Chapter 10

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(I am so sorry I haven't updated in a huge while! Junior year is taking a toll on me and my job is too and I have had a lot of personal stuff going on and today I just started homeschool. I hope y'all understand! But I also hope y'all enjoy!)


"Jace, calm down!" Alec tries to grab my shoulder. 

"No, I won't calm down! Clary is in danger!" 

"Jace, we'll figure it out. I promise. Right now you need to chill out." Izzy tries to help me.

"By the angel, I can't calm down!" I yell. They both stare at me. "I have fallen in love with her. If anything happens to her, it would kill me. It'll be my fault because I promised to help her and protect her. I love Clary." I punch the wall. "I don't want her hurt." I take a deep breath. 

Alec grabs my wrist and looks me in the eye. "Jace, we will find her. I promise." He brings me in to a bear hug. Isabelle joins too. 

I sigh. I hope nothing has happened to Clary.  They drag me into the library where Maryse and Max stand. 

"Alright. We have a feeling Valentine has Clary. We have to hurry before Valentine can do anything to her." Maryse says. "Who knows what power he'll have if he takes it from Clary." 

I shudder. Who knows what he'll do in general to her. He could kill her. And I don't want that to happen. I huff and I head to my room, slamming the door.


I stare at Simon. "I have to leave." He says. I grab his wrist and I twist it. 

"No tell me why you're working with Valentine." 

"I can't, Clary." He looks in my eyes and makes me let go. I stare at him intensely.

"I hate you." Simon walks out the door. I scream and I grab the nearest thing and I throw it. It was just a broken chain. I can't believe my childhood best friend has teamed up with Valentine and Sebastian. I sink down to the ground and I pull my knees to my chest. I just sit there in silence. I start thinking of Jace. I miss his touch, his smell of pine, his golden eyes. I miss his voice as well. It's been only a few ho-

"Get up." The door slams open. Sebastian stands there glaring at me. "Father wants you."

"He is not my father." Sebastian slaps me across the face. 

"Do not disrespect him. He gave helped create you didn't he?" He smirks. "He is still your father."

"There is a difference between a father and a dad, and he is neither of them to me." I receive another slap to the face. Sebastian grabs my shoulder and pushes me out the door. I can feel the presence of a knife behind my back. 

"Make a stupid move and this takes a nice slice down your back. I would stay around and mess with you but father wants to see you." He moves me slowly down a hall of doors and makes me turn down the hall. I see Valentine standing there with his hands behind his back. 

"Well, hello, Clarissa." He smiles.

"It's Clary." I grunt. Sebastian jerks me and holds the blade closer. 

"I would like to negotiate with you." He steps closer and I try to step back. "I need you on my team, Clarissa. Together we can all be very powerful." He looks at Sebastian. "We can all be a happy family and rule the shadow world together."

"Like hell that will happen." I growl. 

"Now, now, Clarissa. It's either you join us willingly or I will do it by force." I struggle and I try to break free. Sebastian slices my cheek and I freeze. 

"I told you not to do anything stupid." He glares. I look at him then Valentine and I stay silent. He gives Sebastian a nod and Sebastian pulls out a needle filled with some liquid. 

"You have one last chance, Clarissa." Valentine looks at me. I try to struggle before the needle is injected in my neck. I feel a power coming over me and I pass out. 

Short chapter I know! I am so sorry I have taken so long to update! I have been extremely busy and I just started homeschool and I've had a lot of life problems going on. I am extremely sorry but I haven't stopped writing! I've just been adjusting to all of this and fighting problems. I love y'all!

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