Chapter 3: The plan is hatched

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We were still panicking about weapons we can use to defend us. 

"Aiko, You saved me!" I said giving her a hug.

"  No problem, I didn't know i'm that strong of a bat whacker *Yawn* Now that ugly face won't bother you!"She yawned.

" I'm sleepy." I said in a sleepy voice.

Everybody fell asleep. I didn't have a pillow i had to give it to Aika, since she didn't have a pillow.

In the middle of night my head was getting uncomfortable, so i leaned on Giyuu's shoulder.I thought he did not notice but i was wrong he did.

                                                                  The next morning

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                                                                  The next morning

"CLOCK A DU DA DU!"  said the roaster on our farm.

"Good morning Tomioka-San." I greeted him.

He didn't give me a response at all. I kept tapping and poking  him intill i he gave me an answer.

" Tomioka-San! Tomioka-San!" I said trying to not snap .

After 6 or 5 more taps and pokes, He finally said,

"Good morning , Kocho."Giyu said in a sweet voice.

I opened my phone and checked the security camera to check where Doma. 

He ate all my party guests only Kohana she was up in the secret place and i also saw Doma hiding under a table covering himself with a huge white blanket.

Mitsuri and Obanai  didn't come because  they were  Baby sitting there cousins.( Although they  are not sitting on a baby.) 

Uzui didn't come bacause he was celebrating his sons Birthday and they didn't have time to go. 

Rengoku didn't come because had been eatting his buckets of noodles.

Gyomei was, Well he didn't get my call.

Muchrio forgot about it.

 Sanemi had huge plans.

And Tanjiro, Well i sadly didn't invite him :(

" I don't think we  should-" I began before I got a chance to finish my sentence Giyuu said,

"It's ok, We will be with you. Plus, Doma can't go in the light the blinds are opened so when he gets out he will burn with 3 seconds." He explained.

"And also, I have my secret weapon!" Exclaimed Aika.

She was holding up a knife that was very sharp.

"AIKA! Put that down or somebody will get hurt!!!" I said pointing my finger to the floor.

Se put it in a chest with a couple of weapons.

"Guys! We need weapons, yes weapons! What do we have?'' I asked.

Kohana had her blade and a ax. Giyuu had his blade and a flashlight with no batteries. Aika had her tennis racket with a lot of blood, like the whole baseball bat and 1 fresh battery. Aiko was holding her baseball bat still with dried blood on it from smacking Doma and a battery that was fresh. All I had was my blade and everybody's phone and sunglasses in a bag.

"WAIT! I know how we can kill him! I exclaimed.

 " Aika, Do we have any rope?" I asked pointing at the chest.

"Yeah." Replied Aika. poking her head in the cheat then looking up at me.

" Do  we have tape ?" I asked again. 

" Um, Half a roll of it." She said holding it up.

"Kohana, Can I borrow your blade and your ax?" I asked.

"Sure! Your my  friend   after all!" She said smiling as she gave me the things i asked for.

" Giyuu, Flashlight." I said.

He was silent for a moment and then reached in his bag then pulled it out and handed it to me then said.

"Better not do anything silly with it." He said.

So I used the flash light and put in the batteries that Aiko and Aika had in there hands and then i tested it. FLASH!  

A beam of light blinded everybody then they covered there eyes.

 Then i got out the sunglasses and put mine on then i gave them their's.

" Let's go downstairs to tie him up!" I said happily opening the ground door. But then Giyuu grabbed me.

"Wait! Check the cameras!" He said letting go of me.

He was in the same pose then i had to exam him more he was : asleep.

"Coast Is clear." I said opening the ground door again holding my items.

We went down the stairs and then we carefully uncovered the white blanket then he woke up, He sat straight up and smiled at me. His REAL Doma smile.

"Hello Shinobu! I didn't know that you would come out and save me from he light!" He exclaimed. Then he tried to kiss me again then, Aika stabbed BOTH eyes with 2 knives while saying,


 Then Giyuu smacked him in the face so hard that he passed out. ( I don't know if that's how it works.) 

Then we closed the blinds and started to tie him up. BRRRRR! His hands were freezing! 🥶

Aika was shivering while taking the knives out of his eyes. She might have put the knives in way to deep!

Giyuu's face started to turn blue while tieing his ankles.

Aiko was  smacking him still pouring hot water on him so he could stop being so cold.

 I was fine Due to the fact i was wearing mittens.

We finally finished the work then we all went outside then woke him up with a stick.

"Huh? What's going on?" He asked. 

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