Chapter Sixteen

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Just to be clear, Harry dies every night at 11:11.


When I hear my alarm clock go off, I scream out of frustration.

Yesterday was the best day of my life. Now I have to start over. Harry doesn't remember anything about last night. He doesn't remember getting ice cream, kissing, me staying over. Sam doesn't remember how I cooked him macaroni...

And I'm still friends with Charlotte.

I text her right away.

I don't need a ride this morning.

She replies almost instantly.

Why not?

Because I'm driving myself.

Don't u want ur donut ;)

I roll my eyes. No, I don't want my donut you boyfriend stealing bitch.

No thx

Omg!! R u sick??

No I'm just driving myself.


I miss Harry. He's all I can think about right now. Harry, Harry, Harry.

I get dressed in the same thing I wore yesterday- no one will notice, right?

I tell my mom that I'm driving myself today, grab her keys, and get into the silver van. Then I pull out of the driveway and try to find Harry's house.

After multiple turns, I finally find his house. I jump out of the car and knock on his door. A woman that I recognize as Harry's mum answers the door.

"Hello? Can I help you?" She asks, smiling at me.

"Er... Yeah. Is Harry here?"

"No, I'm sorry sweetie. He works the first shift at PizzaHut on Fridays. Do you go to his school? He should be there for first period," She tilts her head sideways.

"Oh, okay. Yeah, I'm in his art class. I just... I wanted to ask him something," I look down.

"Okay. Well, it's nice to see Harry finally making friends," she says. I nod and wave bye.

I get back into my car and pull out my phone.

"Call 'Niall Horan'," I tell Siri.

"Hey, babe. What's up?" He answers the phone with that Irish accent I love- or, used to love?

"We're done."

"W-what?" He stutters.

"I know you're with Charlotte. We're done," I say as I pull into the school parking lot.

"But- but how did you find out? Who told you?" I let out a sigh. No one told me, I found out yesterday, a day you don't even remember.

"Niall, you're a jerk. There's nothing else to say."


"I'm at school. Gotta go," I hang up. I open the car door and head to my locker.

"Hey, Abby. You okay?" Charlotte leans against the locker next to mine.

"I really don't want to talk to you right now," I slam my locker door closed and walk past her.

"Wait, what? Why?" She exclaims.

"Well, you know, I don't want to be friends with a girl who goes behind my back and sleeps with my boyfriend," I spit. She gasps and squints her eyes at me. Then she spins on her heel and struts down the hall, pushing freshman into lockers. I giggle and skip down the hall to art class, excited to see Harry again.

I get all my things ready and sit down on my stool. Looking around to make sure the teachers not looking, I pull out my phone to check the time. 9:05. Harry usually get here around 9:40.

I mindlessly paint my picture of the pond, my thoughts ranging from 'I wish Charlotte and I were still friends' to 'can I go smash her face with a brick please?' Finally, I hear the sound of a door opening and my heart soars.

I resist the urge to jump up and run into his arms. Instead, I wait for him to take a seat next to me.

"I like your painting," Harry says, sitting down next to me. I smile, remembering that's what he said the first Friday.

"Thanks," I tell him.

He starts to paint his paint his sunset and I look over, still amazed by it.

"It's beautiful," I say, glancing at him. He seems startled by what I said.

"Why thank you, Abby," he smirks.

I leave to put away my things, trying to work up the courage to ask him something I had been planning all morning.

I come back and take a deep breath.

"Do you... Can you meet me by the vending machines at lunch?" I blurt.

He looks shocked for a moment, then breaks into a cheeky grin.

"I was just about to ask you the same thing," he laughs.

"Maybe I can read your mind," I giggle.

"Let's hope not, or you'll ruin the surprise," he winks. I shrug and the bell rings.

"See you," I wave bye and he waves back. I can't wait for lunch.

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