Part 6 - I've got the blade

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⚠︎︎This is entirely platonic⚠︎︎

Tubbo's POV

"How about you come back to mine and I can get you all warmed up. I have two sons at home, their names are Wilbur and Techno. I also have a wife named Kristin." Phil said.

Tommy tugged on my sleeve presumingly about the man's question. I turned to him.

"Are we just going to trust him?" Tommy asked.

I shrugged. 

"He did kinda help me calm down from a panic attack before you guys woke up, I think maybe we can trust him?" I replied.

"As long as you guys trust him then I will." Ava added

I turned my focus back to the man who was waiting patiently for our answer.

"O-okay." I said hesitantly.

He smiled and told us to follow him. He led us out the alleyway and past some of the shops we ran by earlier. We walked through the Town's centre, the clock now reading 7:07 PM. 

I jogged a bit now realising I was falling behind the group.

We kept walking until we came up to a tall car park.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, how old are you guys?"Phil asked.

"Uh, i'm 13 and Tubbo is 11." Tommy replied

"And i'm 14." Ava said.  

Phil hummed in acknowledgment.

"My two sons, Wilbur he is aged 18. And Techno, he is 17." Phil said.

We went inside the car park and began walking up the tall stairs. It felt like we were walking for centuries until Phil said this was his level.

We left the staircase and Phil went and paid for his parking, we then started walking towards his car.

"Here it is." Phil said whilst pointing towards a minivan.

He unlocked the car and Tommy, Ava and I climbed into the seats. There were two seats in front of us, the driver's and the passenger's, and three seats behind us.

I was sat by the window, Tommy in the middle and Ava seated the other side of him.

Phil closed the door behind us and got into the front seat. He put his seatbelt on, then checked in the rear-view mirror if we had ours on. 

He took his keys out from his pocket and turned them in the ignition. The engine coming to life with a soft growl.

"Would you guys like the radio on?" He asked.

We all nodded, so he pressed the button and voices filled the previously quiet car.

"BBC, radio two. Earlier this week, three children ages 11-14 ran away from home. Their adoptive parents said that they miss them and they would do anything to get them back. Please keep your eyes out for these young children, and if you are to come across them call the number +44-###-###-###. There is a reward if you find them of £450-"

Phil turned the radio off.

"That wouldn't happen to be you guys would it?" He questioned.

"I think it might be, please don't call the number don't make us go back." I said

"I won't, like I said before, if you had your reasons then that's okay." He reassured.

He turned the radio back on, this time a music channel called Heart. A song started to play quietly in the background.

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