Chapter 5: Kanae

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"Excuse me, Are you Shinobu Kocho?" The doctor asked me.

"Yes, Ma'ma." I answered back.

" Well, I have some  bad news Do you want to know what is it."  The doctor said.

"Bad news and yes." I said shaking , My mind was racing everywhere. Could it be that My older brother is dead maybe...

"The bad news is Um, We made a mistake and he died." She explained while frowning.

"WHAT THE F****??!! WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU MADE A MISTAKE???!!!" I screamed. I almost wanted to punch the lady.

"YOU BRAT! " I shouted (again)

I covered my mouth and gasped. I never shouted before at a public place.

Then the doctor SLAPPED ME!!!

"What the $***?! Don't talk like that to me, You piece of $*****!!" She shouted back and kept on slapping me.

Then when she was going to slap me for the 9th time she didn't get the chance but Giyuu grabbed her  hand and pushed her to the wall.

"Don't touch my Love." He said.

I never knew he loved me or used the word "Love" in his life.

"Don't call her a piece of S****. Or i will slay  you!" He continued.( Ignore the trees and the words at the bottom of the picture and there is no Shinobu. SORRY!)

I picked up Adam I tried waking him up but he wasn't waking up!

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I picked up Adam I tried waking him up but he wasn't waking up!

"Adam! Wake up!" I said shaking him like a magic 8 ball.

The he woke up looking around.

"Can you stop holding me like a football  player?" he asked.

" No. We are in a hurry! " I answered.

We kept on running and running intill we got back in the van. Adam looked light green and he didn't move, I'm guessing he was airsick or carsick

" I don't feel to well." Said Adam hugging me.

I let him go to sleep he looked very tired  I leaned on Giyuu's shoulder he did notice but didn't mind.

Then 5 minutes later i didn't notice that Adam had woke up not felling sick anymore, Then tied us up with tape and rope in a huge big  knot

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Then 5 minutes later i didn't notice that Adam had woke up not felling sick anymore, Then tied us up with tape and rope in a huge big  knot.

We didn't notice in till our faces were so close to each other i think we might have KISSED!!!

Adam must have taken pictures like  more then 5 pictures.

Adam sure does ship us a lot!

I woke up because of Adam and then he pushed our heads together to kiss then he took 10 more photes.

"Kanoa! I screamed struggling.

Shinobu's POV

Right. Adams better then me at making knots he learned at the age of 4.

"Did you want me to untie you two??"

"Yes! Yes! Please with a cherry on top with chocolate  wipe cream!"

Kanoa took a pair of scissors, and took a hour to cut all the rope and tape.

" Well i'm done here!" She said walking out of the room.

"Adam, You little trouble marker!" I said squeezing his little checks.

" Don't act like I didn't see you snuggling with him." he said.


"  Not my fault that i had to tie him and you together to make you kiss. I had to do it because Kanae made me do it! You look so cute together!" He said.

" KANAE!" I hollered down the hall.

But she didn't come. 

She must be listening to music.

But I was wrong she was not In her room listening to music she wasn't outside planting the flowers she wasn't away to her friends house she would have told me to come.

When i looked in the living room, Tears filled my eyes.

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