Act 3: Burger Challenge

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Scene 1:

It's the next day, and also September 1st. The King family had breakfast together, and then it was time for school. Corey, Catrina and Sam took the bus to school, while Stewart rode the ATV, and they all got there at the same time. It's still early. Corey and Stewart then separate from Catrina and Sam, and begin looking for Simon and Mandy, and Molly and Scott, respectively. Right now, they're walking, when they see Nicola, by herself.

Corey: Oh my god, she's here.

Stewart: What you waiting for, fuggin? Go talk to her.

Corey: What, now?

Stewart: Of course.

Corey: I can't go talk to her now. I have to wait for the right moment.

Stewart: Ah, yes, the right moment. If I had a cent for every guy who wastes time, waiting for the right moment, I'd be rich enough to buy a ghost town, and name it "fugginville". Be honest with yourself, fuggin. Will there ever be a right moment?

Corey: Well, I guess... Not?

Stewart: There you have it. No moment is the right moment. Every man goes through this, in life. You wanna get the girl of your dreams, you gotta have some fucking balls. There's no other way. So stop waiting, and go talk to her.

Corey: And what do I say?

Stewart: Just say hi, or something. Do some small talk.

Corey: Alright, then. I'm gonna go talk to her. (deep breath) I'm gonna grow some balls, and talk to her.

Stewart: Go for it!

Corey: If my old, introverted self saw this, he'd freak out.

Stewart: Don't waste your time with throwbacks, just go!

Corey: Alright. Here we go!

[Corey gains the courage, and walks up to her, in full confidence]

Corey: H-hi. I'm Corey.

Nicola: Oh, hi Corey. I'm Nicola, nice to meet you.

Corey: Nice to meet you too.

Nicola: By the way, I think it was really brave of you, to stand up to Razor like that. It's about time more people started giving him a taste of his own medicine.

Corey: Oh, well, that's what I'm here for. To end his reign of terror.

[Gia and Ciara show up]

Nicola: I gotta go, but it was nice talking to you.

Corey: Yeah, it was nice talking to you too.

[Nicola jois Gia and Ciara, and then waves. The three of them leave, and now Corey is left with a smug smile on his face. Simon and Mandy show up]

Corey: Hey!

Simon: Hold on, what's with that smile?

Corey: I just talked to Nicola.

Mandy: And?

Corey: And I just talked to my crush for the very first time. It's a huge deal!

Simon: Look at him, making progress on day 2 already. How did it go?

Corey: Well, it was only for a few seconds, but she called me brave. First time I talk to my crush, and this happens.

[Corey's stomach growls]

Mandy: Okay, what was that? Sounded like a dinosaur.

Corey: It's just me. I'm still a bit hungry, apparently.

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