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Once the pride was awake Kiara and Kovu conducted morning assembly. Since the pride was so large, the lions and lionesses had to make themselves small so everyone could fit. With Kovu's pride, the former outsiders and the pride landers, there was a total of forty six pride members, cubs and adolescents included. There was more than enough lionesses so the hunting party had been extended, led by Vitani and Marisa.

"A pleasant good morning to all. It's a new day in the Pride Lands and with this new day comes new challenges, promises and opportunities. As of this morning my wife and I had gotten up fairly early and was unpleasantly surprised to see that three particular individuals, who shall remain unnamed, had  disappeared from Pride Rock and went exploring in the savannah. Without the permission of their parents- again," Kovu said looking pointedly at Jelani, Kamaria and Mila.

Several of the pride members chuckled lightly at this. Jelani and his sisters were notorious for running away from home and whenever Kiara and Kovu would arise early and go off looking in the savannah, it was because their cubs were missing.
"We just went off to play, we were up for hours, cooped up in the den full of sleeping lions. It sucks that you're still dragging that on Dad," Jelani said. 

"You know what else sucks? Me being King of an entire kingdom, having so many duties to tend to, a pride to maintain and having three mischievous cubs to keep an eye on," Kovu scoffed.
"And you know what sucks more than that? Having to listen to you nagging me all the time!" Jelani said indignantly. "You're so bossy Dad it really sucks."

"Why can't you be more like your sisters? Quiet, obedient, mellow. They don't make me talk as much as you do!" Kovu exclaimed. "You're like a sandstorm!" 
"I'm just fun. You need to loosen up Dad, stop bring such a drag," Jelani said tauntingly.
Kovu growled lowly and walked up to Jelani, prepared to teach him a lesson, but Kiara stepped in front of him, picked Jelani up by his scruff and carried him off to where Diana stood.

Then she turned to her mate.
"Babe he's a cub, you can't expect him to be perfect all the time. He's immature and a little rough around the edges. Cut him some slack," Kiara said soothingly.
"I cut him too much slack. That's the problem," Kovu muttered.
"He's our son, when we were cubs we were worst than he is," Kiara insisted. "You're saying he's a sandstorm, I was a hurricane."

"Yeah Dad, listen to Mom," Jelani put in just before Diana covered his mouth with her paw.
"Okay fine, fine I'll cut him some slack. If that's what you want.  Assembly is over everyone continue with your activities whatever they may be. I'm going to take a walk before I blow a fuse with this boy," Kovu said irritatedly as he turned and walked off the platform.

"Oh Kings there he goes again," Kiara sighed.
"Clearly he needs alone time, the kids are driving him nuts," Vitani said laughingly.
"Correction. Jelani is driving him nuts," Kion chuckled.
"He can't help it, it's in his DNA. Kovu and I were just like him. Me a little more than him," Kiara said shaking her head at her son.
"We're not miserable are we Mom?" Kamaria asked.
"No you're not miserable, sure a little adventurous, but no, not miserable," Kiara told her.

"Okay everyone, it's breakfast time, so you can go hunt your breakfasts. Muuaji, Mkali, Siri, Nia, and Haraka, you five may go on Lion Guard duty afterwards. Remember to keep your cubs close to you and don't let them wander off. There are still dangers lurking around and it's vital that we keep an eye out," Kiara said switching back to her role as Queen. Slightly serious, calm and authoritative.

The pride dispersed and Kiara took her cubs and went off to hunt breakfast. Afterwards she had to meet with Vitani and Marisa to discuss some new hunting techniques since the ones they've been using recently, haven't been as effective as it should be. Then she had to see to the problems the animals faced with proper grazing grounds in Kilio Valley and still have time to get Jelani, Kamaria and Mila ready for their afternoon nap.

These days she barely had any time for herself. Not to mention alone time with Kovu. He was so stressed out with his Kingly duties he and Kiara barely saw each other. She had made plans yesterday for them to spend some quality time together, but the unexpected problems that kept popping up had thwarted her plans. Ruling a kingdom, as Kiara had come to realize, was not a walk in the savannah.

Kiara and her cubs had finally reached the hunting grounds where several herds were busily grazing under the morning sun. The rest of the lionesses were hunting as well for their mates and cubs and the place was a little crowded. Leading them to a shady maple tree, Kiara went off to hunt something, not seeing Kovu anywhere. Usually when he went off on his own, he'd be thinking. In total serenity.

"If I can find him, maybe we can have breakfast together. It's been so long since we've eaten as a family," Kiara said as she put her nose up in the air, trying to catch her husband's scent. Passing some of the pride members, she walked past a thorn bush and looked beyond it. Kovu was sitting on a rock, staring out into the distance. Kiara sighed in relief and walked up to him.

"Hey I've been looking for you. I was just going to hunt breakfast for me and the kids," she said.
"Then go ahead, you don't have to wait for me," Kovu told her.
"But we haven't had breakfast together in a long time, can't we do it today? The kids would love it," Kiara asked as she climbed up on the rock and sat next to Kovu.
"I don't know Kiara, I just want to be alone for a while," he sighed.

"I know you're stressed out, and I understand the need for alone time, so you can sort out your  problems, but baby you don't have to do it in your own. I'm here for you, we're a team," Kiara said softly as she nuzzled Kovu under his neck. "I'm always here for you just the same as you're always here for me. That's what husbands and wives do. When I  married you, I made the promise to always be there for you, to  support you and help you. You'd do the same for me."

"I know that, but these days it seems like I'm fighting the whole world. The pressures of ruling a kingdom and all the duties and responsibilities that comes with it, it's suffocating me," Kovu said as he jumped off the rock.
"Baby, listen to me. Do you trust me?" Kiara asked seriously.
"Of course I trust you," Kovu said turning to face her.

"If you do trust me, trust that we'll get out of this okay. Yes I admit there will be stress and  pressure and anxiety, but when we're together, side by side, working as a team, there's no obstacle we can't overcome and no mountain we can't climb. We are one, my love. Never forget that," Kiara said.

Kovu gazed at his wife, the spark of confidence in her gorgeous amber eyes made his soul ignite. What was he thinking? He had Kiara with him. She was right. When they were together,  nothing was too hard. Ashamed for not having faith in her, Kovu approached her and pressed a tender kiss to her lips. Kiara sighed and wrapped her paws around Kovu's neck and kissed him back.

"I love you my Queen," Kovu whispered lovingly as he hugged her tightly around her waist.
"And I love you, my King," Kiara giggled and kissed him on his cheek and snuggled into his mane. "Now that we have that settled out, what say we get some breakfast. I'm starving."
"Of course, and just for today, I'll hunt breakfast for us. You can sit with the kids," Kovu chuckled.

"Let's go then, they're probably looking for us," Kiara nudged Kovu's side and walked off with her tail swishing in the air.
"And maybe after we have our kingdom duties taken care of, we can spend some quality time together. Just you and me," Kiara added in a seductive voice.

"Would you like to be first this time? Like a gentleman I'll allow you to have the first round if you'd like," Kovu said giving her a playful nip on her ear.
"Really do you mean it?"
"Have I ever lied to you?"
"That was a stupid question?"
"Yes it was," 

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