Chapter 1: School

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Me and Giyuu were very indeed different from each other. I am a sweet little angel and very sweet , nice and kind. I also am the angel queen's daughter and very protective. I was loved by everyone, especially Giyuu . While Giyuu on the other hand he was the devi queen's son, luckily he was a nice demon. He was a strong,loner,kind and disliked, Which that is true to the "Angel kingdom". They always claimed that he was the mistake even sometimes, they tried to KILL him! But luckily he is still alive. Me and him were best friends forever. A few years later they are now 12 and in middle school.

I said to him," Tomioka-san!"

"What is it?"

"Why are you disliked and hated?" I said hoping that he will not punch me in the face instead he said,

"For the 100th time i am not disliked by people and not hated." He said quickly.

"And this is also why nobody likes you and hates you! You give them the same answer over and over again!" I responded back.

"And this is also why nobody likes you and hates you! You give them the same answer over and over again!" I responded back

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"Um, I gotta go to class like right now. See you at lunch."

"WAIT! I have to tell you something!"

"Tell me quickly. My teacher is gonna send me to the office if i'm not there on time."

" I-i I Love you!" I said turning a bit red and pink, like I was sunburned.

" I love you too." He replied, Then something weird happened, he smiled. I actually never saw him smile.

I waved back and then I checked my To-Do list OMG!! I'M GOING TO BE LATE FOR MATH CLASS!

I ran up the stairs to the second floor I kept on running finally, I got to Room 16 ( Math class)

"Sorry I'm so late i lost track of time!"

"Don't worry Shinobu you are not late we were just starting our lesson now take a seat and follow along in your books." Said Ms.Spade

She is a very nice teacher once you get to know her enough.

"Pssss! Over hear here, Kocho!" Whispered Kohana.

Kohana was my one of my friends she is super duper nice! She is always smiling she never fakes it she wore hoodies everyday (Only when its summer or when the weather is so hot.) We gave eachother notes in class for a while intill lunch.

                                                                   At lunch

Lunch was normal like always the chit-chat was going on, The tables were clean everyday, Snd my favorite part is that i get sit next to Giyuu. 

"How was class, Tomioka-san?" I asked finishing my sandwich.

"Sort of good but mostly horrible." He said while chewing a bite of his pizza.

"Ara Ara~! What happened?" I asked  surprised.

"Well Haru kept throwing paper planes at me and i called the teacher and then he blamed Haruto and he got sent to the office and he had to stay there and Mr.Smith and then he had to stay for 3 hours!" He explained.

"Kohana  did you get my invite?" I asked full of hope.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"The invite from  me! My party's today!" I said slapping my forehead.

"OHHHHH. That invite i got it like when i was waiting for the bus i reached into my mailbox to check if anything was there." Kohana explained. 

I was about to say something then the principal called out,

"Good morning Boys and Girls, Today as you know, We can't go outside but we are also staying indoors. But ii would like to announce the winners of the art contest: Mitsuri kanjiro, Giyuu Tomioka, Shinobu Kocho  and lastly Kohana Yamamoto won the art contest. 

Beep! Mr.Smith stop talking and everybody suddenly started talking at once.

                                                                After school

I was walking home from school I opened the door and took my backpack and then took my coat of and went up the stairs.

"Shinobu!" Squealed Aiko and Aika.

"Hello! How was school?" I asked running toward the bathroom to change my clothes.

"Great!" They said happily.

"Hows Humphrey doing?" I asked.

"Your hamster? If so, Hes doing -" Began Aika. Before she even got to finish her sentence I started  spitting questions at top speed. 

"Was he getting the food he needed? Was he a good boy? did he cause trouble.? Did he-" I began to say but Aiko and Aika cut me off.

"PHEW! I Thought little Humphrey was DEAD!" I said while failling on to my on  bed.

"Hes getting the food he needs, Hes was a good boy when you were gone, He didn't cause trouble, We watched him spinning on his wheel for a while he got a lot of exercise." They both said at same time.

Then they looked at each other and said loudly, "STOP  COPYING  ME!!" "JINX!!" 

Knock,Knock,Knock! "You own me a something i will tell you later..." Said Aika with a grin.


I ran downstairs to get the door then mother called

"Shinobu dear! Do you want any oranges?" She asked peacefully. 

"No thanks, Mother! Maybe later." I said still running to the door And you will never belive who came... 

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