Chapter 13: Adam and Golds plan.

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" Gold, Do you think Jenny is suspicious ?" I asked chewing my sandwich.

" Um, A little." Gold said sipping her chocolate milk.

" There's something about Jenny, I mean look at these photos." I said holding them up.

 The first one was when on the playground after lunch on Wednesday.

" I don't see anything wrong." She said eating her pizza.

" But look on the ground!" I said pointing at it.

The ground had footprints that looked like blood they looked like Jenny's tracks.

"Your right and look! Jenny is on the swings her dress is bloody! Although, The screen is a blur." Gold said.

" Should we continue to investigate or do this the next day?" I asked.

" Continue." Gold said nodding.

 The bell rang it was time to go to recess.

I got my camera and gold got a magnifying glass and headed off, We followed Jenny and when she looked at use, We hid our things in our backpacks and pretended to not look  suspicious.

We looked at her suspiciously and she started to sing quietly.

" Weird." I said, It was true i wasn't faking it.

" I'm seeing her happy and no sign of danger yet." Said Gold.

"  Wheres Gold? I thought we are going to meet here!" Said Jenny.

After School, I got my krew and went into my room.

" Did you bring any food with use?" Asked Rainbow.

" Yeah, I got some." Lunar said digging in her backpack had lots of food.

" You left your own lunch inside there?!" I asked.

" Yeah, I couldn't finish it." She explained.

" But no need to worry! It's still fresh."

" Okay, Piggy smells! Lets get to work!" I said.

" Um, Adam, What do you mean by: " Piggy smells? I don't smell pigs." Said Lunar sniffing herself to check.

" Okay, Sorry about that, Anyways like i was saying, Lets get to work." I said.

" RAINBOW! Stop eating all the food man! We need to save it for later!!" Argued Funneh.

" Hey! I'm starving!" Argued Rainbow chewing the last bit of her pizza.

" Guys, stop fighting over food! Don't act like we are broke to not buy any!" Said Gold.

" Yeah, Gold right." I agreed.

" We are not arguing!" Both Rainbow and Funneh shouted.

" Okay, Do we have everything?" I asked.

" Yep, I doubled checked." Said Draco.

" Okay the plan is: I'm going to sneak downstairs to get some more food."

After getting more food I told them the REAL plan.

" We are going to sneak to Jenny's house and-" I began but Lunar said.

" And we are going to kidnap her and then kill her Blah, blah,blah: And happily ever after right?" Said Lunar.

" Um, No." I said.

                                                                   After telling the plan....

" Got it?" I asked.

Everybody nodded.

" So lets see what we have." I said walking towards the bags with Gold.

                                                              What was in the bags.

Draco's bag: 18 lollipops, 10 twisters, 19 chocolate bars, 2 big bags filled with chocolate chip cookies, 15 Oreo cookies in 1 bag, and 5 boxes of Pocky sticks.

Lunar's bag: 18 M&M bags,14 cake pops, Double stuffed Oreo's, Cookies,17 Licorices, and 13 snickers.

My bag: 13 apples, 15 oranges, 25 strawberries, 19 granny sniff apples, 11 pears, 16 blueberries, and 19 cauliflower's.

Golds bag: 13 pretzels, Jelly beans, and 2 boxes of pizza.

Rainbows bag: 35 Chocolate cookies, 42 apples, and 58 bags of potato chips.

Funneh's bag: ( I'm to tried to think any snacks because i can't think of any, Sorry!)

" Yum! You guys sure got some really tasty snacks!" I said.

" So, lets eat some food!" suggested Rainbow.

We ate some food and when it was time for them to go i gave a special watch. 

" Never tell anyone about these, Okay/" I said.

They nodded and said good bye.

" Remember, Come here to my house after school tomorrow!!" I called before they left, Gold gave one last look at me and then winked and smiled  then looked away. 

 I smiled back.

" WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY YOU CAN'T FIX IT??!" I voice shouted down the hallway.

It sounded like Aiko or Aika so I followed.

" I can't fix it i just can't!" Said Aiko.

" But the figure is fine." I said walking towards the toy.

" We were tricking you!" They said.

I left the room and then it was time for bed.

                                                           The next day...

After school like always, I invited the krew and we started to talk and then we stopped when Draco tripped on my foot witch made me fall on Gold and then our faces were close togeher.

" You move." Gold said blushing.

" No, y-you move." I said.

Our faces were moving closer and closer until our lips touched.


" We are not!" We said getting up.

We continued to talk and then said good-bye.

Before that Gold actually whispered, " I love you." In my ear!!

" After that she gave me a necklace she told me to always wear it . It was a locket that had me and her in the little picture.

Then It was time to go to bed, Time went flying by!

I went in bed and never forgot those words Gold said to me.

Survival.  GiyuShino ( Book 1 ) Mordern AUWhere stories live. Discover now