Love and family

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Kiara sat on the peak of Pride Rock watching into the savannah where the setting sun was shining the last of its rays into the savannah. The herds were slowly departing and the birds were tucking themselves and their young ones into their nests for the cold night ahead. The hunting party would leave in a little while to hunt dinner and then everyone would retire for the night.

"Is Kovu back with Jelani yet?" Nala asked as she walked up to Kiara and took a seat, gazing into the horizon.
"No not yet, I suppose they're on their way," Kiara replied.
"It was nice for them to get away and have a father-son outing," Nala said with a sigh.

"Yes it was nice, I wonder what they're doing?" Kiara wondered.
"Simba was deprived of the paternal love he would have gotten from Mufasa as a cub, maybe that's why he wanted Kovu to spend time with Jelani. The father-son bond is just as important as the mother-daughter bond. And vice versa," Nala said.

Kiara was just about to reply when Kovu came onto the platform with Jelani  on his back.
"There you are we were worried," Kiara said as she walked up to her mate and nuzzled him affectionately.
"Rephrase that sentence. You were missing me," Kovu smirked.

"Dad I'm gonna go see Kamaria and Mila," Jelani declared as he slid off Kovu's back and ran into the den.
"I'm going to organize the hunting party, I'll catch you two later," Nala said winking at Kiara who blushed when she caught her mother's eye.

When Nala was gone Kovu pushed Kiara down on her back and climbed on top of her, his emerald green eyes mischievous.
"Kovu not here, not now," she whispered.
"Why not? We're the King and Queen, we can do as we please," Kovu said as he bent his head and sensually licked her neck.

"True, but if someone comes out here and sees us, what'll happen?" Kiara asked distractedly.
"I don't know and neither do I care. You're my wife and if I want to pleasure you out in the open I'll do just that," Kovu scoffed.
"Babe...can we at least go somewhere private? Please I don't want anyone to see us like this," Kiara begged.

"Ugh fine," Kovu said in annoyance as he removed himself from over her and walked to the steps with Kiara following.
"Mommy! Daddy! We're you going?" Mila came running out of the den with Kamaria and Jelani behind her. Kovu groaned and rubbed his paw across his face.

"Mommy and Daddy are going to take care of some business kids, go and relax in the den we'll be back soon," Kiara said sweetly.
"Are you going to have some alone time?" Kamaria asked.
"That's got nothing to do with you kids," Kovu said.
"Yes it does, we have to know of our parents whereabouts, it's our right," Mila said smiling.

"Why don't you kids go and play with Tishala and Avana hmm? I'm sure they'd love to play with you," Kiara said as to distract her inquisitive cubs so she and Kovu could get away.
"But we spent so long playing with them," Kamaria stated.
"Well go ask Grandma Diana to tell you a story,"
"She's asleep. And so is Grandpa Eboney,"

"Okay fine! I'll make a little deal with you kids, if you leave me and your mother alone and let us have our alone time without interruptions, I'll take you with me when I'm on Kingly duties tomorrow. I have to walk around and do some practice runs and  remark the territory," Kovu made the offer as tempting and intriguing as possible. To his relief the cubs rose to the bait.

"You got yourself a deal. Okay we'll leave, have fun," Jelani said as he and his sisters ran off into the den leaving their parents there. Kovu turned to Kiara and nodded towards the steps. She smiled and walked down the steps, her tail flicking in the air, teasing and tempting him. When she was sure he was right behind her she raised her tail up and touched his nose.

"Stop teasing me baby," Kovu said lowly.
"Why should I? Am I making you uncomfortable?" Kiara whispered seductively as she stepped onto the ground and walked into the cave where she and Kovu would usually make love in when they were too anxious to walk the extra mile. Too anxious to walk another step without ravaging each other.

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