Alone at last

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"Muuaji, morning report if you please," Kovu requested as he stood on Pride Rock with Muuaji and the rest of her team who had just come back from their patrol  round the Pride Lands. After breakfast Kiara had left to have a   word with Vitani and Marisa a short while ago to discuss the flawed hunting techniques they used and methods of how they could make improvements while leading the hunting party.

Kovu had just came back from  speaking with Kion and Roman and had discussed border patrol measures. Even though Muuaji was leading the Lion Guard and was doing a remarkable job at it, Kovu still wanted Roman and Kion to handle border patrol. The Pride Lands was expansive, vast and anyone could sneak in and out without being noticed. Kovu wasn't taking any chances especially since there were so many vulnerable cubs lying around. It wasn't worth the risk.

"All is well as the four borders as well as their waterholes, animals are crowding in and around the Flood Plains since the rain from last night's showers had filled them up considerably," Muuaji said. "There were some issues and unpleasant encounters with the herds but we neutralized it before it could escalate. Mizimu Groves and Chakoola Plains are crowded with animals and some crocs were having a dispute at Urembo River."

"That is all? What about the gorge, Mekundu Cliffs, Imbali Fields, Big Springs, Embamba Canyons?" Kovu asked.
"Nothing out of the ordinary my lord," Haraka confessed.
"Very well then. Thank you ladies you may leave," Kovu said as he turned and walked to the peak of Pride Rock and stood there gazing down into the savannah.
"By the way have you seen Nia on the way here from patrols?"

"No my lord, shall we look for her?" Siri inquired.
"No that won't be necessary, she's at the mudholes keeping an eye on the cubs," Kovu replied.
"Permission to leave my lord?" Mkali asked.
"Permission granted,"
So the four of them bowed to Kovu once again and dutifully left the platform to resume their duties as the Pride Lands' Lion Guard leaving Kovu alone on the platform.

"I thought I'd find you here,"
Kovu turned and smiled upon seeing his beloved Queen. Kiara smiled and walked up to Kovu, an air of confidence in her steps. She approached him and stared up into his emerald green eyes that held a slight hint of mischief and a big  hint of lust.
"Missed me already?" Kovu asked teasingly as he nuzzled her on her face.

"I've sorted out the issues at Kilio Valley. Turns out they were just cranky with the heat. Nothing to make a fuss about," Kiara said in a bored tone as she draped her paws around Kovu's neck.
"I just spoke to Muuaji and got  the morning report and spoke with Kion and Roman about border patrol shifts," Kovu said kissing Kiara on her cheeks.

"Looks like we're both free, do you have anything else to do or would you care to get hot and heavy with me in the den?" Kiara asked seductively.
"I thought you'd never ask," Kovu said as he crushed his lips to Kiara's and began to kiss her,  vigour, passion, desire and desperate need mixed into one.

Kiara moaned into the kiss and hugged her mate close to her as they staggered into the den still kissing. Kovu detached his lips from Kiara's and pushed her down on her back and hovered over her and bent his head to suck on her neck. Kiara's head turned from the left to the right, her body squirmed with the intense amount of pleasure her mate inflicted on her.

Kovu stopped sucking on her neck and laid on his back and Kiara, with long-awaited anticipation for what was about to happen, got to her feet and climbed on top of her mate. She adjusted herself to a way which was comfortable and looked down at Kovu, lying on his back, gazing lovingly into his wife's amber orbs, completely at her mercy. Not that he minded being the submissive one every once in a while when it came to their lovemaking.

"Are you ready for this baby?" Kiara asked as she ran her claws through Kovu's mane, enjoying the proximity they shared. Kovu smiled tenderly at his mate and pulled her down for another kiss, to which she was all too willing to accept and take full control of. When it ended, Kiara positioned herself just right and lowered her body down on Kovu's manhood, making them both gasp deeply. Kiara allowed Kovu's entire manhood to push inside her tightness and when she assumed a somewhat comfortable position, she began to go up and down on his shaft.

"Kiara...ohh that feels so good baby, I- Ahh! Yes, oh yes! Mmm, yeah, ooh yeah, baby...ohh," Kovu moaned.
"Mmm, are you enjoying this my love? Huh? Ooh mmm, how I love to be in control of our lovemaking. Ahh, mmm, yes," Kiara was moaning just as loudly as Kovu, thoroughly enjoying the moment she shared with her husband. Since they had three kids to look after, getting together and having romantic moments such as this was rare.

Jelani, Kamaria and Mila constantly kept their parents on the run, checking up on them, making sure they didn't get into trouble and still having to provide parental love and support. But they didn't complain since they loved their little ones so much and would do anything for them.  Even though they were so mischievous and always out looking for trouble. Naughty cubs.

"Kiara can we switch positions now please?" Kovu asked as he squirmed on the ground. "I seriously need to take back control now, you're being very gentle now and you know how I dislike it when we're gentle while mating."
"Sure...take back control baby, you know how I love it when you're rough with me," Kiara said as she climbed off of Kovu and laid on her stomach. Kovu growled in a possessive tone and mounted himself up on Kiara's back.

"You've had your fun, now it's my turn. Are you ready for a little roughness baby?" Kovu asked hoarsely.
"Yes, yes I want it, give it to me baby," Kiara said softly.
Kovu chuckled and lowered his lips to her ear.
"What's the magic word?" he whispered.
"Please give it to me baby," Kiara begged as she turned her head to look at him. "Please give it to me, I want it baby."
"And what's the magic phrase?" Kovu was torturing her with his deep, sexy voice and it was seriously turning her on.
"I love you," she whispered.
"I love you too," he said as he pressed a kiss to her lips.

"Now stay still babe, this is going to be so rough," Kovu declared.
"Just the way I like it. Give it to me baby, I'm ready to take you for all you've got. Rough me up, make me feel good my darling," Kiara purred as she snuggled herself under Kovu's body.
"Your wish is my command," Kovu said as he positioned himself, took a deep breath and entered Kiara's tightness with a deep thrust, making her gasp with the force, the strength and the power of the thrust.

"Ahh! Ohh baby, mmm yes ohh yeah that's it, don't stop keep going that's it! Ooh yeah baby yes!" Kiara cried out in ecstasy.
"Does this feel good baby? Do you like it?" Kovu asked continuing to thrust deeper, faster and harder into Kiara's womanhood.
"Yes! Kovu yes! Ooh I'm so close," Kiara moaned.
After several minutes Kiara net her release and her juices pulsed all over making her scream with the pleasure. Kovu followed not too long after  she did but made sure to pull out just as the same moment he ejaculated.

"That was amazing," Kiara said softly. "Thank you Kovu." Kiara rolled over on her side to face her husband, her eyes hazy with renewed passion. Kovu chuckled and kissed her lips.
"I love you Kiara," he said softly.
"And I love you Kovu," she replied kissing him again.
"We should go look for the kids. Kings know how Nia must be getting along with them," Kiara said with a giggle.
"I'm sure we have nothing to be concerned about, Nia is a vert reliable lioness. She'll  guard them with her life," Kovu stated.

"Yeah you're right. Why not rest while we can, sleep is just as important as alone time. You know, since the kids are busy right now," Kiara said. "I don't know bout you, but I'm beat."
"Let's rest then, we'll need the rest for later," Kovu said as he laid on the ground again, this time with Kiara next to him. They snuggled for a few minutes then fell into a deep sleep.

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