Chapter Ten

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I spend the rest of the day trying to understand why I was having a do-over day.

I sigh, looking at the clock. Mr. Garrison is lecturing us about saving the planet. I already heard it once, why do I have to hear it again?

I gasp without meaning to. It's 11:11. Last night, I made a wish at 11:11, to fix everything. Maybe God is giving me a second chance.

The bell rings and I jump up.

"Where are you going so fast?" Charlotte asks me.

"Um, I'm meeting someone," I tell her. She wiggles her eyebrows at me but doesn't say any more.

I rush up to the vending machines and I see Harry standing there.

"So, you wanted to talk to me?" I ask him. He nods.

"Yeah, I uh, I was wondering," he look around us at the crowd gather.

"Doyouwanttogotopromwithme?" He asks, giving me the roses.

"Harry, I-" I'm about to say yes when I remember something. Niall hasn't broken up with me yet. Maybe he won't break up with me today.

"I can't. I'm, uh. I have a boyfriend, his name is Niall, and I'm going with him," I say.

"He's a douche," Harry mutters.

I know, Harry.

"But I love the roses, thank you," I smile and he gives a small smile back.

I eat lunch with Charlotte, go to gym, then English. I run out of school as soon as the bell rings- I don't want to go to Charlotte's house today.

I get in my car and call her.

"Hi, Charlotte," I say into my phone.

"Hey, Abs. What's up?" She asks.

"Um, I think I'm going to get ready at my house, if that's okay?" I tell her. The other end goes silent, and I think she hung up, but then she says "Oh. Alright. I'll see you and Niall at Stan's Place?"

A small lump forms in my throat.

You'll see Niall, but you won't see me.

"Yup." I say.

"Ok. Bye."

I hit end and drive home.

I run upstairs and throw myself into my bed. I don't want to go to prom tonight. I'm going to stay in bed watching chick flicks.

I open Netflix, and my phone rings. I know it's Niall.


"Hey, Abby."


"I, um, just wanted to tell you that I'm not going to prom."

I sigh.

"Look, Niall. We both know you're trying to break up with me, right?"


"Well let's just call it over, okay?"

"Yeah, sure. Okay. Great. Um, bye," he says.

I just hang up.

And I start crying again.

I end up watching Mean Girls, White Chicks, and The Notebook. I'm not sure what time I fall asleep, but I dream about a certain boy with curly brown hair, dimples, and the greenest eyes you could imagine.

Anonymous POV:

I watch the boy with curly hair and headphones in his ears walk out the doors. He heads down the street, head down, hands in his pockets. He begins to walk across the street, not noticing a Ford pick up truck speeding down the road. I hear a horn blaring and a loud thump, and he's gone.

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