Chapter 4: Jace (Filler chapter)

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"Clary!? Clary, wake up!" I scream.

"Jace, what's wrong!" Isabelle runs in. 

"It's Clary. Her head started hurting and she just passed out." I look at the small, fragile red-head on the bed. 

"Stop. . . No. . . I won't do it. . . " She mummers. 

"I think she's having a bad nightmare. Probably about Valentine." Isabelle says.

"Probably. But why is this happening to her? Why is Valentine doing this to her?''

"Because Valentine is an evil man." Magnus walks in out of nowhere. "Valentine doesn't care if his daughter gets hurt. All he wants is power. He gave her Angel blood and now, he wants her power. He knows her mother, Jocelyn, would tell her where she hid it. But the strong mother-daughter relationship made Clary not tell. She knows how powerful Valentine can be and what he might plan to do with the cup. But she is also clueless. And just so you know, Valentine is controlling her. We need to break the bond between them or else Clary could die."

Hey guys. I made Chapter 4 a filler chapter. Anyways, sorry it is so short. I don't have a lot to say but anyways, Vote, comment, recommend, read, and see ya next time.


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