Chapter 15: Roblox disaster. ( Part 3 )

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" I know right? I hate it in here!" Complained Rainbow.

" I know right? I hate it in here!" Complained Rainbow

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( I Know it looks small but it is what i found.)

" Don't panic guys!" I said. 

Then a huge portal in was in front of us and we got inside there.

" WHY IS MY HAIR PINK??!!" Screamed mom.

" I guess were in Roblox." I said.

" I look the same to me." They rest said.

" Lets go to Flee the Facility!" I suggested.

                                                           Flee the Facility.

Rainbow: I'm the beast!!!

Me: Aw man!

Funneh: Your lucky because shes bad at being the beast.

Rainbow: I'm the best!

*Game starting*

Lunar: I found a computer!

Draco: Already?!

Lunar: Yeah! I was standing right next to it, You nut head!


Rainbow: I'm coming for you!

Me: Ha! You can't catch me when i'm here!!

*Crawls in vent*

Lunar: Done!

* 4 more computers left to hack.*

Me: Found one!

Rainbow: Beware! Draco!

Draco: Let me go!

Rainbow: NEVER!!

( ItsDraconiteDragon was captured.) 

( P.S. I don't know if that is correct how to spell it.)

Funneh: Okay, Draco is the most annoying in here so, lets not rescue him.

Draco: Please!!!

Gold: Too late, freed him.

Rainbow: Haha! Got you, Gold!

Gold: Okay, Draco you better save me because, I saved you.

Draco: Fine.

( Goldenglare was captured)

( P.S. I don't know if that is correct how to spell it.)

Me: This is so hard!

Draco: There happy now?

Gold: RUN!!!

Draco: RUN!!!!!

Lunar: Funneh, quit failing!

Survival.  GiyuShino ( Book 1 ) Mordern AUWhere stories live. Discover now