Chapter 10:(Mark's Backstory continues)

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"Mother! Father is cheating on you!" I said running down the stairs.

Mother was silent for a moment and then said.

"Really? This whole time he was cheating on me?" She asked.

" He even was cheating on you for a girl!" I said.

" He even also wanted to kill me!" I continued.

" Honey, let's just eat breakfast, Okay?" She said.

We at breakfast early and mother didn't say a word when dad said,

"Hey hon! How are you doing?" He said.

" Good..." Mother faked being happy.

I knew it was a stupid idea to tell her that yesterday she changed so much after I told her that, I  mean I had to, I don't want her to not know that.

After breakfast, Father stood up and went into his room.

" Not this time!" I whispered to myself.

" Father, You aren't going anywhere near your room." I said grabbing his arm tightly.

" Honey, I'm just getting a um, thing! Yes a thing!"He nervously said.

" Oh, don't lie to your own son, You don't need to hide it anymore. I told mother already too,  I also told Rose and Jess." I told him angrily, I also had that angry vain on my head.

" SON! YOU BRAT!! I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME AND NEVER TOLD ANYONE MY SECRET'S!!!" I screamed, managing to take his arm away and then pushed me down the 18 stepped stairs.

Everybody , including  mother turned around to see what happened, Rose was spiting out question's at top speed, Jess was tried to get me on my feet again, but could not and mother was checking if I was okay.

" Honey! Why did you push Mark down the stairs?" She said.

My head was not okay and the room was spinning around and around and around!!!

" M-Mother? Rose? Jess?" I said getting up, then fell again.

" Rose! Jess! Carry your brother or drag to the couch and call 911 ASAP!!" She said.

Mother beat up Father up and made him show his room to her or she will kill him. 

He opened his door and mother was ready to punch him.

He opened his door and mother was ready to punch him

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Mother looked at the other photo of me with the "KILL" word on my face

She had her mouth hanging open and looked at another photo of the brat.


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                                                                            With Rose and Jess

" Hello? 911?" Said Jess.

" Hello,  What is emergency?" The phone person asked witch the phone person was the doctor.

"My brother! He hit his head hard and then looked like he passed out." Jess explained.

"Okay, What's the address?" The lady asked.

" 200 May Ave House: B5." Jess said.

"Okay, Are you in a Apartment  or a house?" Doctor asked.

" House." Rose barged in.

"Okay good, I'm going to send an ambulance to your location." The lady on the phone said.

10 minutes later, The ambulance came to our house.

"He's here!" Called Rose dragging me off the couch.

They put me on the stretcher and went to the ambulance it looked small to me.

                                                                 2 months later......

I woke up from my coma and now i'm at a new big fancy house.

                                                                                                                                                                                                  (Sorry I'm to tried to make the other part's so i'm go to the end of this backstroy Sorry!!!!)

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