girl? During science she practically begged me to not be your friend."
Yeah. Oh, I'll talk to her about that. Don't worry Ashley."
I roll my eyes, knowing he can't see me. I finish polishing my nails as Jenna walks in with her toy, knowing its play time for me and her.
"Alright, listen Skyler I got to go. Call me later." I tell him and end the call on my iPhone and put it down.
I notice my mom left a text message:
Be home at seven. Make dinner or order in, your choice. Jenna's babysitter is picking her up. Love you, be good. Don't be doing anything bad.
I answer with;
Okay. Love you too :)
I then walk up to my bedroom, and see Jenna in there sitting on my bed.
"Ready to playyy?" Jenna asks in her two-year old voice as she tosses me her Elsa doll from disney's Frozen.
"Sorry Jenna. Your babysitter is coming to pick you up now. No time for play." I tell Jenna as I hand her back her Elsa doll as she looks up at me.
"Aw! Okay." Jenna says as she jumps off my bed and goes downstairs.
I follow her down, and put her jacket and shoes on.
"What are you gonna do wit out me?" she says as I tie her shoes and she moves her feet back and forth on the ledge on the mud room.
"I'll live, Jenna." I tell Jenna as she giggles and walks out the door with her babysitter.
"Sweet, got the house to myself!" I say to myself as I close the door. I never get that much alone time with Jenna being home. On the other hand, Victoria is always out with her friends.
I jump on the couch, and text Madi and Sam ;
Home alone. Come over.
Madi texts back;
Be there in a few.
Sam eventually answers;
OK. Walking to your house now.
When Madi and Sam come over, we end up putting a movie on and eating candy.
"Ash, you might want to check your phone." Madi tells me as she hands me my phone that vibrated.
I pick up my phone in shock at the text message I just recieved;
From: Skyler
I can't be your friend, my girl doesn't approve. Stay back.
Me, Madi, and Sam stare at each other as I pass the my phone around.

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