Part 8 - Fuck you Tubbo, you dick

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⚠︎︎This is entirely platonic⚠︎︎


Tommy's POV

"YOU USELESS, BRAT OF A CHILD. HOW DARE YOU!" A man from one of my old foster homes shouted at me. 

"IM SORRY." I yelled, not meaning to raise my voice.

"OH YOUR GONNA PAY FOR THAT!" He shouted back, bringing his fist to my face. Tear began forming, the pain felt so real yet so fake.

"Tommy, Tommy!" I was awoken by someone whispering loudly as I flinched from the sudden noise.

"Breathe, okay?" I nodded, still unsure who was speaking. "Count to 10 and copy my breaths."

The voice began over exaggerating their breaths, my eyes slowly unblurred and I was able to make out their face.

"Better?" Wilbur asked, I nodded. "Alright, try and get some sleep, I'm just down the hall if you need me."

I watched as he left the room, glancing at the clock I saw that it was 2:37 AM.

'I really should get some sleep.' I thought.

And with that, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


Tubbo's POV

I woke up with a start, not recognising my surroundings at first. But after remembering last night, calmed down a bit.

I slowly lifted Tommy's arm, which was carelessly flung across me, so I was able to leave the room.

Standing up carefully, I made my way to the door. Looking over to see Ava also fast asleep. I chuckled lightly at the sight of her stuck in the duvet both legs twisted at impossible angles.

I opened the door before shutting it cautiously behind me and heading towards the kitchen. Whilst approaching the stairs I could hear the sound of hushed chatter and the sizzle of a frying pan.

The stairs softly creaked beneath my feet with every step I took, now only noticing the strong smell of bacon hitting my nose, causing my stomach to let out an involuntary grumble due to the lack of food.

Once at the bottom no one noticed me yet. Still deep in their conversations, I crept my way towards the breakfast bar and pulled myself out a seat.

As I sat down, Phil saw me and smiled.

"Ah Tubbo, good morning." He said "Do you like bacon?"

I nodded vigorously.

"I'll take that as a yes." He chuckled, and carried on tending to the food. 

Techno and Wilbur began making their way towards me, I gulped, nervous due to the incredible height difference.

"Hey Tubbo." Wilbur greeted, Techno giving me a small wave.

"Hi." I replied quietly.

"How was your sleep?" He questioned.

I shrugged.

 "Good, I guess." 

Wilbur smiled with a nod.

"Breakfast will be ready soon, why don't you wake the others?" He added.

And with that, I quickly made my way to the stairs, once out of their eye line running up them as fast as possible. I burst the door open, and ran over to Ava and Tommy.

"WAKE UP YOU LITTLE SHITS, THERES FOOD." I yelled, Tommy groaned as he rolled over to his side.

"Nope." I said as I dragged his duvet off him. He flipped me off as he sat up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

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