Part 11 - From bad to worse

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⚠︎︎This is entirely platonic⚠︎︎


Tommy's POV

I paced back and forth for what felt like a hundredth time. 

"That bitch, I trusted him" I shouted whilst flinging my hands up in the air. 

We were back at the orphanage in mine and Tubbo's room, Ava had been separated from us and we weren't allowed to see her or leave our room. 

"Tommy calm dow-" Tubbo started before being cut off. 

"CALM DOWN? I thought I could trust him, I mean it was only one day but still.." I ranted.

 I heard stomping coming up the stairs so I quickly dashed over to Tubbo and sat next to him. Seconds later our door flung open as Miss Adams stood in the doorway.

 "Quiet down you little brats, or you will be separated." She said in a scarily quiet voice as she walked towards us pointing her finger at us. I gulped but nodded. 

"Yes, Miss Adams." 

With that she slammed the door behind her with great force. 

"What now?" I said to Tubbo but now with a much quieter voice only for him to just shrug in response. 

"Well you're much help." I muttered which resulted in a pillow being launched at my face. 

Damn that kids got good aim.

Phil's POV

I was still in disbelief of what happened. It was the next morning and I was sitting with some coffee reading a newspaper on the sofa.

 It was fairly early but I knew no one would be up. Apart from Techno that is, I swear that child never sleeps. 

All he does is read and play minecraft. As if on cue I heard the stairs creak behind me as I turned to be met with said pinkette. 

"Hey Tech." I said, giving him a warm smile which only received a grunt in response. 

"Coffee is on the side for you!" I shouted knowing he's not a morning person at all. Or a day person either that is... Moments later Techno returned but this time with a coffee in hand.

 I watched as he walked over to the armchair and curled up in it, picking up a Greek mythology book from the table beside him and began reading it.

 I chuckled fondly with a smile on my face. 

"What." His monotone voice rang out.

 "Nothing, nothing."

I had finished reading the newspaper and began doing the crossword with my glasses perched on my nose when the rest of the household woke up.

Both Wilbur and Kristin came down the stairs.

 "Hey guys." I smiled. Kristin smiled back as she came over and stood behind me.

 "Muskrat." She said,


 I was confused. She leant forward and pointed at the crossword question.

"A North American rodent or a person who hoards." She read out, kissing my cheek as she stood up to go to the kitchen where Wil was probably waiting to be fed.

 "Thanks honey!" I called out. From how she knew that, I had no idea. I got up to join the two in the kitchen. 

Walking in I sat down on the stool next to Kristin, Wil was poring his cereal whilst groaning. Most likely because he had to do it himself.

 "We need to talk." I whispered into Kristin's ear. She nodded and followed me out of the room into our bedroom.

 "I'm pretty sure I know what this is about'' She stated while closing the door.

 "Yeah." I chuckled trying to calm my racing thoughts. We both sat down at the foot of the bed.

 "I just- why did they take them?" I asked, flinging my arms up.

 "I'm not sure." She whispered while placing her hand on my back. 

"I'm gonna call them." I said. Kristin thought for a moment before nodding. I froze. 

"What if they don't want to see me again? Oh no, oh no, oh no. I promised I wouldn't send them back. It's not my fault, or is it?" I rambled. Kristin jumped up and pulled me into a tight hug. 

"Hey hey, it's okay we'll get them back somehow, don't worry." I nodded.

 "Sorry" I mumbled. 

"Don't be." 

She wiped a tear as it fell down my cheek. I just rest my head on her shoulder thinking of all the possible ways to get them back here. Back home. 

I know we've only known them for such a short period of time but it feels like they were always meant to be in our family and without them it's like a great hole missing. 

"I'm calling them." I walked over to my phone on the bedside table, I dialed in the numbers and put it on loudspeaker for Kristin to listen. 

"Hello, Maple Orphanage. I'm Mrs Cathy, how may I help?" A young woman said. 

"My name is Philza Minecraft and I was calling about three kids in your care?"


 "Tubbo, Ava, Tommy." I answered as she took a deep breath.

 "Something wro-" 

I was cut off by her in a monotone voice. 

"We do not have any children named 'Tommy', 'Tubbo' or 'Ava' in our care." 


"No 'buts' Sir, good bye."

 And with that she hung up leaving Kristin and I shocked in silence.

 "That was definitely the right place?" Kristin asked in disbelief. I looked over to the piece of paper next to me, two words written on it saying 'Maple Orphanage'. I huffed. 


 Seems like this situation just turned from bad to worse.



My love for you is like diarrhea

I just can't hold it in.

928 words

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