Chapter 2: The party disaster

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Giyuu was at my door! Holding flowers. Oh sweet of him!

"So...... You came for the party? It's only an hour early." I said looking up at the clock.

"Mother told me to come early i heard you need help putting the balloons up for the older kids siblings so they can have one." Giyuu explained.

We finished putting the balloons like Giyuu said and at the perfect timing Kohana arrived.

Kohana was wearing a sparkly pinkish dress, with her hair in a ponytail and was wearing heels.

Kohana's Younger sister ( Aiya ) was wearing a glittery hot pink dress with a  big bow on the front, her hair was in space buns, and flat shoes.

"Kohana! You are just on time!" I said delighted.

"Aiya meet  Shinobu, Shinobu meet Aiya." Said Kohana with a tiny smile.

"Sissy! She looks pretty!" Said Aiya looking at my party dress.

"Why, Thank you!" I said politely.

We all waited and talked for a long while finally all party guest have arrived! There party outfits came in all colors.

Then my worst enemy arrived: Doma He wore the same clothes like always the only difference was he was wearing a bow tie.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!" Everybody screamed as Doma walked in then suddenly everybody ran in every direction then the hid in different places.

"SHINOBU! Hide!" cried Giyuu.

"Well,Well,Well Hello Shinobu!  " Said Doma grabbing my hand .

" Would you be my-" Doma started before he could even finish Aiko and Aika came running down the stairs.

 Aiko was holding a baseball bat and Aika was holding a  tennis racket .

 Aiko and Aika froze when they saw Doma trying to KISS me on the lips well maybe even worse on my lips AND my check

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 Aiko and Aika froze when they saw Doma trying to KISS me on the lips well maybe even worse on my lips AND my check. They immediately screamed and  Giyuu out out of his hiding space and joined them 

"GIYUU! NO!" I shouted trying to struggle free .

"Water breathing 3 form: Flowing dance!" Giyuu said.

"DON'T TOUCH SHINOBU!!!" Aiko and Aika screamed while whacking thier weapons on his body they never moved from that spot and the only part when the left is when Giyuu came jumping in to kill Doma.

But, Aiko who was holding the baseball bat hit him so hard, That it left a dark purple bruise and blood dripping from his mouth.

"Wow! Amazing hit!" cried Doma.

"Oh yeah? What about this??" Aiko asked grabbing a knife stabbing it in his left eye.

"OWWW!!!" Doma shouted letting me go and shouting and screaming. 

"FINALLY! I'm free!" I exclaimed.

"Shinobu, Hide, Before he gets you again!" Giyuu said.

I ran up the stairs and i went in my room i ran to get a ladder so i could open the secret place where Doma can never find me. I got up the ladder i fell couple times but got inside.

If you were guessing my attic, i'ts not. Its my secret layer a very clean and cozy place. I left the ladder there so Giyuu, Kohana, Aiko, Aika could hide there to. But i heard Doma screaming down stairs like a 3 year old not getting the top bunk.

They came in the layer shortly i cleaned there clothes with lots of  paper towels and therw the ladder to the window and closed the  layers little ground door or whatever it was called.

"I almost fell too cozy in here." Sighed Kohana sipping hot chocolate.

 "Omg. I realized this just now, We don't have any weapons." Kohana said slapping her forehead.

 "Why didn't i bring any weapons with us??" Kohana said slapping for head again.

" All we got is an ax and a flashlight and 1 battery i mean that's what i have." Aika said in a worried voice.

In case you are asking: "What happened to Humphrey in the last chapter? Well, It so happens Humphrey was always in the secret layer. Now back on the story!

"At least Humphrey is here!" said Aiko.

"And i least i have you, Shinobu." Said Giyuu in a soft voice holding my hand while smiling.

I blushed and turned very pink and turned away in his direction.

" This is why nobody likes you!" I said in embarrassment looking around if anyone was looking nobody was.

"I love you Shinobu." Giyuu whispered.

"Me too." I whispered back still pink 

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