Part 12 - Weeb

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⚠︎︎This is entirely platonic⚠︎︎


Ava's POV

It was the next day and I still wasn't allowed to see Tommy or Tubbo. I was pretty convinced they had locked me up in this room and thrown the key away until I heard a knock.

 "Yeah?" I called out unsure. 

The sound of locks clicking was heard before the door swung open to show Miss Adams stood there with disgust written all over her face. 

"There's a family here to see you."

 I gave her a puzzled look, why on such short notice?

 "Just get your arse downstairs quickly. We haven't got time for your stupid shenanigans." She continued talking to herself as she went downstairs, most likely to her office. 

Confused, I followed after her but stopped at her door. Before I opened it I could hear one, maybe two other voices talking. I tried to calm myself as I slowly opened the door. 

Sat opposite Miss Adams was a man with neatly cut brown hair wearing a smart light grey shirt and dark trousers, next to him was a woman with medium length blonde hair wearing a dark blue dress that stopped around her knees. 

Miss Adams cleared her throat as she brought everyone's attention to her.

 "Ava, this is Mr and Mrs Roberts. They were thinking of fostering you."

 I took another look at both of them before sitting in the chair next to them.

 "Please dear, call me Sarah..or perhaps mummy?" Mrs Roberts asked. I had to fight back the grimace that threatened to show on my face, instead just nodding. 

"Just Mike is fine with me." Mr Roberts smiled and again I just nodded. Miss Adams gestured for me to introduce myself. 

"Uh- like Miss said, I'm Ava."

 "What kind of things do you like to do for fun, Ava?" Sarah questioned me.

 "Well I quite enjoy writing and uh, listening to music." They both nodded.

 "What type of music do you like?" Sarah continued.

 "I kinda only listen to one artist called Lemon Demon."

 "Oh." Sarah said with disappointment obvious in her tone. I quickly looked up at her. 

"Oh." She repeated but this time with fake enthusiasm. I was now sceptical of the couple beside me. Miss Adams passed them some sheets of paper and they began quickly signing them.

 After a few minutes of paper flicking, Sarah turned to me. 

"Go grab your bags sweetie, and meet us back here okay?"

I nodded, knowing that my input wouldn't change anything. 

But yet I still did as they said and ran to my room to get my things. Only now I realised we left our new clothes at Phil's. Stupid, stupid. How could you let someone pay all that much for you and not even take it?

I swung my backpack on and slowly made my way downstairs. As I was about to make my way into the meeting room, I stopped as I heard people by the bottom of the stairs. Mr and Mrs Roberts.

 "-why do we have to foster that brat?" Mr Roberts groaned. 

"Shut your mouth. Miss Adams is paying us good money, and anyways we only need to keep her for a week then just either dump her back here or wherever." 

"Ugh fine."

 I could hear them making their way back to the meeting room so I quickly went up a few stairs to make it look like I was only just coming down now. 

"Oh hello, sweetie." 

Fuck, Mrs Roberts spotted me. Her grouchy voice from earlier being replaced with a 'loving' one. 

"Hey..." I mumbled, now following her. 

"Are you ready to go?"

 I nodded in response. Mrs Roberts clapped her hands in delight.

 "Brilliant, now come along dear, no time to waste."


Phil's POV

Everyone in the house very obviously missed the trio. Kristin and I decided that in a few days we'd go down to the Orphanage to make sure they're at least okay.

 I groaned as I pulled myself up from the warmth of my bed. Shivering for a moment from the loss of covers before dashing quickly to put my dark green dressing gown on.

 Kristin was still asleep so I slowly went over to her, waking her up in a calm manner.

 "Morning, Kris." 

She smiled back at me as her eyes slowly adjusted to the light. Now 'a calm manner' couldn't be used to describe everyone's morning today. 

We were interrupted by the sounds of yelling, closely followed by screaming and what sounded like a herd of elephants going down the stairs.

 "I'll go check on them." I mumbled to Kristin as she laughed. While I exited the bedroom, I saw Techno's door opposite mine slightly ajar revealing a very messed up bed. Great. 

You could still hear them shouting from upstairs. Deciding to quicken my pace, I was downstairs in no time.

 By following the sounds of their voices, I was soon greeted with Wilbur being pinned by Techno on the sofa using a diamond minecraft sword, anger very evident in the pink haired's eyes whereas the brunette seemed to be silently pleading for his release.

 I put my head into my hands.

"Boys, what's going on?" I groaned, almost immediately both of them stood up pointing at each other. 

"It was him."

 One glare at them and Wilbur cracked. 

"I woke him up by jumping on him." He mumbled, to which Techno nudged him in the ribs. 

"..and attacked him with pillows." He continued. 

"Wil, this is the third time this week." I said.

 "For punishment, you have to let Techno talk to you all day about Greek mythology." Techno's eyes lit up, whereas Wilbur just complained. 

"Really?" He whined. 

"Yeah really, and if you don't stop I'll start talking about anime." I continued whilst walking to the kitchen. 

"Weeb." Wilbur said whilst 'discreetly' covering it with a cough. 

"I heard that." I shouted before opening the door.

 "Fuck" Wilbur whispered.

 "And that."



life without you is like a broken pencil


1008 words

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