Part 2 - Optimistic but to an extent

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Tubbo's POV

I ran up the stairs as fast as I could, resulting in me stumbling a couple times. Tommy and, I think her name is, Ava were walking up the stairs normally.

 As soon as we reached our room I flung the door wide open, quickly approaching my bag to put my small amount of things inside it. 

Tommy seemed to be thinking about something so I made my way over to Ava.

 "Hi!" I said happily while waving. 

"Hello!" She said trying to reciprocate my happiness. 

"I can't wait until we get settled in!" I said, but then I noticed Ava freeze.

 " okay-y?" I asked worried.

 "YES! I mean yes, yes I am fine. Why would I be not fine?.... I am okay...Yes I am okay." Ava started rambling on which didn't make me feel any better about what I just witnessed.

 "okay?" I said holding out the 'y'.


"Hey Tubzo you ready and packed?" Tommy called from the other side of the room.

 "Almost, just putting the last few things in" I shouted back. 

I received a nod in response, I got up, turning to look at our room, hoping this is the last time I would see it.

 I was optimistic, but to an extent. Tommy grabbed my hand as we made our way back down to the Meeting Room. 

But of course, before we left Tommy had  to blow a raspberry at Peter. I giggled at his antics and carried on walking. 

"You kids ready?" Mrs Taylor's asked with a wide smile. "Mhm" I said, Tommy only slightly nodded in response.

 "Alright, Mr Taylor is just bringing the car round to the fro-" She was cut off by Mr Taylor honking his horn, telling us to hurry up. 

I looked up to Tom with a worried stare, he tried to smile to calm me down but we were nudged out the door by Mrs Taylor.

We clambered into the back of the car, Tommy taking the left seat, me in the middle and Ava on the right.

 Mrs Taylor got into the passenger seat and without waiting for her to shut the door, Mr Taylor began to drive. 

The journey began silent and uncomfortable, I could feel Tommy shaking so I slowly took his hand, as to not startle him, and began squeezing his hand comfortingly. 

I went to ask Mr Taylor how long the journey would be, but I only received a sharp grunt 'odd' I thought to myself.

Tommy's POV

I was begging to calm down, I felt safer whenever I was in Tubbo's presence.

 Mr and Mrs Taylor were heavy in conversation, occasionally getting heated and one of them raising their voice. I gulped. 

This isn't going to end well, is it? After what felt like hours, we pulled into a small drive way. 

It was clearly old as the car was bounced around. 

"Get out, Ava take them to their rooms." Mr Taylor ordered. 

"Yes Sir." Ava mumbled. 

I grabbed mine and Tubbo's bag, he protested at first saying he could carry it, but I just ignore him. 

The house was also old, parts of it's paint was falling off and cracked, it's bricks chipped and a few windows either smashed or boarded up. 

Upon entering, we were met with a horrendous stench, trash everywhere and mould creeping into every corner.

 We all made our way through a broken doorway, Ava turned left down a small corridor, us following closely behind until she stopped.

 "I-i-i'm s-s-sorry." She said barely above a whisper before swiftly walking the opposite direction.

 I cautiously pushed open our door, in the corner there were two blow-up mattresses with a few sheets on them and a small dresser to our right. I sighed 

'Here we go again.' I thought. 

I began putting our minimal amount of clothing into the dresser, but then I heard the sound of glass smashing, followed by shouting. 

I turned to look at Tubbo, but he wasn't there. Now worried, I ran to find the source of the noise. 

"Please no, please don't, i'm sorry, no" I heard, I knew that voice too well. 

"TUBBO!" I shouted trying to locate the younger boy. 

"T-T-TOMMY?" I heard in response. 

"SILENCE!" Mr Taylor screamed. 

I found them.

 Tubbo being pinned to the wall from his neck by Mr Taylor.

 "PUT HIM DOWN!" I yelled, he put Tubbo down slowly, but then he began charging towards me. 

"NO-NO- TOMMY!" Tubbo yelled. 

Mr Taylor pushed me to the ground and began kicking me, I yelped in pain, 'but at least Tubbo isn't getting hurt' I thought before the world started fading and soon it turned black.



What's cooking, good looking


792 words 

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