Danger at the edge

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"This stinks! I have to stay in the den just because Mila is too sensitive this is so unfair!" Jelani said to himself as he sat alone in the den. "On such a nice day I have to stay inside, and for the whole day too. Why is Dad so uptight all the time?"
Jelani laid on his back and was staring up at the ceiling, with nothing to do but think.

Just then there came the sound of Kamaria and Mila laughing from outside, clearly having fun with Tishala and Avana.
"Why should I stay inside and everyone else is outside? It's not fair," Jelani exclaimed as he got up off the ground and walked out of the den.

The platform was empty but voices were still audible from the outside. Jelani contemplated whether or not he should leave using the steps or trying another way. If he did, someone would see him, tell his dad and he'd be in a hell lot of trouble. Not worth the risk.

Then he remembered the tiny space at the back of the den which he could crawl through and make his escape. Running inside, he went to the hole and pushed a few rocks out of the way and  squeezed through, just barely. Now outside, he ran down the slope  and skirted around Pride Rock and looked feverishly around.
Not seeing anyone he left Pride Rock and walked off.

"Freedom," he exhaled in relief. Just then he saw a frog sitting on a rock concealed by shrubs and growled playfully as he stalked up to it and pounced. Unfortunately the frog had jumped out of his reach and began to hop away. Jelani laughed and started to chase the animal. He was so engrossed in his game, he hadn't realized he was getting farther and farther away from home.

Kiara laid on a rock with Vitani, Diana and Nia, bathing Kamaria at the back of Pride Rock while Mila was playing with Avana. Tishala laid in her mother's paws trying to escape but Vitani held her down while she had her bath.
"Okay my first princess is clean," Kiara said as she kissed the top of Kamaria's head. "Mila, your turn my love."

Mila stopped nibbling on Avana's ear and obediently went to have her bath while Kamaria went to play with Avana.
"So just a recap, when we're hunting gazelles, knowing how fast they are when outrunning us, instead of chasing them, we surround them. When they have nowhere to go, we attack them simultaneously," Marisa said to Kiara.

"That's the most effective method. They're too fast for lions to outrun and our stamina, as much as I hate to admit it, isn't as long lasting as that of a cheetah," Kiara replied as she turned Mila on her stomach to lick her back.
"Okay that's all I wanted to know, next time we're hunting gazelles, we'll let you know so you can watch," Marisa said.

"Why would you need me to watch?" Kiara asked.
"See if we're doing it right," Marisa scratched behind her ears and yawned. "That way you could see for yourself and if need be, give us pointers on how to make improvements."
"That makes sense," Diana spoke up. She rose off the rock, stretched and shook out her fur. "Where's my grandson? I haven't seen him since morning."

"Your grandson was rude and mean to his sisters and disobedient to his father and I. He's grounded in the den," Kiara said licking Mila further to get rid of the mud stuck between her ear and neck.
"How long does Kovu intend to keep him in isolation?" Vitani inquired. "What did he even do to get grounded?"

"He was name calling Mila, he disobeyed his father when he told him not to say such things to Mila. She's sensitive, her feelings get hurt easily. Jelani needs to learn that," Kiara said.
Now finished with Mila's bath, Kiara laid on her back and looked up to the sky, painted a lovely blue with a few Cirrus clouds scattered in close proximity.

"Mommy, let Jelani out of the den, he's been in there for a long long time," Mila said looking up at Kiara.
"Baby he did something wrong and he deserves to be punished. His father said he's staying in the den for the whole day, I can't just let him out," Kiara said to her innocent daughter.

"But Mommy there's nothing to do and he must be bored in there," Mila protested. "Please let him out."
Kiara sighed and looked down at Mila's sad little face and rose off the rock. "You care so much for Jelani, even though he was so mean to you, you still want to play with him,"

"He didn't mean to call me names, he's probably upset because you and Daddy are always doting on me," Mila mused.
"I see. Okay, I'll let him out," Kiara kissed Mila on her nose and walked to the steps to let Jelani out.

"Sneak attack!" Tishala shouted as she jumped from Vitani's paws and landed on Kamaria who was busily lapping water and wasn't quick enough to dodge Tishala, whose jump hurled them both into the water. Kamaria gasped out of shock and when she realized it was Tishala, she growled and splashed her with water.
"You midget! I could've drowned! How dare you pounce on me?!"

"You're my cousin I have the right to pounce on you," Tishala said tauntingly. "What's the matter? Is the water cold?"
"Arghh! I'm gonna get you!" Kamaria shouted.
"Want some help to fend her off sis?" Mila asked.
"Yes, strength in numbers! Haha you're roasted Tishala!" Kamaria said as Mila leaped into the water and began to tackle her.

"Avana help! It's two against one. Get in here!" Tishala exclaimed.
"Why should I? I almost broke a claw fighting with you and Jelani in the mudholes today, I'm not breaking another one," Avana said shaking her head.

"Are you going to let them beat me? I thought you were my best friend!" Tishala whined. "You're leaving me alone to fight these two? I don't believe this. You're not-"
"Vitani, Marisa, Mom," Kiara cried from the den startling the cubs.
The lionesses got up and rushed to the steps where Kiara was standing, a frantic look in her eyes.

"Kiara? Sweetheart what is it?" Diana asked her daughter-in-law.
"Jelani is missing, I can't find him anywhere," Kiara sobbed.
"Could he be asleep in the corner? The den is pretty dark," Vitani said. "Maybe in your state of hysteria you missed him-"
"I'm not so blind as to not see my son even in a dark cave Vitani," Kiara snapped. "He's not in the den. Oh Kings where could he be?"

"Okay don't panic, I'll get Kovu and we'll find him," Marisa said as she turned and ran into the savannah followed by Vitani.
"Let's look around the perimeter of Pride Rock, it's a possibility he's playing somewhere," Nia offered.
"Mom I'm scared, there are rouges roaming everywhere. What if Jelani bumps into one of them and something happens?" Kiara moaned as she hugged Diana while crying.

"Nothing is going to happen to Jelani Kiara, do you hear me? He's going to be just fine, we'll find him. Don't cry my darling don't cry, it's okay, we'll find him," Diana said soothingly as she stroked Kiara's back with her paws.
"Mom, we found Jelani," Marisa called out. Kiara stopped crying and rushed down the steps where Marisa's voice came from.

But when she saw who had Jelani, she skidded to a halt, her eyes wide and her face horror striken. Then she recovered and her eyes narrowed and her claws unsheathed."You!" she said venomously. "How dare you step into my territory?!"
"Where's your husband?" the intruder sneered.
"On his way to rip your throat out! Give me my son!" Kiara shouted aggressively.

"Bring your husband here, I didn't come all the way to the Pride Lands to argue with you, my lady. Get him here now or pray tell your son will pay for it!" the intruder said squeezing Jelani's unconscious little body.
"Okay! I'll get him here, but please don't hurt my son, he's innocent, leave him alone," Kiara pleaded losing some of her previous aggression. "Marisa get Kovu here now!"

Marisa obeyed instantly and went to get Kovu while Vitani hid the cubs behind her. They were crying and very much afraid when they saw Jelani, unconscious and in the paws of the intruder.
"The clock's ticking. I hope your husband is coming here  soon, my paw is getting heavy," the intruder said mockingly.

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