Part 4 - It's only illegal if we get caught

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Tubbo's POV

We had been running for what felt like hours, the day slowly slipping away from us. 

If we didn't find a place to rest, the night's cold would kill us. 

Once we decided we had run far enough we slowed to a walk, as to not arise suspicion in a public area, and began passing by small shops.

In the centre of town there was an open area where usually music would be playing, but I'm guessing it's too late and they packed up. 

Ava tugged on my arm and pointed down a small alleyway, Tommy and I contemplated for a while if it was the best idea, but then agreed, as there was no where better to go.

The alleyway was small, there was broken glass on the ground, litter and graffiti surrounding us. 

"Hey guys look at this." Tommy said, while holding up a large piece of cardboard "This will keep us dry for the night." 

Ava and I agreed and we started attempting to balance the cardboard against the wall so if it were to rain we would be sort of sheltered.

 "How about tomorrow we could try and find somewhere to get food?" Ava said.

 Tommy agreed as I started yawning.

 "Hey Tubbo if your tired we can go to sleep." Tommy said with a small smile. 

"No i'm not tired" I giggled as my speech was broken up by yawns. "Okay maybe i'm a bit tired." 

We all started laughing quietly before getting under the cardboard balanced carefully between the floor and the wall.

Sleeping on the ground was hard, there was no position you could get into that would be comfortable.

 I was squirming around for a while trying to find somewhere that wasn't painful to my back.

 "Tubbo go to sleep." Tommy whispered while laughing. 

I playfully grunted with a smile before eventually falling asleep.

Tommy's POV

I awoke to the sound of birds chirping, I was confused on where I was until the memories from last night came flooding back in.

 I tried to move but my back was stiff. 'Damn maybe sleeping on the floor wasn't a good idea' I thought to myself while laughing. 

The sun was up, I had no clue of what the time was though, I decided to wake Ava and Tubbo as we were supposed to be looking for food and other things today.

"Tubbo, Ava wake up." I whisper-yelled while shaking them both gently. "Come on, guys we said we're getting food."

"Huh, what food?" Tubbo asked as he woke up with a start.

I laughed at his antics as Ava starting stirring.

"Good morning?" Ava asked 

"Yep, now come on we need to find food." I said

We all got up, me having to drag Tubbo, and walked to the exit of the alleyway. I told both of them to wait while I checked to see if the coast was clear. 

"Alright, let's go." I said after looking.

We left the alleyway and started walking down the wide paved area, small shops either side of us.

In the main area of town there is a building with a small clock on top of it.

 'Shit, I was never good at telling the time' I thought to myself while staring blankly at the clock's hands.

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