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but i was reading and oh damn, chapter 139 hurt like a bitch


"Jonah," I started, peeking my eyes above the shirt I stretched around my arms.
"I barely even know him."

"Then get to know him! I'm guessing the only reason he'd come back to the cafe is because you're there." Jonah added.

The thought of him doing that made you fluster, thinking if someone as random as he was would do something like that to you.

"He probably only comes for the experience and coffee." I state, rising my head above.

"[Y/N], even you know our coffee isn't that good." Jonah demeaned, as he stretched his legs out across the bed.

"Then why would he come? It makes no sense to me." I say, avoiding the subject.

"I said this 10 seconds ago, it's because he wants to see you, he has an interest in you and it's extremely obvious," Jonah replies again, while he wrapped his hands around the sides of his face, massaging.

"Hmph," I say, as I position myself and lie down right beside him.

As I stared up at the ceiling, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I reached for it, seeing a stupid Instagram notification. As I look down, I found a message that I never previously answered, from Jean.

I struck up from my place, and begin to enter my password. I tap my phone until it unlocks, revealing all the apps on my phone.

I clicked on the message app, and read:


hey, i'm back now


I repeated the message in my head, while I contemplated on how to respond to him.

"Hey...I'm back, now." I heard come from my right ear, insanely close.

I whipped my head around, to see Jonah looking at my phone.

"Stopp" I playfully said, shoving the phone down into my chest, while my face was flushed out with embarrassment.

"Cute." He said, before backing himself away.

"Jonah, I think you should go find someone. You know, you seem bored." I say, typing my message to Jean.

"I do. But no one really thinks I'm gay around here, because I look straight. It's embarrassing really to be thought of like that, like an insult." he ranted.
"No offence."

I let out a small laugh, before sending the message "that's good, haha" to Jean.

"None taken." I say to Jonah before shoving my phone face down into the sheets.

"Jonah," I say.


"Can I make you a Grindr account?"

"WHAT? No." He exclaims, furious.

"But don't you want someone? I'm good at putting descriptions too." I say, pointing my finger.

indefinite love (jean x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now