Chapter 7: The little girl

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" No! It's impossible!" She said.

"Don't tell anyone! Please!" I begged.

"Okay." She said.

"Just you and me will know this?" She asked.

" Well, Yes. Only you cause your my bf." I replied.

She started to blush.

"Well, I will tell you my secret." She said.

She uncovered her eye mask that she was wearing.

Her eyes were half purple and orange.

" Put that back on before someone see us!" I said  cleaning my eye contact and putting them back on.

Yua put her mask back on and then we went out of the store then saw Saruka.

"Oh my sweet Adam! How are you doing?" She asked giving me a bear hug.

"Fine." I said pushing her away.

"What about the ugly freak over there?" She pointed to Yua who was ready to slap someone.

" What did you just call her? " I asked grabbing a wipe and hitting her

" Never say that to her ever again." I continued.

" Is she blind or something?" Saruka asked rudely.

I said nothing. Yua said nothing.

Finally i said.

"She's not blind or anything , You B*****." i replied.

She took of Yua's blind fold to see, But She didn't do anything about it.

Adam's POV

That's not possible! She never put white eye contact when we got outside maybe, she did it when i wasn't looking.

Saruka was shocked and apologized to her then went to her big red car.

" Weird." I thought again.

Then i felt a small tap on my leg.

 I thought i was dreaming.

"Bye." I said. 

"Bye." She said.

But I was wrong about the tap, when we got home a felt tiptoes behind me i thought i was still dreaming.

Then when it was time to go to bed i discovered some of my clothes were messed in the pants pile.

                                                                  The next day...

I went downstairs and then I heard gentle footsteps.

I thought It was either a person following me or I was STILL dreaming.

Then at the table i heard a small growling noise from under the table.

I peered under to see who was it but saw: Nobody!

Same thing happened on the bus a heard a tiny whisper i looked on my side nobody was there.

When school was over i walked to home and also felt 3 taps. And i was not dreaming this time i looked down beneath my feet and saw the cutest little munchkin I ever seen in my life!

 And i was not dreaming this time i looked down beneath my feet and saw the cutest little munchkin I ever seen in my life!

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