Chapter 8:The girls hero

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Shinobu's POV

She so cute! I wanna squish her checks a little won't hurt 

I reached out my hand then squeezed her checks then she woke up hugging a pillow and comfy pj's

I reached out my hand then squeezed her checks then she woke up hugging a pillow and comfy pj's

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"Who are you?" She asked without flinching.

"Um," I said.

"Are you Mrs.Shorty?" She asked.

'No! My name is Shinobu." I said.

She was right, I WAS short.

"GIYUU!" I hollered from the window upstairs.

Giyuu took a while to come and opened his window and poked his head out of the window.

"What?" He asked.

"Look at this little cute munchkin!" I squealed holding her up, then his younger sister scared me and flung my arms in the air.

Witch also means I DROPPED THE LITTLE GIRL.....

"OMG!" We said in shock.

Giyuu dashed down the stairs and then took a water break, while i was praying and screaming.

Adam so happens to be in the garden planting the flowers then he noticed that something was gonna fall on him so he dropped his things and caught the little girl and she caught her pillow, Then Adam fell on the ground.

!R.I.P. Adam. Who protected a girl that was falling from the house window by a crazy sister!

Then the butlers came and played some dramatic music.

"I'M NOT DEAD!!" Adam said sitting straight up.

"Are you okay, Mister Adam?" She asked.

 "I'm alright just dizzy." he replied.

He got back in the house and took a shower then played with Katie. (Figured out her name was Katie.)

"LET'S GIVE THIS GIRL A MAKEOVER!!" screamed Adam grabbing her hand.

Then 35 minutes later he showed me how she looked, She looked much prettier then me! ( I have to admit.)

Instead of smiling at me she stuck her tongue out at me.

I guess because of me  i randomly dropped her.

I guess because of me  i randomly dropped her

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