Chapter Six

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I cry silently into my pillow.

Why doesn't he love me? Who is this other girl?

I get up and grab my computer. I browse through Netflix and after about 10 minutes I finally choose The Vow.

Everything just reminds me of Niall, and I cry. A lot. Once the movie is over I realize I'm actually hungry. I tip toe down the stairs to get Oreos and Ruffles, and I eat every last crumb.

I roll over and face my mirror that hangs on the wall. I look like a mess.

My hair is knotted and sticking up, and my makeup has run so much I don't even look human anymore. No wonder Niall broke up with me.

I burst into tears again. I did everything I could to be the best, and my boyfriend leaves me for a loser?

I take a deep breath. That other girl cannot be better than me. Who even is she?

The only way for me to find out is to go to prom myself.

I fix my make up and slip on some sweats. I pull my hair into a bun and grab my phone. I climb out my window, carefully walking along the garage roof. I get to the oak tree and jump down, running as fast as I can to my car. I quickly hop in, putting my keys in the ignition. I start driving toward the school.

I'm not going into the prom, duh. Who would go to prom in sweats and a hoodie? I'm just going to stake out and watch for Niall too see who he comes with.

I check Twitter, retweeting a few tweets when I hear the sound of a car and I look up. Here come some kids arriving in Limos. I grab my binoculars.

It's really dark, and I squint as a figure gets out of the black limo. It's Charlotte- with Zayn and Niall. Why is Niall still with them? Why didn't Charlotte tell him to leave? I look more closely at Niall. It's hard to tell, but his bow tie doesn't look the same color as my dress. I groan as they walk inside. Well, Zayn is Niall's best friend. But where is the other girl he was talking about? I stay there watching for a little bit longer then leave. I drive around town for a while, not sure where to go since my family thinks I'm at prom. I wipe my eyes, smearing my mascara even more. Funny, I didn't even notice I was crying until now.

I decide to stop at PizzaHut and order a small pizza for myself. As I wait for it, I see a mop of curly brown hair come out of the kitchen.

"Large pizza with everything on it!" Harry shouts. A big man comes forward and takes it from him.

He heads back into the kitchen, probably to grab the next pizza, which should be mine.

"Small pepperoni pizza!" Harry yells. Oh my god. This is really embarrassing. I pull my hood up and push my hair over my face. I walk up and take the pizza from him.


I cough and he smirks.
"Thank you," I say in a deep voice and mentally slap myself. What is wrong with me? I look like a girl, even under this hoodie.

"Bye, Abby," he waves. I give up the act and wave back.

"Bye, Harry."

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