Family is everything

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After Kiara and Kovu finished their play session with their cubs, they went straight to the savannah where the herds were. There were many places in the Pride Lands where the animals could graze, places where there was abundant pastures for them to eat and drink, but the savannah was the primary grazing grounds.

And today as usual they were gathered around, finishing eating before they retired for the night. The hunting party hunted a male buffalo and everyone was waiting for Kiara and Kovu to arrive before they began to eat, a sign of reverence for the royal family.
"Sorry we're late, we were held up with some business," Kiara apologized as she, Kovu and the cubs sat down.

"It's okay, you were clearly busy, it's totally fine, the buffalo isn't going anywhere," Diana said winking at them.
"It's vital that you spent time together for a healthy relationship and a secure blood bond," Nala added with a smile.
"Nala's right, you need to spend time together," Simba told them.
"So did you guys have fun?" Diana asked sweetly.

"We had loads of fun, Mommy and Daddy let us stay and we even joined in!" Mila exclaimed. "It was awesome!"
"YOU DID WHAT?!" Vitani, Marisa and Kion shouted in unison.
"When Mom and Dad are going off for alone time we should go with them, think of all the games we could play," Jelani said.

"I don't believe my ears! You allowed your cubs to be with you when you were mating?" Hasari asked incredulously. "Are you guys serious? I mean, come on that's low even for you two."
"Are you insane or just plain stupid Hasari?" Kovu asked as he ripped into the buffalo's intestines to feed Mila.

"We were playing with them. Not mating and letting them watch, what do you take us for Hasari?" Kiara asked less than amused.
"Ohh you were playing I was worried that you had really gone crazy, not that you aren't crazy enough as is," Vitani snickered.
From that point on everyone just ate and had conversations in general.

The last few rays of the sun were lingering and already a few stars were scattered across the sky as it interchanged from orange to purple. The lions are their fills and rested in the grass for a few minutes before they went back to Pride Rock. Kiara, Kovu, Kion and Hasari lingered at the carcass with the cubs, allowing them to stay out a little more  before they were carried inside, given baths and put to bed.

Hasari laid on her side watching her daughter play with the other cubs and smiled sadly. They were all related. Avana was her daughter. Scar as she hated to admit it was her father. Her mother was impregnated by him as Rafiki said and when she was born, Zira killed her and assumed her place as Hasari's mother. Avana didn't know of her relation to them.

Tishala was Kion and Vitani's daughter, Jelani, Kamaria and Mila were Kiara and Kovu's children and Hasari was Kiara and Kion's second cousin, making Avana, Jelani, Kamaria, Mila and Tishala third cousins.Hasari hated that she was related to Scar. He was a monster and a power hungry tyrant.

But now that he was dead, Hasari should've been able to put it behind her and move on, so why couldn't she? Her demons plagued her daily as every day she would try her hardest to keep her dark past concealed from her innocent daughter. As did Kiara and Kovu. Their innocent minds would not be corrupted.

Her troubling thoughts were interrupted when she felt a small force knock into her stomach. She looked down and saw Avana.
"Easy there. Are you all right honey?" Hasari asked in concern.
"I'm fine Mommy, although I should thrash Jelani for making me trip on his paw!" Avana said indignantly as she rubbed her head.

"Hey it's not my fault you're so clumsy, you trip on almost everything. Next time look before you leap!" Jelani smirked.
"Oh I'm looking alright. I know what I'm leaping at for sure," Avana said as she went down in the grass, her eyes narrowed. Jelani read the warning signs and knew he was in danger. Too late. Avannhad jimmoinned before he could only to safety.

Kiara and Kovu watched the cubs play, happy that they could be so relaxed so carefree. Much unlike their own cubhoods where they would love for others, rather than themselves. They didn't have a normal cubhood where they could get into mischief and have their own friends, stay out late and follow their own paths.

Kiara was bound to Pride Rock, never getting to leave and always secluded from all outside interaction that was unbefitting for a princess. She'd spend her days training so she would one day bequeath the throne and become Queen. Kovu would spend his days training to be a ruthless assassin, to avenge the death of a monster and reek havoc on all who opposed him.

But love intervened when the two were least expecting it. All the morals and values, the lessons they learnt were forsaken, their prewritten covenants destroyed as they devoted themselves wholeheartedly to their hearts and to each other. But even then fate was cruel. Kovu was torn from Kiara and Kiara from Kovu. They spent three years away from each other.

Then they met once more, elated at being able to put their broken halves together to make a whole. Their hearts and souls yearned for each other, determined not to let this despicable crime go unpunished, they destroyed all those who played a part in ruining their lives. The end results were most satisfying.

Kiara looked up to the sky and saw that the sun was partially over the horizon. The day was gone, the night was here.
"Bedtime my little ones," she said rising off the grass.
"But Mommy we're not tired," Mila whined.

"You say that now, but the minute you lie down on the den floor that's it. You're out like a light," Kiara said. "C'mon let's go."
"But Mo-o-mm," the three of them protested.
"Kids don't make your mother talk more than she has to please. It's bedtime, you kids had a full day today, your mother is tired so come on let's go," Kovu intervened.

"Race you guys back to Pride Rock!" Tishala shouted as she ran in the direction of Pride Rock. Jelani forgot about protesting to stay outside and shot off after Tishala followed by Kamaria and Avana. Mila would've followed but was suddenly overcome by a wave of tiredness. She yawned widely and rubbed her eyes.

Kiara smiled and picked her up by her scruff and carried her off with Kovu, Kion and Hasari following. By the time they made it to Pride Rock, the sky as dark and all the pride members were in the den, preparing for the night ahead.

Already Jelani, Kamaria, Avana and Tishala were in the den. Vitani was giving Tishala a bath and some of the other cubs were already asleep with their parents. Muuaji, Mkali, Nia, Haraka and Siri were also asleep since they had to rise early tomorrow morning to get started on border patrols.

Kiara and Kovu went to their corner and Kiara put Mila on the floor for a minute. She took Jelani and give him a quick bath, followed by Kamaria. Mila was asleep, in an attempt not to wake her, Kiara had to be extra careful when bathing her.

Once done she laid on her side and Kamaria and Jelani gathered close to get and closed their eyes. Kovu put Mila next to her siblings and gathered close to Kiara, their combined warmth providing an invisible blanket for their cubs.

"Goodnight sweetheart," Kovu murmured, kissing Kiara on her cheeks. "I love you baby, so much."
"Goodnight my darling, I love you too," Kiara whispered as she reached over and passionately licked Kovu's muzzle.

With their cubs fast asleep and the den filled with soft moans and yawns of their sleeping pride, Kiara and Kovu close their eyes and seeped into the comforting darkness of the night.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2021 ⏰

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