Part 3 - Why does this keep happening to us

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Tubbo's POV

No, no, not again. Why does this keep happening to us? 

"TOMMY!" I screamed, voice slowly becoming hoarse, choking on my tears. 

He was quiet. Too quiet. 

"W-WHAT DID YOU D-DO?!?" I screamed, voice cracking as I ran to sit beside my older brother. 

"That should teach him to not get involved." He said with a smug look on his face as he began walking out the room. 

"T-t-tommy, p-p-please wa-ake u-up." I began slightly shaking him, I slowly lifted his shirt. "S-s-shit." I mumbled.

 There were bruises all over him, cuts, and? He was so skinny? But unnaturally so...I tried lifting him, but only kept failing as my hands were uncontrollably shaking.

"Need any help?" A voice from behind me said. I flinched, but relaxed when I realised it was Ava.

"Y-yeah." I mumbled. 

Together we managed to lift Tommy back to our room. As we approached the door to our room I thanked Ava for her help and settled Tommy down on his bed. 

Exhausted, I climbed in with him and soon fell asleep.

Tommy's POV

Everything hurts. All I can see is a black void.

 "T-Tubbo?" I called out into the darkness. No response.

 "Am I d-dead?" I mumbled to myself. No, no I can't be. I need to be there for Tubbo. All of a sudden, a loud scream pierced through my ears, followed by a white flash. "W-W-WHAT'S HAPPENING?!" I yelled.

Tubbo's POV

I was awoken by a sharp scream.

 "Tommy?" I asked, he was screaming and shaking, "Tommy, c-calm down".

 I gave him a tight hug, hoping this would calm him down, thankfully after around five minutes his breathing became regular and he stopped screaming.


Tommy's POV

I awoke with a gasp. Memories from yesterday came flooding back. 

"T-tubbo?" I mumbled while reaching around the bed trying to find him. 

"I'm right here, don't worry" He replied. Instantly I felt relaxed.

 "Ow" I yelped, pain surrounding my stomach. "Tubbo we need to leave, it's not safe here." I said.

 "I agree.....but what about Ava?" Tubbo responded.

 "I'm not sure, should we ask if she wants to come with us?" I asked.

 Tubbo nodded, and he helped me stand up. Limping, we eventually made it to Ava's room, I knocked on the door and heard a faint "Come in". 

"Oh hi guys. I thought you were Sir. What do you need?" She asked, her previous worried face turning to a warm smile.  

"We have decided we're going to run away, and we would like to know if you wanted to join us?" Tubbo said.

 Her whole face lit up "Yes!! When are you planning on leaving?" She asked. 

"Hopefully, tonight. Use the night as a cover and sneak out a window. Pack up important belongings and tell us when your ready." I answered. 

"Oh and also, if your going to knock on our door, knock three times so we know it's you." Tubbo added. Ava just nodded and started putting clothing and other things into a small backpack.


"Hey, Tubbo you ready for this" I questioned the smaller boy. 

"Sort of....This time is different, we have Ava with us" Tubbo replied with a small smile.

 For a few minutes we were in comfortable silence, until we heard three soft knocks on the door. 

"That must be Ava." I said while making my way to the door. 

I slowly opened it, being cautious if the knocks didn't actually belong to Ava. To my relief, it was just her. 

She had a small backpack on her that seemed to be pretty full. 

I locked the door behind her as she walked in.

I then walked towards the window, lucky for us it was unlocked. With a click. The window began sliding open, squeaking as like everything in this house, it was old and not looked after. 

"Well, who's going first?" Ava asked. We both shrugged. Ava carefully went past us and climbed out the window, as the house was one story, she landed only 2ft below us. 

"Tubbo, you go next and I'll pass you our bags." I said, he nodded while climbing through the window being assisted by Ava.

I quickly ran and grabbed our bags, passing them though the window once Tubbo was done.

We all froze as we heard yelling from the other side of the walls, closely followed by some sharp knocks on the door causing the small group to fall silent. 'Oh no' I thought.

 "OPEN THIS DOOR!!" I heard Mr Taylor yell.


 I gulped. Stumbling towards the window as Mr Taylor began barging against the door to open it. 

After three failed attempts, he managed to get the door open while I was halfway out the window.

 "What do we have here....." He asked with a sick grin.

 I tried to get through the window but he grabbed onto my arm, I flung my arms about, hoping this would free me from this man's tight grasp. 

But one thing I have learnt when being held against your will, go for the weak spots.

 I stopped what I was doing and kicked him hard in his private area.

 He all of a sudden stopped, and dropped to the ground in pain. I took this as my opportunity to leave. 

Going as fast as I could through the window and grabbing Tubbo and Ava's arms, telling them to run.



Are you lightning?

Because you're McQueen.


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