Chapter 9

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I had been running from alley to alley to stay out of sight all day. Finally, night time broke and the sky filled with little dots in the sky with a pitch black background.

I had seen my new training buddy swinging from building to building throughout the afternoon.

"Damn it, Fury. You had to get him involved," I cursed under my breath when I saw him.

I knew the darkness of the night wasn't going to help me blend in so I stopped running and hid in an empty building nearby. I made sure not to make any noise at all and made sure not to look suspicious. I kept my hood up slightly allowing near by people to still see my face and I didn't look back to see if someone was following me.

I kept my mind open allowing it to connect with others so I could read their thoughts, just in case I did have someone on my tail. There wasn't much just a lot horny, single and old people. Which means their thoughts meant nothing to me.

When I got into the building I took my hood all the way off and let out a deep sigh.

If I plan accordingly and wisely I should be able to find Gigi and somewhere to hide within two weeks. 

Or so I thought. I didn't plan for the Spider to be such a problem. I could hear his thoughts outside the building, he was trying to decide whether he should come in to talk to me or call Fury like he was told.

"I know you're out there. Don't be shy," my voice echoed through the empty cemented room. The nearby door opened, revealing a tall boy in his red and black spider suit. "What's up, Spider?" I asked and smirked.

"Umm, I'm-I'm supposed to report where you are back-back to Mr. Fury," he said nervously.

"Mmm, that's not what you really wanna say now is it?" I asked walking closer to him.

"N-no but that's what I was told to-to do," he said.

"Fine, go ahead. I'm not stopping you," I said and turned back around. "The answer is no by the way."

"What?" he asked.

"The answer to the question that's running throughout your head, it's no. I don't know who you are under the mask and I don't want to know," I said and sat down on the random table in the middle of the room. "Here." I said and tossed him the thing that was in my hand.

"A flash drive?" he asked confused.

"I just thought you should know what kind of guy you're working for," I said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked.

I sighed in frustration, "What did Fury tell you about me?" I asked.

"Not much, I mean I know you have superpowers, you're really smart and that you don't live with your parents." Spider explained.

"So he didn't tell you that I had to watch my mother and my 17 year old brother die right in front of me? He didn't tell you that he sent us on that mission with the knowledge that at least one of us were gonna die?" I said calmly as I slowly made my way to the Spider.

"He didn't tell you that he was the one that put the bullets in their heads because they were infected with something S.H.I.E.L.D. created?" I asked now inches away from him.

The Spider stood silent. Not that I blame him.

"On that drive is proof of everything I just said. I forgave him for that a long time ago but now he's lost the only thing I have left and I can't forgive him for that." I said. I placed a small device behind my ear and pressed the button. The mask I had been wearing in our previous meet covered my face once again.

The Spider was probably gonna rat me out so I didn't bother hiding this time. I stepped back from him a few feet at least and let my wings unfurl. The feathers were charcoal black and lined with blood red, each wing held a 16 foot length.

"I'll see you around Spider," I said before taking off. Breaking through the cement ceiling as I flew higher. I let my mind open just a little so that I could hear the Spider's thoughts.

Most of it was just him being confused about the situation but one thought slipped through the back of his mind that flicked a switch in my own.

Ned and MJ are never gonna believe this!

That was all I needed to figure out who was under the mask...Peter Parker.


Yes, I know this is a really really short chapter but I promise I will make it up to you with the next one. I hope you're enjoying the story so far. And if you like Marvel or specifically Natasha Romanoff you should stick around because I am just starting a Natasha Romanoff × Fem!Reader.


Wednesday's at 2:00 p.m.: Peter Parker × the Scientist//Spider × A Hybrid

Friday's at 1:00 p.m.: What Lies Beneath The Soldier? (Natasha Romanoff × Fem!Reader)

Right now that's all I have, for ✨His Bugaboo, Her Kitty✨ it's going to be a while before I update there. Sorry.



Peter Parker × The Scientist// Spider × A HybridWhere stories live. Discover now