Chapter 14: The plan gone wrong! ( Part 2 )

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" Okay guys, The plan starts today!" I said.

We sneaked to Jenny's house. Her house was a mansion!

" We ended up in the garden and then Lunar stepped on a twig.

"Lunar! Jenny is going to find us because of you!" I whispered shouted.

I was right, Jenny came in the garden and looked behind the tree where we were hiding.

' Draco? Funneh? Rainbow? Lunar? Gold? Adam?, What are you doing here in MY garden?" She asked.

" Um, C-checking out the f-f-flowers!" Lunar Stammered.

" Your SUS. You never liked me so why are you checking out the flowers? Didn't I say  they were magical flowers that can kill you If you sniff them? You F***ING B****!" Insulted Jenny.

She literally slapped Lunar in the face, She did it so hard that it had her fingerprints stayed on for a while.

"JENNY!" I  I screamed.

She went silent for a moment and I said,

" Don't make get violent," I said ready to fight.

" Game on, B****!" She said, Before she could even fight I attacked.

The game went on until Gold took over sense I started to bleed, like crazy.

"  Rainbow! How much healing kits do we have?!" Asked Draco.

" Don't know! Im still counting!" She replied.

They continued to fight and heal until dawn came.

" Is he alright??" Asked Gold. 

" Hes not okay, but still alive." said Funneh.

" G-Gold? Is that you?" I asked waking up.

" ADAM! I'm glad you are Okay!" Cried Gold.

" Your squeezing me a little tight!" I said.

Gold let me go and then I went home.

                                                                                    The next day

I was listening to my favorite song: Moral of the story. Then Someone was knocking on the front door.

I took of my earbuds, turned of my phone and dashed to the door.

" Hello, Are you Adam?" I girl Shinobu's age asked.

" Yes." I said.

" Come with me quickly!" She said.

" Also my names Natsumi."

Then we got inside her car and drove to Kimetsu No Yaiba Academy.

" Which one is the real Shinobu?" She asked.

" Okay, I will give you each 10 questions heres the first one: Whats my favorite song?" I asked.

" Moral of the story!" The both said.

" Who's my crush?" I asked.

" You didn't tell me your crush." said the second one.

" Gold!" said the first one.

" Correct!" I said.

We went home and I played Roblox on my I-pad and I was about to play Piggy but then the lights went out mother was in  the kitchen cooking food, papa was in his room, sisters were doing girl things and Katie was with me.

Survival.  GiyuShino ( Book 1 ) Mordern AUWhere stories live. Discover now