Chapter 11

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"So that's a parabola?" I point my pencil to Sky's sketch on graph paper.
"Yep, Do you understand now?" Skyler asks me as he puts the graph paper back in his math notebook.
" I think so. Thanks." I pick up my bag, and put my books away.
"Ashley,wait." Skyler says.
"Yeah?" I ask him and turn around.
"You can stay and hangout for a bit, unless you have other plans." Skyler replies with a smile on his face.
"Um.. I'll text my mom. Haha don't worry I'm free until tonight." I tell Skyler and began laughing.
Skyler laughs. I immeditatly pick up my phone to text my mom.
Staying at Sky's, I'll let you know when I am coming home.
I put my phone down, and we turn on a movie.
"Hello?" Skyler's mom walks in bis bedroom.
"Hey mom, You know Ashley right?" Skyler sits up.
I sit up straight on his couch, and wave to his mother.
"Of course, Hi sweetie." His mom waves back.
"Are you two like a-" His mom says but we cut her off in unison.
"No." We look at each other and laugh. His mom puts down two cups of iced tea and popcorn. We instantly grab some popcorn.
I mean, Sky is an incredible person. Yes, I could get annoyed at him, but in the end he is the one who's always there. Me and my neighbor get into lots of arguments, because of our differences. Me and Skyler always have a good time together- just as friends. But it is so obvious he is giving me mixed signals....
"Chocolate & vanilla twist on a cone please." I order from the soft serve ice cream truck.
It's a hot spring day, and me and Skyler decided to take a walk around the neighborhood after the movie.
"Chocolate and strawberry twist please, on a cone." Skyler takes out his money and pays the lady before I could stop him.
"My treat." He smiles.
"Thanks!" I say as the lady gives us our ice cream. We start to walk back.
"So what are you doing tonight?" Skyler asks me as he licks his ice cream that is melting quickly off of the cone.
"Oh, I don't know yet. Madi and Sam texted me about some party Daniella's throwing. I didn't answer them back yet." I tell Skyler asI bite a piece off of my cone.
"You should go. I mean, not go for Daniella, but go to get your mind off some things. Have a little fun." Skyler tells me and smirks.
"Maybe you're right. I'm overthinking this. Can you come with me?" I ask Skyler and stop in the middle of walking.
He laughs.
" My Ex? I don't know about that.." Skyler continues to walk.
" Oh, come on'. You said it yourself, it isn't about her. ITS about having a good time. Besides you have me and I bet some of your other bros will be there." I tell him as I catch up.
"Yeah, but you didn't actually date her!" Skyler laughs.
"I had to put up with her before. Please Skyeeee?" I ask him and we continue walking up to my block.
We soon reach my house.
"I'll let you know if I'm going go. Just be aware of your phone.." Skyler walks away as I head inside my house.
"Ashley?" I hear my mom call my name as I walk into the living room.
"Yeah?" I ask and look at all the refreshments on the table. Mom could go crazy when having company, she gets the best foods to impress people.
"You were supposed to text me when you were planning on getting home." Mom comes into the living room, putting down the cheese and crackers, and looks at me sternly.
"I'm sorry I was busy." I tell my mom trying to sound as normal as possible.
"You better not have plans tonight, cause you will be home enjoying an adult party here." Mom smiles and goes back into the kitchen.
"Ugh!" I retort and go to my bedroom quickly.
I grab my phone;
Grounded. Can't make it!
To; group (Madi & Sam)
They answer back quickly:
Madii: Try sneaking out. The party is going to be lit you'll look like a dork if you don't show up.
I sigh. Maybe Madi's right. I should sneak out, I could just pretend I'm in my bedroom during the party. And manage to get all dressed up and leave without Mom seeing me.
I answer back:
Okay, I'll try. Skyler is probably coming too.
I then get a text from Skyler:
Pick you up at 6
I smile and text back;
Glad you decided to come. Just meet me at the end of my block, not in front of my house. Long story, I'll tell you why later.
Then, out of the blue, Danielle texted me.
Hey.You going to Daniella's tonight?
I answer her back;
Yeah what about you?
She answers back with a "Yah".
I put my phone down, and look at the time. 4;00. That means I have like two hours to get dressed and ready & manage to leave without my mother noticing me. Great!
I shower, blow dry my hair, and apply my makeup all by 5:30.
"What are you doing?" Victoria walks into my room.
"It's not that big of a party, it's just-" Vic says but I cut her off.
"I'm not staying for this dumb party." I tell Victoria as I apply blush on my cheeks.
"But mom said-"
"I'm gonna sneak out. And you're going to cover for me. I always cover for you. You owe me Vic." I pick up my hair straightner.
She walks out of my room.
"Fine." She says as she closes the door and smirks.
It's about 6 and Skyler texts me:
At the end of your block. Care to explain?
I laugh,and text back:
On my way.
I quickly grab my Michael Kors bag and put my phone in it. I think of a plan of " How To Leave Without Mom Noticing." I decide I'll tell her I'm just taking out the garbage or something like that.
I walk down the stairs and see Mom in the kitchen, putting up decorations and a bunch of alcohol on the counter, and snacks are everywhere in the living room and dining room.
"Nice outfit, honey. Honestly I thought you would be staying in your bedroom all night out of anger towards me." Mom laughs and puts out more bruschetta on the platter.
"I am, but not cause I'm mad. Just because I'm tired. I'm going take out the garbage now." I tell mom as I walk in the living room towards the door.
"I'm glad you decided that you wouldn't be mad at me. The party is probably going to be lame anyway, right honey?" Mom looks at me laughs.
"Right." I say as I walk out the door, not believing she believed that I look like this to take out the garbage. Vic had to say something that made her think I'm not mad about "not going".
I walk out the door, and quickly walk towards the end of the block where Skyler is.
"So, what's the story?" Skyler laughs as we walk into the taxi he called in for us.
"I got grounded because I didn't text my mom where I was after your house, and when I was going to be home. So I had to sneak out of my house, without her knowing.
"OH.Ashley, If you get caught I'm going to feel really bad. " Skyler looks at me in the eye.
"Don't worry about it." I smile.
Honestly, I don't know what this is. Is it a friendship? I might have feelings for him but he gives me mixed signals all the time. We kissed once. But that didn't mean anything, at least to him. Why are boys so complicated sometimes?
We get out of the taxi, when we finally reach Daniella's place. Her house is huge. I guess her parents are away for the weekend if she is having this huge party inviting practically all the sophomores.
She greets us when opening the door.
"Guess you made it." She says with sass.
"Come in!" She says, smiling, she is clearly drunk by the way she switched attitudes so quickly. Mom would kill me if she found out there was alcohol at this party, or even If she found out I went to this party. I hope she is just distracted by her own little adult party.
She hands me over some beer, uncomfortably, I take it. Skyler rejects though.
I had to get my mind off some things, with that I decided taking it would maybe help.
The party was cool, everyone was laughing, most people were drunk, and we were having a good time.
Madi and Sam eventually showed up, and Sky was with his bros.
"Cool party. You sure you want to drink that?" Sam asks me and points to my beer in a red solo cup.
"Why not?" I ask and giggle a little bit.
" Don't be a party poopppaaa!" I yell loud, everyone looks at me holding their drinks up.
Me and the girls sit down in the backyard to get some air.
" She is so drunk." Sam looks at Madi and holds me in my seat.
I continue laughing and dancing, and got up from my chair.
Daniella walks into the backyard, obviously drunk , and looks at me.
"You brought my ex to the party? What's wrong with you? You know he would never like you. Get over him Ashley!" Daniella walks up to me, with some people following her.
"We should get Skyler." Madi texts Sky to come outside.
Skyler walks outside and comes up to me.
"Hey. A little to much to drink, huh?" He takes away my cup and puts it on the table.
"Paleez. She could handle her stupid self. She's to ugly for you Skyler. You'll never like her. Your still in love with me!" She walks up to Skyler and hugs him. Skyler takes a step back.
"Shutup." I tell her and walk towards her.
"Make me." Daniella says in my face, while a whole crowd of people are gasping in the background.
Sam pulls me to the side.
"You're drunk. Don't do this!" Sam says as I walk away from her.
Daniella pulls my hair, punches me, and a couple kids join in. I just immediately pull her hair and push her to the ground.
"911, What's your emergancy?"

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