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⚠︎︎This is entirely platonic⚠︎︎


Tommy's POV

The man who came and got our orders returned with our food, each person tucking in eagerly whilst I just stared at it.

"Problem with your food, Tommy?" Phil questioned quietly so only I could hear.

 I slowly shook my head. Tubbo turned to look at me, seeing my face unease, I just gave him a quick smile and began slowly eating. 

I was still nervous about what happened to Ava and I could tell Tubbo was too. He kept fidgeting with his shirt, something he does when nervous.

 I looked towards him as we made eye contact. 

'Are you okay?' I mouthed, he hesitantly nodded and finished eating. We both had grilled cheese sandwiches. After everyone had finished, well I left most of mine untouched, Phil clapped his hands together causing everyone's attention to turn to him. 

"Are we all ready to go?" He questioned. There were various nods and agreements as we all made our way to the exit while Phil paid.

We were all walking back to the car park but I could tell Ava wasn't okay, her eyes glazed with tears threatening to fall. I jogged to catch up to her, placing my arm slowly around her shoulder. 

She flinched at the contact, whipping her head round to stare at me with fear in her eyes. 

"Sorry." I mumbled whilst removing my arm.

"Are you okay?"

 "Not really.." She replied. 

"Ah, did it have something to do with the man?" I questioned. 

She just nodded. Finally making back to the car park, we began the exhausting ascend of stairs. Once at the top, the car came into view, its lights flashed signalling it was unlocked as we all began to pile into the seats from before. 

Kristin and Phil seemed deep in conversation, as did Wilbur and Techno so I turned to Tubbo and Ava.

 "Wanna play a game?" I asked them. They both seemed intrigued. "Every time you see a yellow car or mini, say slap. Whoever sees the most wins. You in?" 

They agreed and we all began the hunt for cars.


Needless to say it was an unfair game, whenever Tubbo saw a car he would cover our eyes and say slap. By the end everyone in the car had joined in the game. 

As we turned the corner into their street I saw a silver mini, I smiled brightly as I said slap but it soon turned into a frown when I realised whose car it was. 

Miss Adams, our social worker. Phil pulled into the driveway as she stared at us with a deadly glare. She approached us as we got out. 

"Get your things, you're coming with me." She spat. 

"What." I said in disbelief.

 "You heard me." I turned to look at Phil.

 "You, you..DICK HEAD. WE TRUSTED YOU WHAT THE F-" I was cut off by Tubbo pulling me to gather our minimal belongings. Phil looked at us with a sad stare. 

"Tommy I promise you, I didn't want this to happen, hell I didn't even know she'd be here." Phil stated. 

"Yeah right, bitch." I muttered.

Day before 

Phil's POV

I walked into the lounge seeing Kristin watching something on the TV. 

"Hey, do you mind if I talk to you about something?" I asked her, she nodded for me to continue. 

"I want to foster, and possibly adopt, Tommy, Tubbo and Ava." I watched as Kristen's face lit up. 

"It was a matter of time before you said that." She joked whilst laughing as I joined in. 

"Should we call CPS?" I questioned her. 

"Well yeah otherwise we are effectively kidnapping." Kristin laughed. I picked up my phone and rang them, the rings being the only thing heard in the silence. 

"Hello, Child Protection Services. How can I help?" A woman's voice answered. 

"Hello, I would like to foster three children I found the other day." 

"Hmm, and what's their names?" She asked sceptically.

 "Tommy, Tubbo and Ava." I answered.

 "Right, what's your address?" She questioned. I gave it to her as I heard the sounds of a keyboard clicking away on the other end.

 "Right, Mr..." 


"Mr Minecraft, we will send someone to your house soon." And with that she hung up. I turned to Kristen with a huge smile.


I watched helplessly as Tommy, Tubbo and Ava were driven away. Although we had only just met, it felt like a piece of me was stolen. 

A single tear rolled down my cheek as Kristin and I looked at each other. 

"We'll get them back." Kristin assured me. Techno and Wilbur turned to go inside, one with tears on his cheeks and the other barely managing to bottle up his emotions. We went inside and all I could feel was guilt. 

If I hadn't made that phone call, they would be here with us right now. The morale around the house was at an obvious low. I was pouring myself a glass of water when a voice came from behind me.

 "Don't blame yourself."

 I turned around to see a certain pinkette.

 "Ah, Techno." 

"I heard you and Mum talking last night." He carried on, sitting down at the breakfast bar in front of me 

"It sucks." He mumbled. I agreed. 

"I'm going to do everything I can to get them back home." I said.

 "I'm gonna head to my room, don't stay up too late." I patted him on his back and went up stairs, opening the door to mine and Kristin's room to see her already on the bed in her pyjamas. I quickly changed and flopped in the bed next to her.

 "Good night." I said, reaching over to kiss her on the cheek. 

"Good night." She replied as I turned the light off surrounding us now in darkness. 'Tomorrow's going to be a long day..' I thought before drifting off to sleep.



Are you the nether

Because you're so hot.

1004 Words

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