Royal family warfare

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Nia laid on the grass at the edge of the mudholes, keeping an eye on Jelani, Kamaria, Mila, Tishala and Avana as they played. Jelani pounced on Avana and sent her sprawling into the mud, splashing Mila who was admiring the flowers. Mila spat mud out from her mouth and wiped some of it off of her face.

"You guys! I can't believe you did that!" she shouted.
"Correction Mila, it was Jelani who did it," Tishala said laughing.
Mila growled and stalked off to the laughs of Jelani and Avana.
"Where are you going Mila?" Nia called out.
"Anywhere that's far away from them," Mila said glaring at Jelani.
"You're such a brat!" Jelani said tauntingly.

"I'm not a brat!" Mila retorted.
"Yes you are, you got splashed with just a little mud and you're behaving like that. Brat!" Jelani said.
"Jelani stop teasing your sister," Nia scolded.
"But aunt Nia she is a brat. She doesn't want to do anything fun, she gets mad because of a little mud and she's spoiled," Jelani insisted.

"That's mean. Stop it I don't like it," Mila whimpered.
"Mom and Dad pamper her too much, like spoiled little princess,"
"Stop saying that! You're being mean, stop it!" Mila said near tears.
"Jelani leave her alone," Kamaria said lowly.
"Oh come on Kamaria, I'm not saying anything wrong. Its not my fault she's so sensitive," Jelani said as he went back to playing with Avana and Tishala.

"You're so mean!" Mila said as she ran away crying loudly.
"Mila where are you going? Come back, Mila!" Nia shouted as she ran after the cub.
Mila was crying so much she wasn't looking where she was going and so she tripped on a rock and went rolling down the hill, then she bumped into something or rather someone.

"Mila! Baby are you okay? What happened?"
Mila rubbed her head and looked up and saw her mother looking down at her as well as her father, Simba, Nala and Kion.
Mila burst into fresh tears and hugged her mother's legs while crying loudly and hiding her face.

"Mila what happened honey? Where are your siblings? Tishala? Avana? Nia? Why did you leave the mudholes and come here on your own?" Kovu asked his daughter.
Mila didn't answer she just continued to cry so Kiara dropped down on the ground and Mila crawled into her mother's paws and hugged her.

Kiara, Kovu, Simba, Nala and Kion looked up and saw Nia running down hill towards them.
"Nia how could you allow Mila to leave the mudholes without supervision! What if something had happened to her?" Kovu said lowly.

"Forgive me my lord, I had tried to call her back but she wasn't listening to me," Nia said, ashamed of her lack of care for the cub.
"Why is she crying, did something happen?" Kiara inquired.
"Actually, Jelani was teasing her at the mudholes, he splashed her with mud and she got upset and he started to name call her," Nia said. "The name calling got her upset and she ran away crying."

"Name calling? What did Jelani say to her?" Kovu demanded.
"He called her a brat and a spoiled little princess,"
"Are they still at the mudholes?"
"Yes they are, my lord,"
Kovu growled lowly and walked quickly up the hill and to the mudholes with everyone else following.

"I win! I win!" Jelani shouted as he stood on the grass and shook the mud off his fur after having beaten all three girls in the fifth round of Mud Wrestling.
"That's because you cheated!" Kamaria retorted as she too climbed out of the mudholes and shook out her fur.
"You're just saying that because you lost," Jelani smirked.

Tishala and Avana climbed out of the mudholes and shook out their fur. Kamaria looked around and only then did she realize that Mila as well as Nia were nowhere to be found.
"Did you guys see where aunt Nia went?"
"She went looking for Mila, I don't think she came back yet," Avana admitted.

"Mila is such a crybaby, I mean seriously she ran off crying and now aunt Nia went looking for her. Why couldn't she just stay with aunt Tifu at the flower fields?" Jelani said in annoyance.
"She's our sister Jelani, our sister. We're supposed to look after her and include her in our games," Kamaria scolded him.

"Maybe we could include her in our games. If she wasn't so prissy and acting like a spoiled brat maybe she could play with us," Jelani said as he scratched behind his ear.
"I can't believe you would say such things about your sister,"
Jelani stopped scratching his ear and turned slowly around, a daunting expression on his face.

Kovu stood there with Kiara, Simba, Nala, Kion and Nia with Mila being held by Kiara. Kovu looked at his son, anger evident on his face.
"How could you treat your sister this way Jelani?! She ran away from the mudholes and came cascading down the hill because she was crying so much and failed to watch where she was going. She bumped into us and Nia told us the reason for her crying, care to explain why?" Kovu asked glaring at Jelani.

"She got splashed with a little mud and got so upset like someone dumped her in a pile of buffalo dung. It was just a little mud," Jelani protested. "I don't see what the big deal is."
"The big deal is that you were calling her names! Prissy princess, spoiled brat, crybaby, what is this? How could you Jelani?" Kiara exclaimed. "She's little, she has feelings, she gets hurt easily."

"She wouldn't have gotten splashed with mud if she wasn't here in the first place. She was going to the flower fields with aunt Tifu, couldn't she just go there? It would've saved her the trouble of getting her pretty little paws dirty and she wouldn't have been crying like the spoilt brat that she is!" Jelani said in irritation.
"THAT IS ENOUGH!" Kovu shouted causing all the cubs to jump out of fright.

Jelani flinched and stepped backwards, his ears low and his head bent, refusing to meet his father's angry gaze.
"Jelani I have had enough of this behavior. Leaving Pride Rock and going exploring, I ignored it. But this attitude of yours will not be tolerated. You blatantly ignored what your mother said about hurting Mila's feelings, you raised your voice and you called Mila a spoilt brat in front of us. Have you lost your mind?!"

Jelani was just about to say something but Kovu cut him off.
"You're grounded Jelani. You're saying goodbye to Tishala and Avana and you're going home, you're going to stay in the den and think about what you've done," Kovu said sternly.
"But Dad I-"
"No buts' and no ifs'. You're grounded," Kovu said. Then he turned to Nia and ordered her to take Jelani home.

"Shall I stay in the den with him my lord?" Nia asked.
"No, no-one is going to stay with him. When he's had some alone time to reflect, maybe he'll see how badly he's treated his sister. His baby sister might I add," Kovu said.
"How long will he stay in the den Daddy?" Kamaria asked.
"As long as it takes for him to see what he did was wrong,"

Just then Muuaji and Mkali came running up, they skidded to a halt in front of Kiara and Kovu and bowed respectfully.
"What is it Muuaji?" Kovu asked.
"My lord we were on patrols in Mizimu Grove when we saw two rogues lions roaming on the far side of the trees. Haraka is there watching them, we came here to tell you," Muuaji said efficiently.

"Rogues? What the hell. Simba, Nala, Kion, come with me, we're going to check it out. Kiara go back to Pride Rock with Nia and the cubs," Kovu said. "And Jelani is not to leave the den."
"It's so unfair! A nice day like this and I have to stay in the den," Jelani said kicking a stone out of his way.

"You should've thought about that before you were mean to your sister," Kovu told him.
"I tried to tell you not to be mean to her. I knew this would happen but you didn't listen to me," Kamaria said shaking her head.
"Why don't you shut up Kamaria," Jelani scoffed.
"Right. Just for that you're spending the whole day in the den," Kovu said.

"For what?" Jelani exclaimed incredulously.
"Being mean to Mila and being rude to Kamaria,"
"Ugh! Life is so unfair!" Jelani yelled as he stalked off towards Pride Rock with Nia following him.
"Come on let's go, this rogue problem is getting ridiculous," Kovu said irritatedly.

Before he left he gave Kiara a quick kiss on her lips.
"We'll be back later baby, take care I love you,"
"Okay love, be safe, I love you too," Kiara murmured as she nuzzled her husband under his neck.
So Kovu, Simba, Nala and Kion left for Mizimu Grove with Muuaji and Mkali and Kiara was left with the cubs.

"Come on girls, let's go. It's bath time," Kiara said as she picked up Mila by her scruff and carried her off. Kamaria, Avana and Tishala followed, pouncing on each other and laughing.

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