Chapter 5

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"Why would Valentine do that!?'' I  practically yell.

"Power. Valentine wants to use her for power. And he can't do it without Clary." Magnus states. 

"Why can't he just use her brother?" I ask. 


"Because he needs the power of an Angel and demon" We both turn around to see Clary standing in the infirmary door way. (A/N: Magnus and Jace were in the hallway quietly talking then Clary opened the door from the infirmary and they didn't notice her open it. Sorry, continue.) "In order for him to take over the Shadow world, he needs the blood of a demon and an angel. He's also put a rune that he forced me to make. This was in order for me to listen to his every beck and call. He threatened to kill my mother if I didn't. He broke his promise." Clary clenches her fist while holding back the tears threatening to pour out. "Did you get my phone from my old house, Magnus?" I ask.

"I did." He pulls out a small-cracked iPhone 4s -  (A/N: Don't judge. That's the type of phone I have right now and I am happy with it.)  - with a black and green chevron case. 

"When did you ask him for your phone?" I ask.

"I asked him when he came to visit Valentine's house." She simply says and runs into a room. 


I type on my phone Luke's number, hoping it is still good in use. It rings three times before it picks up.

"Clary?" He asks.

"Hi, Luke. I need-"

"What do you want?"

"Well I need you to come see me and bring some of my stuff to the Institute. Is it possible we can talk?"

"Why would I want to talk to you?"


"I had to follow you and your mom ever since you were 2, just to watch you grow up. I wanted that cup for myself and the werewolves, but no. Your mother just had to marry Valentine who had the cup hidden from all of us. Now that your mother is dead, you are no use to me you coward. So do me a favor and don't call this number again." (A/N:Thank you soooo much for telling me when Clary met Luke @5thcandygrande !)

"Luke? Luke? Luke!" And the line goes dead. Tears start to well up in my eyes again. I've lost my mother, my old life before I was captured by Valentine, and now my father-figure. The one who took care of me and my mother. The one who read to me every night before bed. The one who is like a father to me. Anger starts to well up in my body and I throw  my phone across the room. I sink back against the door and I put my hed between my legs. Why would Luke do that? Why would he betray us? Why is being a jerk? All of the questions fill up as my eyes grow heavy.

*A week later* 

"Come on, Clary. Open the door." Isabelle pleads. I sigh and I head for the door. I hestitate before opening it. But then I pull Isabelle in ad lock the door. 

"Clary-" I hug her tightly and I start to cry.

"Everything important in my life is gone. I just lost the last person who loved me and now I have no one." I cry 

"Clary, it's okay. You have us and we'll be your family."

I look up at Isabelle. "Please don't tell anyone I let  you in. Jace would freak and Alec. . . well he doesn't care about me. He has had this. . . thing . . . everytime I'm around you or Jace." Then it hit me.

"Does Jace know how Alec feels about him?" I ask. She sighs and shakes her head. "Just please don't tell him. It isn't right for a parabati to love their other half." I nod and she leads me out. "Come on. Lets go eat." Isabelle runs ahead and I get totally lost. I hear footsteps follow my lead and I am slamed into the wall and I am pinned there. 

"You stay away from Jace.  He doesn't need some mistake to distract him." Alec spits.

"I'm not a mi-"

"Shut up! You are. You are a monster and you're the one who caused your mother's death. And you're the one who can kill us all." He drops me to the ground and walks away. Red, hot anger swells in my body but then I realize that eveything he has said is true.

I'm the one who is going to kill them all.

Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter! I worked really hard on this. My concert choir got first place but we're not going to state. My feet hurt badly. Those shoes they made us wear gave me freakin' blisters. Anywho, this chapter is dedicated to @Haileyhayes123 because of all the great comments she has given me.  See yall next time! Remember to vote, comment, read, and reccommend this book!


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